Watch Lost in Translation

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Watch Lost in Translation - Mar 02, 2004 12:05
Hands down it was the best movie I' ve seen for all of March. Granted it' s only March 2 but that' s beside the point.

For those who don' t know, LoT is about Bob Harris (Bill Murray) who is in Tokyo shooting a whiskey commercial. There he meets Charlotte (Scarlett Johansson and DAMN she' s hot) who' s there with her boyfriend whom she never sees takes to his workaholic attitude.

Bob and Charlotte meet in a hotel bar, where their alienation and inability to sleep brings them closer together.

What I loved so much about LoT was that nearly every scene was just packed full of emotion. In some ways you can say the story is told through emotion. It doesn' t waste time with a lot of unnecessary dialogue or plot devices.


It' s almost 100 minutes of pure emotion that tugs at your soul while you watch these two ever so slowly fall in love.


I would highly suggest checking out LoT if you' ve never seen/heard of it before. It was worth every praise it has received thus far and Scarlett Johansson is HOT, you hear me? Freakin HOT!

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RE: Watch Lost in Translation - Mar 07, 2004 04:40
I watched a promo of it a few months ago. (cause my fiance works in the industry i get the hookup on all music/dvds)

I really enjoyed it. Its not your typical movie..i wouldnt call it great..but I wouldnt call it mediocre either. Its just one of those quirky movies that leaves you satisfied with its originality.

Once again I enjoyed the Japanese culture stuff.
< Message edited by spacepiston -- 3/7/2004 4:41:23 AM >

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RE: Watch Lost in Translation - Apr 06, 2004 20:18
Sounds cool

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RE: Watch Lost in Translation - Apr 15, 2004 19:43
Do what the man says. Lost in Translation is easily the best movie of last year. The Academy don' t know what the hell they' re talking about. LiT is fantastic in all regards. If you like movies, you' ll like it. Just go already.

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RE: Watch Lost in Translation - Apr 16, 2004 00:21
This is definatly a movie worth seeing. Don' t question just go get it hehehehehe.

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RE: Watch Lost in Translation - Apr 16, 2004 03:15
I shall take your word on it! It is now on my list of movies I must see.

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RE: Watch Lost in Translation - Apr 17, 2004 21:10
Yea I plan on watching it soon.
Looked good when the I saw the previews for it.
Kinda looks like a smart artistic movie.
Those are good every now and then haha

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RE: Watch Lost in Translation - Apr 20, 2004 23:49
I seen it, thought it was OK, my freinds did not understand it, anyway, the part of the movie I liked was the whole theme on showing you a new culture, i.e Hong Kong, kinda interesting, worth watching the movie for alone, but I don' t think it should of got all of them awards...there were better films out, but then again people do take to them dramatic/emotional films kinda too much...but it seemed like one of those straight to DVD films for me...

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RE: Watch Lost in Translation - Apr 21, 2004 22:45
Was I the only one that hated this Film
Sharan Dev Jain