Terry Bogard
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Who' s getting Nintendogs?
Aug 20, 2005 09:21
I' m definitely getting it. The game just seems too cute to miss out on, lol. I' m wondering though, when it comes time to give the puppy a bath, can I just throw the entire DS unit into the bath tub and scrub the entire unit OR is it something more anal and nitpicky like having to use the stylus and touch screen to do so?
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: Who' s getting Nintendogs?
Aug 20, 2005 09:58
Terry, i' m serious with you, i hate Nintendogs... I would never buy such a game.
Terry Bogard
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RE: Who' s getting Nintendogs?
Aug 20, 2005 09:59
How can you hate a game you' ve never played?
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: Who' s getting Nintendogs?
Aug 20, 2005 11:21
I have no plans on getting it. Then again I don' t won a DS and don' t plan on getting one so... yeah.
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RE: Who' s getting Nintendogs?
Aug 20, 2005 11:32
are you serious, a game where you wash the dog? nintendos bombing, man. they are trapped in a flaming mass of wreckage with no hope of escape, besides of course another pokemon game. the kids love the pokemon. nintendo, are you listening?
Chee Saw
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RE: Who' s getting Nintendogs?
Aug 20, 2005 12:43
ORIGINAL: J_Dizzle nintendo, are you listening? Probably not. You have to remember J_Dizzle, these are the types of games that sell to a mass market. Look at the sims. I don' t really know any hardcore gamers that have it, but it' s one of the best selling games of all time. Why? Because everbody else bought it! Women; children; Terry. Ok, I don' t know if Terry bought it, but still...
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RE: Who' s getting Nintendogs?
Aug 20, 2005 12:52
I woudn' t get it even if I had a DS. It' s cute, but it looks SO boring... [:' (]
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Aug 20, 2005 12:55
<message edited by cpsethgt on Apr 30, 2012 05:29>
Terry Bogard
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RE: Who' s getting Nintendogs?
Aug 20, 2005 13:08
I don' t really know any hardcore gamers that have it, but it' s one of the best selling games of all time. Why? Because everbody else bought it! Women; children; Terry. Ok, I don' t know if Terry bought it, but still... lol, I' ve never played The Sims. I' ve watched someone play some of the games from the series for a minute or two and I always left to play something else immediately after, something way more action-packed. Me getting Nintendogs is probably more curiosity than genuine interest on my part it would seem. I' ve always passed on the whole virtual pet thing. I played Sea------man for the Dreamcast for a few minutes and I was done with the game forever. With Nintendogs, I definitely don' t see the game holding my interest for too long, but I' m still willing to give it a try. Plus I tend to invest a lot more time in portable games than I would in similar-styled console games so if there' s anything to be gained from the Nintendogs experience, I' ll definitely be able to appreciate it more on the DS.
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
Chee Saw
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RE: Who' s getting Nintendogs?
Aug 20, 2005 14:31
ORIGINAL: cpsethgt It' s regarded as a ' killer title' for the DS, but I see it as nothing more than a Tamagotchi with 3D graphics. I' ll never understand people. I think that' s EXACTLY the point. Tamagotchi was HUGE (in Japan, anyways). You have to realize that the best selling games there (Japan) are vastly different than the ones here (U.S., Europe). Now they' re looking for market penetration for the " Tamagotchi" titles here. I WOULD like to see Nintendogs in action. I doubt if it would hold my interest for long, though. So Terry, you play more with portable games than consoles? Is it like a " lounging around the house" thing, or a " playing games at work" thing? Lord know if they had FFX on PSP right now, I' d get it in a heartbeat! Then it would be a " neglect all social interaction, wherever I' m at" thing!
Terry Bogard
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RE: Who' s getting Nintendogs?
Aug 20, 2005 14:57
So Terry, you play more with portable games than consoles? Is it like a " lounging around the house" thing, or a " playing games at work" thing? Lord know if they had FFX on PSP right now, I' d get it in a heartbeat! Then it would be a " neglect all social interaction, wherever I' m at" thing! I find that I' ll invest more time in a lot of portable games than I would their console counterparts. Take Castlevania: Circle of the Moon for the GameBoy Advance for example, I finished that game twice and was on my third playthrough on the GBA, whereas had the same game been available for a console I don' t think I would have even bothered finishing it once. Other examples are the Fire Pro Wrestling games for the GBA, I played those games Every day for almost an entire year before I finally put them aside for a while. I would have never invested even a quarter of that time to a console version. I play portable games just about every where I go. At home, work, during my long bus, train, or ferry rides home or to work, in a movie theatre before a movie starts, or just about in any bathroom or restroom I' m in and I just so happen to have my PSP with me.
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 20 Aug 05 22:59:25 >
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
Jason Zeidan
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RE: Who' s getting Nintendogs?
Aug 20, 2005 16:21
I enjoy my DS hordes more than my Xbox, GC and PS2. And yes, I' m buying Nintendogs. I can' t wait for that game!!! I already pre-ordered it at EB, and I' m totally excited. I' m getting the Dachshund and Friends, because I used to have a Golden Retriever named Murphy who died three years ago, and I want my own little version of him. You know, I can' t understand anybody not liking Nintendogs. If you have a heart, you' ll crack a smile, or at least an ' awww' when you see your special pup do one of your tricks. Too cool, people; too cool... In my head, this isn' t a game. It' s like buying three dogs for thirty bucks, with all the cuteness and intelligence of a real dog, but without the special presents in your house. And you can turn them on and off anytime you like. How can anybody hate that? Enough with the shooting games; get yourself a virtual pup!!
< Message edited by Jason Zeidan -- 21 Aug 05 0:25:22 >
" Nintendo' s an innovator, Sony' s an imitator." Yet, for some reason, it' s Sony that gets all the credit.
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RE: Who' s getting Nintendogs?
Aug 20, 2005 17:56
Nintendogs....Maybe i should try too I like dogs but they always wet the carpet
Jason Zeidan
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RE: Who' s getting Nintendogs?
Aug 20, 2005 19:35
Your vitual pet won' t!!!! Nintendogs. $29.99. Buy it. Play it. Love it. Embrace it.
" Nintendo' s an innovator, Sony' s an imitator." Yet, for some reason, it' s Sony that gets all the credit.
George Foreman
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RE: Who' s getting Nintendogs?
Aug 20, 2005 20:20
NAW.... that commercial turned me off. Commercials ruin everything except for that one with Snoop playing golf. He made me want to invest in a $300 club and join the golf club. But, I' m getting Advance Wars and depending on the reviews I might get Pac N' Roll.
Jason Zeidan
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RE: Who' s getting Nintendogs?
Aug 20, 2005 21:10
Don' t buy Nintendo games based on the company' s commercials, THEY SUCK. Look at the Gamespot video review for Nintendogs; trust me, you' ll want that game. And so I repeat: Nintendogs. $29.99. Buy it. Play it. Love it. Embrace it.
" Nintendo' s an innovator, Sony' s an imitator." Yet, for some reason, it' s Sony that gets all the credit.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Who' s getting Nintendogs?
Aug 20, 2005 22:49
I will get Nintendogs. I play portable games just about every where I go. At home, work, during my long bus, train, or ferry rides home or to work, in a movie theatre before a movie starts, or just about in any bathroom or restroom I' m in and I just so happen to have my PSP with me. How can you play it when you are in the bathroom? Don' t you need both hands to play? Remind me never to touch your PSP!
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 21 Aug 05 6:50:07 >
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RE: Who' s getting Nintendogs?
Aug 25, 2005 11:20
I will get a DS just for Nintendogs, and for Sonic Rush, which would have made me buy a DS anyways. I checked some " gameplay" movies and was overwhelmed by the cuteness of that game. Some gamers just judge a game by how cool it is, but thats just not me. Everyone who thinks it' s too cute can go have some senseless violence in GTA (which, btw, I don' t like). I really liked Seaman, I had some good conversations with that strange guy!
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RE: Who' s getting Nintendogs?
Aug 25, 2005 14:19
My main questions are How long will it last? How many other people will you find in Bark mode? Will I be done by Animal Cruelty if it dies/I forget to feed/smack? Will it go to cyber heaven and join Dizzy and all the Sonic animals? or will it go to hell and join Dante, Shadowman and Bowser (Ebil..EBIL!!!)? How long will it take nintendo to make Nintencats, Nintenbadgers or Nintenslug? Am I just going to get a super, delux, full 3d version of this game for the Revolution? Will I end up with Nintendogs 64 Kart Racing Edition 360? Answers on the back of a small dog. (Preferably a Pug)
Jason Zeidan
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RE: Who' s getting Nintendogs?
Aug 25, 2005 19:53
.....uh... well I don' t know about all that, but nintendogs never die. They get grumpy and agitated, but they don' t die. If only I can say the same thing about Nintendo itself....
" Nintendo' s an innovator, Sony' s an imitator." Yet, for some reason, it' s Sony that gets all the credit.
Terry Bogard
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RE: Who' s getting Nintendogs?
Aug 25, 2005 20:06
Nintendogs do die, in order to kill them all you have to do is wipe out their save file
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Who' s getting Nintendogs?
Aug 25, 2005 22:15
I have Nintendogs. There isn' t much to do in the game. You can only enter 3 contests a day (that' s a real human day, literally) an the only thing you can do in between contests is go for countless walks (but only 1 every half hour, real time), shampoo your dog, teach it some tricks and rub its genitalia.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 26 Aug 05 6:16:02 >
Jason Zeidan
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RE: Who' s getting Nintendogs?
Aug 26, 2005 19:10
I LOVE nintendogs. I can' t put it away! Nothing' s cuter than seeing your puppy all excited to see you...
" Nintendo' s an innovator, Sony' s an imitator." Yet, for some reason, it' s Sony that gets all the credit.
George Foreman
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RE: Who' s getting Nintendogs?
Aug 26, 2005 19:21
I' m so glad I bought Advance Wars instead of this. It' s a heck of a lot better(to me) and I just can' t seem to put it down. Also the missions are hard as hell since this is my first strategy game.
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RE: Who' s getting Nintendogs?
Aug 30, 2005 08:18
I want to see what the game is all about, but I doubt I' ll end up buying it --- looks way childish and a little like it might be boring....
Jason Zeidan
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RE: Who' s getting Nintendogs?
Sep 04, 2005 14:49
It' s not childish. In fact, most of the people buying the game are older folks. And it' s not boring at all. I can' t put that thing down, it' s so awesome. My Chopper always chases it' s tail, and Buster keeps having anger tantrums. It' s genius!
" Nintendo' s an innovator, Sony' s an imitator." Yet, for some reason, it' s Sony that gets all the credit.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Who' s getting Nintendogs?
Sep 04, 2005 15:32
My dogs Asswipe (pronounced " Oz-Weep-Ay" ), Little Bitch and Pubico all pretty much behave exactly the same.
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RE: Who' s getting Nintendogs?
Sep 04, 2005 19:22
yea im getting it when i get a DS in XMAS.i would like to wait a long time though
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RE: Who' s getting Nintendogs?
Sep 13, 2005 13:49
I dont like real dogs but i like virtual ones so definetly. i dont like real dogs because one bit my dad and one popped my bike tire.