Dungeon siege 2

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Dungeon siege 2 - Aug 31, 2005 17:49
Okay so i got the game in my mail yesterday,i been playing like crazy
and gonna upload some pic tomorrow,but as it been now,i can just say that the game is somewhat dissapointing.
First of all; you cant choose difficulty at the start,you have to take merchenary,and on that level you can only have 4 characters,and to get 5 you need to finish the game then play it on veteran to be able to.
And to get 6(which is the max too) you need to finish the game on merchenary+veteran that alone is about 80-100 hours i heard,to start on elite to play with 6 characters...

Its really bad playing with only fourth characters,when you meet new people you can check their stats but if you doesnt let them in your party they leave to the inn.
Also if you change then suddenly that character you had and all his euqipment are gone with him.

Its very annoying meeting a new character on the road,to just know,if i take him,then one of my other will be gone in soem town,when your in a dungeon or forest...i mean if you wanna change back.
And also on the road,you find very very much loot,and you never know to keep it or not,you always end up with so much that u can get new things,and have to throw out some stuff.

The enchant in the game is a joke,basically the worse weapons in the game can be enhcnated to be almost as good as the others you find in the game,if this is just to help people in MP co-op i dont know.

Also the dialos between you and your friend is retarded...
like everytime it happend( a dialog showed up) outside a town,my team just stand still and the enemy is almost like 5 m from me when it happends,and i cant move my man,so i have to fast forward the whole dialog so its so complete useless to even have those.

And this is how the dialogs looks like most of the time,when they arnt more then 3-5 sentance and you have to fastforward them in panic or else your whole team is dead.

Giant: huh,big forest...

Dryad women: yeah

Giant: lets keep moving i wanna hurry.

Dryad women:Okay.

.... :S

But still,the action in the game is very fun and the new skills+tech tree is very good made.
basically you have like a gauge meter,that fills up the more you hit enemies and when its full you can unleash a special attack that you gain by chosing paths in your tech tree.
Its crazy seeing a half giant in your team doing a spin with a big 2h mace killing every thing around him and just see all the blood splash ,or see special ice magic splatter up horde of enemies with your nature magician.
And the graphic is quite nice.
But the lack of challenge and more then 4 characters is there to remind me non stop.
me outside some elf forest.

anyway i guess kikzo gonna review the game soon,so i wont even bother give it a score,the fights are fun and fast,but you really miss out not having more then 4 characters you feel very restricted,and it pains you to leave all the new characters in the game that you meet because you dont wanna take a chance inside a dungeon,and the people in the tavern doesnt level up as you do,and you shouldn' t have to be able to finish the game 2 times to get 6 characters...

If you liked dungeon siege 1 you might even dislike the 2nd.and if you disliked the first one,you gonna hate the 2nd.

This is why i dont buy games who get under 9 in average i should have learned my lesson.

Hopefully a patch come and fixes all these problems in the game...
I really ask people to reconsider your choice if you wanted to buy this game,if you have much money and love fantasy you might think its okay...i dont know if i should finish the game or not :S

Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

Adam Doree
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RE: Dungeon siege 2 - Sep 02, 2005 19:20
We are definitely interested to hear what the rest of you guys think about Dungeon Siege 2 so far or if you' ve been interested in getting hold of it? We' re doing a competition for the game starting on Monday and some other stuff as well so just hit back in this thread if you' ve been following the title, or have any questions etc...