It is a super computer. Whether you want to believe it or not, it is. Scientists agree. The teraflop range is where things are considered super computers. It' s not a high end super computer, but it is a super computer. Again, where are you going to find a PC anywhere near thos specs? No where because it' s not out yet because it' s to pricy for the market yet.
It' s not to expensive. It just isn' t. You can complain and moan, but it isn' t. The extras like the contrllers, I agree are getting to be a little much. a wireless controller should not cost what they are advertising. The console itself though is a great deal. $400 is not a lot for what you are getting, it' s a steal. MS even gives you the option to buy the machine for $300. If you complain about that not having the HD, compare it to thePS2. The PS2 didn' t have a HD and you had to buy a memory card. I think the memory cards were like $35. That' s only $5 less than a 360 memory card and the 360 card is much bigger. So far the core 360 package is running at the same price in almost every aspect as the PS2 at launch yet you are complaining which is BS. The console is so much more powerful than a PS2. It' s so much more powerful than anything out. If you compare the 360 directly to the same state of the market when the PS2 came out the 360 is much better in every aspect other than the extras. The PS2 didn' t have the features, it wasn' t more powerful than the computers at the time, and so on...
The complaining is old and not valid. Complain about the controllers. Even the prices of the games have come back down to $50 bucks for next gen games on EB.Go look for yourself. there are a few exceptions (DOA3, PD0 LE), but most have come down. That means the only thing left to complain about is the HD (which I have already agreed is too expensive simply because it' s only a 20 gig), and the wirelss controllers. Other than that the price of the 360 is basically no different than last generaton.
*edit- here' s even more*
The premimium package comes with numerous extras too, not just the HD. It comes with a remote(which you' d have to buy extra this gen), it comes with a headset(which you' d have to buy extra this gen), it comes with a ethernet cord(which you' d have to buy extra this gen), it comes with more advanced cables(which this gen you can' t find coming with the console package and they are more expensive on the side), and a wireless controller(does nintendo even offer the wireless controller included with any GC package?). You are getting a lot of equipment for that $100. MS is saving you a butt load with that package.
If you can' t see that costs really aren' t rising after reading all that then you have some serious flaws in your logic. I' m not trying to be offensive but seriously, it' s all laid out.
< Message edited by Rampage99 -- 26 Aug 05 19:25:50 >
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99
" Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day
