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Chee Saw
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- Joined: May 12, 2005
- Location: SoCal USA
Downloading movies...
Aug 10, 2005 18:15
If you don' t want to hear a rant, please do NOT read this thread. With that being said... What' s up with people viewing movies illegaly nowadays? I just don' t get it! I have an extensive dvd collection, and my girlfriend and I go to the theater at least a couple of times a month. Then I hear (read) about all these people who download movies from the internet or copy movies when they rent them. To me, it' s sickening! I mean, yeah, it drives up prices, and, yeah, it causes the government and mpaa to get all copyright happy (which sucks) but that' s not what really bothers me. What' s really disturbing is that a lot of people who do this are normally very upstanding citizens. Parents. People with good jobs. Then they rationalize it. " Oh, they shouldn' t charge that much anyway!" " Oh, they' re just greedy!" Cmon! If someone says, " I' m a thieving bastard, and just don' t want to pay" I can deal with that. At least they' re honest about their miscreant behavior. Just say it! " I' m a CHEAP THIEVING BASTARD!" Is that so hard? How can people justify stealing, is what I' m saying. If you don' t think a dvd should cost $19.99, you don' t just go in and shoplift it (well, some do, but I' m sure nobody HERE does that! Right guys?) What makes downloading it any different? I' ll tell you what I think it is; safety. People feel safe, and anonymous on the internet. They can be as mean (flammers), nasty (child porn) or as corrupt (illegal movies) as they want, without fear of reproach. The funny part is, the same people who do this are the ones who are going to bitch and complain the most when the copyright folks and tech industry get together and make it so you can' t watch a pure digital source of their HD tv. Then they complaing about the cost of movies in a theater! The NERVE! You' re a contributor to the problem, F***face! Get a clue. Thanks for listening. Thoughts?
George Foreman
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- Joined: Jun 13, 2005
RE: Downloading movies...
Aug 10, 2005 18:47
I myself cannot download movies because they are very taxing on my computer, but, I agree with you. However, I do agree with the people saying that the movie prices are too expensive. I mean about seven years ago where I live it cost about $5 a ticket to see a movie at night but, now it cost about $9.50. I know ticket prices go up every now and then but, with the high prices that causes me to go to the movies less and less these days. However, I have no problems with DVD prices because $20 is not too much for a good movie. Also you can get older movies for cheaper too. I just recently got Trading Places for $5 from Wal-Mart so its not like they ask for a ton of money for old movies ,so, I have no idea what people are complaining about. I know that I was stating my opinion more than responding but, there' s how I feel.
< Message edited by George Foreman -- 11 Aug 05 2:48:08 >
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- Location: Florida
RE: Downloading movies...
Aug 11, 2005 12:57
I admit I have downloaded movies before. I deleted them shortly after when I wathced them a few times just because of how huge the files are and I only have a 60 Gig HD. The movies I downlaoded though were mainly anime and stuff just to see if it' s worth the buy. I see nothing wrong with previewing before a buy. Most movies I download I buy anyway. I haven' t downloaded a movie in over a year now... mainly because there hasn' t been anything in the range of downlaoding. Stuff like Sin City and Batman Begins are well worth the wait. The thing I' m a gainst is the fact that people sell their illegal copies. I thing that is wrong. They in no way deserve the right to make money off of something that the took no part in making. Movie studios are making enough money to loose a portion of their viewers. They are still making millions and don' t need to raise the price for any reason. On a news special I found out it costs only around 10 cents to make a DVD. Think of the profit they are making!!! Loosing a few thousand customers doesn' t even put a dent in their earnings. DVD sales are a complete rip off. They are making way too much money off of it. Also actors don' t need all that money. Take Tom Cruise for example. He' s not even that great of an actor but he' s making over $20 million a movie. He doesn' t need or deserve that. Their are far better actors that make a lot less. Basically my view is the movie industry is spoiled. I don' t support the process of downloading movies if you don' t intend on buyin them or if you sell the illegal copies(remember, it' s only illegal if someone is making money off of the item). The movie industry is ripping us off more than we realize. I don' t care though. I still go to the movies once a week and I buy DVDs on a regular basis. I quit pirating.
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: Downloading movies...
Aug 11, 2005 14:24
I' ve downloaded a season of Star Trek the next generation, but it took forever, so i gave up trying to do it anymore. Here' s my stance on that though. Star Trek made it' s money. It was on TV, got released on VHS, had it' s movies in the theatres, is still in syndication, they' ve made their money. Now if I want to watch it on DVD they are going to charge me ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY BUCKS AFTER TAXES PER SEASON!?!?!?!??! Sorry, but I feel no guilt in screwing a company out of money that is making this obvious of a cash grab. A season of Stargate is going for 40 bucks right now, I' d pay for that, I' m not paying near 200 bucks for a season though. Ok, I was honest with you, now I want to know how you blur the lines between music downloading and movie downloading? You didn' t mention anything about music downloading, but I dont' think I know a soul on earth who hasn' t done it(including me, and I' m guessing you), so I want to know how you justify music downloading over movie downloading?
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- Joined: Apr 25, 2005
RE: Downloading movies...
Aug 11, 2005 15:19
These were pretty good posts. Got to see both sides of the stories sort of. Gotta agree with mxpx182 on that one and Rampage99. The thing that bugs me is that this is the art of trading online. So, don' t abuse your trading ability like Rampage99 stated on selling the crap. Be like mxpx182 when it comes to over the head priced greedy companies out there. I wish they wouldn' t call it downloading and just rename the crap to Trading. I mean seriously, it really is trading stuff. You borrow from other sources and in return, you let others do the same on your stuff.
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: Downloading movies...
Aug 11, 2005 15:35
DVD sales are a complete rip off. They are making way too much money off of it. Also actors don' t need all that money. Take Tom Cruise for example. He' s not even that great of an actor but he' s making over $20 million a movie. He doesn' t need or deserve that. Their are far better actors that make a lot less. Basically my view is the movie industry is spoiled. I don' t support the process of downloading movies if you don' t intend on buyin them or if you sell the illegal copies(remember, it' s only illegal if someone is making money off of the item). The movie industry is ripping us off more than we realize I didn' t even read all of this last time, but it' s a perfect fit to my own thoughts.
Naked Snake
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- Joined: Jul 21, 2005
RE: Downloading movies...
Aug 11, 2005 16:21
If i download the sh*t all the time, my pc is shutting down. I can' t do aniting else in this time.
Chee Saw
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- Joined: May 12, 2005
- Location: SoCal USA
RE: Downloading movies...
Aug 13, 2005 16:46
ORIGINAL: mxpx182 Ok, I was honest with you, now I want to know how you blur the lines between music downloading and movie downloading? You didn' t mention anything about music downloading, but I dont' think I know a soul on earth who hasn' t done it(including me, and I' m guessing you), so I want to know how you justify music downloading over movie downloading? Honestly, there is no distinction for me. They are both the same. I will readily admit that I have downloaded (or traded) some music in the past. It was a small amount (maybe 15 songs or so) but that is irrelevant. I did it. That doesn' t mean that my sensibilities haven' t changed. I' ve grown to believe that it' s just not right. Am I passing judgement? Perhaps. But then, I don' t really think anybody cares what I think anyway. Probably a good thing! As far as Star Trek: TNG on dvd; I agree! I think it' s WAY too expensive, but you know what? That just means I won' t be purchasing it until the price becomes more reasonable. I don' t really see anyone really starting any " crusades" over the prices of movies and dvds! Everyone just seems to be justifying there own behavior. Instead of saying, " It is my duty to punish the people who produce and market movies by not paying for them." just say, " I like getting sh** for free." Hey, I can understand (if not respect) that.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Downloading movies...
Aug 13, 2005 17:11
I Haven' t downloaded a movie, but my opinion on the matter almost mirrors that of Chee Saw. It' s all the rationalization that kills me, LOL. I might not download movies but my hands aren' t completely clean. I' m a huge fan of old arcade and classic console emulation. I know emulation is illegal, and please spare me the " emulation is LEGAL, it' s Romz that are teh illegal" craziness. You can' t use one without the other ;) :p, so I group them into the all encompassing " Emulation" label. I actually own the legal cartridge versions of many of the ROMs I have, and NO, even if you own a copy of the original title, your Romz are still teh illegal :P. I knew this girl once that ALWAYS tried justifying her hardcore video game pirating ways with the phrase: " I like to try before I buy" , meanwhile of the 90+ burned PSOne games she had, over the course of time she NEVER made a single legit purchase for Any of the ones she liked. Why bother? She had the full-version games right there on her CD-Rs. Whenever I heard her use her famous " I like to try before I buy" nonsense whenever someone called her up on her pirating ways, I' d always laugh and say to myself: " That' s why there' s a Blockbuster Video and Hollywood Video you ass!" I think what it comes down to is responsibility. Yes, *responsible Pirating*, LOL. The people who mentioned downloading movies just to check em out and then later purchasing legit copies, those types are commendable. That goes for software apps, games, movies, and music.
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 14 Aug 05 1:13:15 >
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- Joined: Jul 20, 2005
RE: Downloading movies...
Aug 13, 2005 17:20
Yeh I have downloaded stuff befor but I only download anime episodes (only like 1-3 to see if it' s any good). If there is a movie that I want to see then I dont care to download it, i' ll just buy it, I dont have the time and patiance to do movies plus I just wait for someone, friends, family to buy it (unless I buy it) then I borrow it. On the music I don' t really download that either unless I want to hear how good a band is to see if I want to buy it. But I do download music videos (is that bad).
Chee Saw
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- Joined: May 12, 2005
- Location: SoCal USA
RE: Downloading movies...
Aug 14, 2005 06:21
ORIGINAL: Rampage99 On a news special I found out it costs only around 10 cents to make a DVD. I think what they were saying is it costs around 10 cents to " manufacture" a dvd. Manufacturing is an extremely small portion of the costs of dvds. Have you seen the credits of any movies lately? Those bastards are long as hell nowadays! Each one of those hundreds of people, on each one of those hundreds of movies that come out every year has to get paid! And they need to make enough to support a family! Yeah, it costs 10 cent to manufacture a dvd, but Key Grip #3 has to feed her daughter, dammit! Don' t make little Sally go hungry! Also actors don' t need all that money. Take Tom Cruise for example. He' s not even that great of an actor but he' s making over $20 million a movie. He doesn' t need or deserve that. Their are far better actors that make a lot less. I don' t think that' s for you to decide. Actually, I bet if you were making a movie and Tom Cruise was interested in a starring role you' d be happy as hell. Why? Box Office draw, pure and simple. Tom Cruise is part of the reason a movie makes $200, $300 million! To not give him $20 million with the kind track record he has is CRAZY! My two cents. I think I' m in about $1.50 in this thread alone!
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: Downloading movies...
Aug 14, 2005 08:26
For the DVD cost thing, they normally make enough money off of the initial theater showing to pay for the movie itself. The same credits that are on the DVD are pretty much what' s on the theater version. They' ve already made their money and paid off all those employees. DVD are where the studious just rape the consumer. Why do you think they make 2, 3, or even 4 versions of one damn movie. you have the regular, extended, Special Edition, and collectors edition of almost every movie out there. They do it so people buy either multiple copies or the highest priced verion thingking it' s the best. Take Lord of th Rings for example. Those $100+ collector' s editions apparently cost about $10-$15 to make. All that extra footage was already on the cutting floor and just needed to be touched up. It was already being cleaned up for the final collectors edtion when the initial DVD came out. It' s pure rape. That doesn' t mean I' m not willing to spend that kind of money on something like that. I buy the collector' s editions and stuff because I am able to afford it. the only full length movie that was in theaters I' ve ever downloaded was " The Fast and the Furious" . I bought both the original DVD and the " Tricked Out Edition" . all the other movies I downlaoded were anime. Most of which I either bought or I deleted the file withing the first few days that I downloaded it. With animes you can' t just go out and rent them. They are expensive as hell to buy. I' m definately giving the studios all their money. Most of it they don' t need and the corporate execs just kinda roll around naked in it, but they get it anyway. I personally don' t mind the sharing of media. there are people who don' t make enough money to go out and buy a new DVD every week. If a friend of theirs already bough the movie and makes a copy of it for them, I have no problem with that. that' s basically what happens when you download a movie. somebody has their copy and they are sharing it with others. As long as it' s not one of the stolen copies from before the movie is released on video, I have no problem with it. when the power is abused though and laws are actually broken, it does bother me. No in the case of Tom Cruise... f*ck Tom Cruise. He' s gone mentally insane with his Scientology sh*t. there are only a few of his movies I actually like anyway. He does NOT deserve to be the highest paid actor in Hollywood. It' s hardcore BS. I have nothing against the rich or actors, I just really don' t think acting (especially acting that isn' t very good) deserve to get the pay it gets. So they memorize lines and gain or loose weght whenever they are told. If you ask me, that' s one hell of an easy life. It' s definately not hard enough to condone giving them $20 million bucks for a role. Like you said though it' s not my decision. Ultimately I don' t care what the studios decide to pay their actors. The studios are the ones raping the market. the actors really aren' t the cause of that.
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- Location: Minneapolis
RE: Downloading movies...
Aug 14, 2005 11:44
I' m not down with the pirating of anything, although many times they are ripping you off. But what pisses me off even more are people who pirate games. Multiplayer games usually aren' t a problem because you can only play online with a legit cd key, but single player games are a huge problem. It costs tons of money to make video games and there are many video game companies that are struggling to stay alive. There are almost always demos out for games, you don' t need to pirate the game to try it out. For console games there is a thing called renting.
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: Downloading movies...
Aug 14, 2005 13:40
I have in the past as well. I haven' t in a long time though...just not worth the risk. I don' t download to blatantly screw the system...I downloaded to watch the cool scenes over again before the DVD came out, which I would eventually buy. The same thing goes with music. I have a LOT of music, but 9/10 I also have the CD.
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: Downloading movies...
Aug 15, 2005 10:02
As far as Star Trek: TNG on dvd; I agree! I think it' s WAY too expensive, but you know what? That just means I won' t be purchasing it until the price becomes more reasonable. I don' t really see anyone really starting any " crusades" over the prices of movies and dvds! Everyone just seems to be justifying there own behavior. Instead of saying, " It is my duty to punish the people who produce and market movies by not paying for them." just say, " I like getting sh** for free." Hey, I can understand (if not respect) that. Unfortunately they' ve been out for years with no price drop, so eventually I said screw that. As for justifying it, I don' t need to. Number 1, I do like free stuff  , and number 2 I just think the industry as a whole is a thief. If I could find someplace to buy gas at half price I probably would too, simply because I think that industry is so corrupt as well. I' ll also pay less for sporting tix than the ticket price if someone sells to me simply because the athletes are way over payed. actually, I' d rather try sneak in so they don' t get the money in the first place I guess, but my ninja skill aren' t up to par so I' d probably get caught. I don' t want to punish the industry by punishing myself.
Naked Snake
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- Joined: Jul 21, 2005
RE: Downloading movies...
Aug 15, 2005 11:45
Sometimes i do download movies from Morpheus. It' s a really fast sh*t.
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
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RE: Downloading movies...
Aug 28, 2005 04:24
I wouldn' t call DVD' a a rip off - why would u say shit like " hey they earned a lot in cinema the DVD should be free" ? That' s just bullshit. If someone made an awesome movie he deserves the props and cash.The risk is big enough every time. 20$ for a great movie is too much for u? I live in Poland people and don' t have half the earnings u get in US and still I think that the price is right. I do download some movies but I have no choice - in PL it is sometimes impossible to get the movie u want (especially anime). Most movies u get in theaters aren' t not only in cinemas here but on DVD as well. But that' s a bit different with me since I' m watchin downloaded movies on Xbox hooked up to a big widescreen TV and with DD5.1 (I don' t download poor quality ripps) Why woul you watch an action movie like Gladiator on your PC ? Why would u watch quiet and atmosferic movie like Dark Water on your PC? Why would u watch a great comedy on your PC insted of going to cinema with all your friends? I think that is plain dumb.
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