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when were games at their best?
Aug 23, 2005 02:24
This is obviously strictly for the older members of this forum or at least those who were behind the times and grew up with a less modern console. The question is, were games better when they were more simplistic in nature or do you prefer the deeper games of today? I personally think games are better than ever, but do enjoy playing simplistic games like Streets of Rage for example.
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RE: when were games at their best?
Aug 23, 2005 06:09
I really miss a lot of the classics. Old school games like Centipede and other really old school shooters had me hooked for hours. I can' t remember almost any of my Atari games. My parents have them all boxed up hidden somewhere. I also really liked the days of the Genesis. Streets of Rage, Golden Axe, Sonic, Vector Man, NBA Jam (BOOM SHAKKA LAKKA!), and numerous others were just a blast. The NES pumped out a bunch of classics as well. God, the Mario/Duck Hunt combo is still one of the all time greatest things ever. It was insanely fun. Then the TMNT games rocked my world too. Those were some fine times. These days I really lke the evolution of graphics and the much deeper story lines. gameplay has also evolved fairly well. It' s sad to see games like sonic get lost in the transition of 2d to 3d.It' s so dissapointing that sometimes I wish we would have just stuck to the 2d games ( I can hear Terry cheering already). the thing I really like about games now though is that you can actually beat them. Beating a game back on the Genesis seemed damn near impossible just because yiou couldn' t save. I remember spending an entire day just trying to beat Sonic 2. I still haven' t beat that game. I' ve beaten all the other Genesis sonics but that one just seems to elude me. Honestly, I' m not sure which ones I like more. I guess I' ll say the current gen but those old school games will never really be outdone.
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RE: when were games at their best?
Aug 23, 2005 06:35
NES and PS1 days.... I liked all those retro games for the NES. And those awesome games for the PS that blew everybody away like Tekken, GT and FFVII.
" Nintendo' s an innovator, Sony' s an imitator." Yet, for some reason, it' s Sony that gets all the credit.
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RE: when were games at their best?
Aug 23, 2005 07:13
NES and PS1 days.... I liked all those retro games for the NES. And those awesome games for the PS that blew everybody away like Tekken, GT and FFVII. and Syphon Filter.
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RE: when were games at their best?
Aug 23, 2005 07:25
When your mind was at it' s youngest.
Joe Redifer
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RE: when were games at their best?
Aug 23, 2005 11:15
16-bit days! Those were the days when companies kept striving tomake games better and better. Today it' s very complacent. Most games look the same.
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RE: when were games at their best?
Aug 23, 2005 11:22
I agree with hidejo kojima:" I like those old days when games was made from a good idea,now its just sequal and marketing... Just take a look at a hollywood movie there is just emptiness afterwards,so with sequals and marketing games. I miss the time when you really feelt stunned,and happy after playing something. Thats why i did not want to make MGS3 or have anything to do with it or MGS4."
< Message edited by QuezcatoL -- 23 Aug 05 19:25:23 >
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: when were games at their best?
Aug 23, 2005 11:30
I' m not against sequals but i think instead of doing 2-3 games,why not make 1 sequal that you really put efford into?! Why not wait with a game,instead of sell it just because of the name of first title? Yes i know every company first priority is being money making but i just wish this changed,so we can get those amazing games... There is already to many games out there when they could have waited and made greater games...
< Message edited by QuezcatoL -- 23 Aug 05 19:31:38 >
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: when were games at their best?
Aug 23, 2005 11:37
Metal Gear Solid Metal Gear Solid (Gamecube) Metal Gear Solid 2 Metal Gear Solid 2 Substance Metal Gear Solid 3 Metal Gear Solid 3 Substance Metal Gear Solid 4 I think Hideo should practice what he preach. Turning 4 sequels into 7 games seems like spamming the market to me.
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RE: when were games at their best?
Aug 23, 2005 11:49
Remember that gamecube version was made with shigeru,and as a thank you to Nintendo,Metal gear serie started on Nintendo. Also he said i was gonna leave MGS serie after the 2nd : i was never gonna do mgs3,but my colleges could not make the game and feelt insecure with the djungel enviroment. So he said he took up the role to make the game,but then defintly quit making MGS game after the 3rd,but then 1000 of mails came in from fans,saying they dont want to see a Metal gear without hidejo,so the company got nervous,and they convinced him to make the game or they would be really concern on how the sales would be without him. But hidejo said he is doing the game with some of his people he see gonna take over the role so he can start with new game project,and he added:" then after mgs4 finally my fans can feel safe and not feeling worried that im not doing the other games" . Will the fans be sad and demand him to do the 5th too? probably,but then mayby he already started with his new project so he probably cant respond to that. Also remember that MGS2 substance was a great way to let the xbox owners get something extra,instead of just a ps2 port of the game. And mayby MGS3 come to xbox too... Also we have to remember it was konami who gaved kojima a chance at the company,he probably dislike the idea,but we really dont know how importent those games are for konami... Mayby the company really need to make those to afford making new projects...
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: when were games at their best?
Aug 23, 2005 12:28
The games from yester-year were awesome in their own right. Games like Pirates Gold! set a standard for open-ended gaming that had not been matched until more recent times. And all those arcade-to-console remakes like Donkey Kong, Pacman, Galaga, Galaxian, Joust, and Did Dug that keep one playing for hours on end! However, these games are good for shorter periods of time, as none of them offer save-points. So, all you progress is basically lost once you power-down the console - a not-so-good aspect. Today' s game suffer from the opposite end of the spectrum...they can be quite innovative, beautiful to look at, deep, and play quite well...but many just seem to lack the attractiveness to pick-up-and-play. The top-sellers, like Halo, are always gonna interest gamers. But, how many people bought Serious Sam? Serious Sam has as good a storyline, a similar control scheme and basic play requirements as that of Halo, but SS offers new expanded environments, more varied on-screen enemies, bigger bosses, an awesome variety of weapons, plus humor. Some of the best modern games are not big sellers. Why? Because the masses just don' t look for innovation...they want it thrown in their faces, kicked up their arses, and whatever other ways you can think to make them aware of the BIG titles. The games today are no more innovative than their ancestors. In many cases, the newer games couldn' t hold a candle to the fun experienced playing those run-and-jump titles of yester-year. They just approach gaming from a different angle...
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RE: when were games at their best?
Aug 23, 2005 15:58
First of all, market demands SUCK! With that being said... Of course games were innovative when the market was in it' s infancy. That' s the point! I think nowadays it' s very difficult for developers to come up with ideas that push the envelope. There are some gems out there, though. Splinter Cell was innovative when it came out, and Fable tried to stretch the boundaries of RPGs. Personally, I appreciate games more NOW than I did when I was younger. Don' t get me wrong; nothing will ever replace Duck Hunt, Castlevania, Actraiser and the like, but I love gaming now more than I ever did in the past. I' m always excited about what' s next!
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RE: when were games at their best?
Aug 27, 2005 14:06
Most people will like the games best that they grew up with as a child. For me that would be C-64/Amiga and Mega Drive/SNES games. It' s kind of sad that some genres are almost dying. I loved Maniac Mansion and Zak McKracken - well all of the classic point and click adventures (MI 1-3 too of course). Currently I am involved with a fan project for Zak2, doing the in-game animations and some character animations as well... I miss classic jump and runs! I love Sonic, everytime I start a game of Sonic2 I play at least until " Oil Ocean Zone" sometimes even finish it, I just love that game. Sonic2 is the best Sonic to date IMO. But there were just too many bad jump and runs that flooded the market. Btw. If it weren' t for Maniac Mansion I might have never learned english as good as I have... I' m not a native speaker.
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RE: when were games at their best?
Aug 27, 2005 14:33
I have awesome memories of AMIGA but PSX is where it rocked my world for good and Dreamcast just kicked my ass.I' m still lovin' SNES MARIO games (and I' m lovin them on my XBOX :) ). PSX DC N64 These where the times of true classics that stand the test of time while being quite complex :)
Terry Bogard
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RE: when were games at their best?
Aug 27, 2005 14:41
I found games to be ultra cool during the golden age of Arcade gaming.
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
Naked Snake
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RE: when were games at their best?
Aug 27, 2005 15:00
Just love egoshooters. Sportgames suck... I like FF too.
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RE: when were games at their best?
Aug 27, 2005 16:19
I found games to be ultra cool during the golden age of Arcade gaming. Since arcades are 18+ yrs in germany you don' t find many... I remember when I was 18 I went to an arcade close to where I live and played Daytona USA for the first time! I WAS TOTALLY BLOWN AWAY!!! I always wanted to have that arcade cabinet at home since then!
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RE: when were games at their best?
Aug 27, 2005 19:19
When your mind was at it' s youngest. I agree totally with that. It' s the nostalgia factor. Kids growing up in our current generation will look back on Xbox, PS2, and GC with the same fondness that I have when look back on countless games made before 1995. Edit: The SNES had an awesome array of classic RPG' s that I loved. I look back on that time with much fondness.
< Message edited by UnluckyOne -- 28 Aug 05 3:22:37 >