Ninja Gaiden SUCKS!

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Ninja Gaiden SUCKS! - Mar 01, 2004 18:52
So says Gaming Age.


Ninja Gaiden is just not the Ninja Gaiden I expected. It' s overwhelmingly mediocre, not enjoyable to play, and the horrendous camera alone destroys any redeeming factors the game may have. Most PlayStation 2 owners should remember Square' s similarly over hyped The Bouncer. I' d almost go as far as proclaiming Ninja Gaiden to be the Xbox equivalent.

-- Paul Bryant

Well, I must say, everyone is entitled to their opinion - be it good or be it bad. But, I can' t help but to feel that Gaming Age is just a weee bit off with a C-. That seems EXTREMELY low compared to other sites. But who knows, I' ve only played the demo. Regardless, I still find a C- quite humerous, and I will still pick up my copy March 3 with no delay.

< Message edited by lotusson -- 3/1/2004 6:53:12 PM >

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RE: Ninja Gaiden SUCKS! - Mar 02, 2004 02:09
They' re certainly what you would call the " outlier."

However, even the glowing reviews mention the problematic camera...which was also painfully obvious in the demo. I hope it doesn' t take too much away from the gameplay...
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RE: Ninja Gaiden SUCKS! - Mar 02, 2004 05:17
Unless the remainder of the game is far inferior to the OXM demo, this review is utterly atrocious.

Unfortunately, everyone is entitled to their opinion, no matter how incredibly crappy it may be.

Terry Bogard
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RE: Ninja Gaiden SUCKS! - Mar 02, 2004 13:57
If the camera wasn' t adjustable I' d rag on it. Even though it' s problemic at times, the fact that you can adjust it helps out alot and is the reason I don' t put much emphasis on the shoddy camera :D

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RE: Ninja Gaiden SUCKS! - Mar 02, 2004 14:26

If the camera wasn' t adjustable I' d rag on it. Even though it' s problemic at times, the fact that you can adjust it helps out alot and is the reason I don' t put much emphasis on the shoddy camera

Hmmm, what was the last 3D action game with a perfect " over the shoulder" camera? I honestly can' t remember.

Terry Bogard
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RE: Ninja Gaiden SUCKS! - Mar 02, 2004 16:07
I don' t think I' ve ever come across ANY 3D game with a perfect camera. And while all of the ones I' ve seen were flawed, some do a better job than others

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RE: Ninja Gaiden SUCKS! - Mar 02, 2004 17:08
There has never been a 3D action game with a perfect camera. So long as it' s workable, I don' t care so much.
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RE: Ninja Gaiden SUCKS! - Mar 03, 2004 00:30
Score does seem a bit low but I haven' t read the actual review. It' s the words that matter not a number (or letter in this case) tagged on at the end.

I personally doubt Ninja Gaiden will be as good as people are hoping. The amount of hype surrounding the game will undoubtedly lead to strong sales and glowing reviews, but take a look at the game 6 months down the line and chances are you won' t be half as impressed. Case in point would have to be DoA Volleyball.

the gaming monk
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RE: Ninja Gaiden SUCKS! - Mar 03, 2004 03:04
I didn' t particularly care for the game myself:

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RE: Ninja Gaiden SUCKS! - Mar 03, 2004 04:38

I didn' t particularly care for the game myself:

Fortunately no one likes you so your opinion doesn' t matter.

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RE: Ninja Gaiden SUCKS! - Mar 04, 2004 15:08
I have no reason to toss out monk' s comments just because he' s in the minority. I' ve read his stuff before.
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vanswa garbutt
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RE: Ninja Gaiden SUCKS! - Aug 27, 2004 01:52

X Cell
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RE: Ninja Gaiden SUCKS! - Aug 27, 2004 18:03
In the OXM ratings Ninja Gaiden got a 9.6 so its either they are blind or you are just plain out stupid

vanswa garbutt
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RE: Ninja Gaiden SUCKS! - Aug 27, 2004 18:51
ninja gaiden was great so ethier your stupid or you just got mad because yuo coludnt beat it/

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RE: Ninja Gaiden SUCKS! - Aug 28, 2004 14:31
Spoilers ahead peoples. Highlight to read.

I' ve just gotten hold if Ninja Gaiden recently. A mate of mine got up to all of Level 3 and Spider Clan Ninja' s kicked his ass so often he *gave* the game to me.

I' ve managed to battle up to chapter 10 (The sewer bit) and have had a great time with the game... bar some infuriation moments. The Black Spider Clan were no problem after I realised none of their attacks could get past a simple block and all other creatures have felt the wrong end of my sword. The big zombie creatures of doom (as I' ve affectionately named them) caused me some trouble but I' ve even found a simple way to overcome them.

Easily the hardest bit so far was taking on the Helicopter as it just kept kicking my ass. It seemed no amount of dodging was enough to escape missiles. Indeed taking out the control tower straight after had me cursing... after being killed by too many rockets being fired.

After all the foe' s I' ve faced so far nothing was enough to prepare me for the horrors which are now whupping my ass. God damded beetles of deeeeath! It sucks being able to despatch an ARMY of solders, armoured or undead, then die almost instantly as a giant beetle jumps on your face and munches it off.

I' m off to go cry now.

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RE: Ninja Gaiden SUCKS! - Aug 28, 2004 18:36
I played it at the local Wal Mart, and it was boring as hel** !!!

Right on, lotusson!!!
< Message edited by DaRoosh65 -- 8/28/2004 6:36:48 PM >
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RE: Ninja Gaiden SUCKS! - Aug 28, 2004 18:56
Just out of interest, what word were you trying to censor there DaRoosh?

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RE: Ninja Gaiden SUCKS! - Aug 28, 2004 19:07
My has was supposed to be " ...he** !!!" .

I' ll leave it, though. " Cause I think it looks good...not smart, but good...
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RE: Ninja Gaiden SUCKS! - Aug 28, 2004 19:11

vanswa garbutt
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RE: Ninja Gaiden SUCKS! - Aug 30, 2004 02:48
ninja gaiden doesnt suck you who plays it suck. smart words from a trully smart gamer.
< Message edited by vanswa garbutt -- 8/30/2004 2:49:26 AM >

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RE: Ninja Gaiden SUCKS! - Aug 30, 2004 07:12
This is a great game, it has a bit of a learning curve and the camera angles can get quite annoying at times but it can be forgiven due to how much fun can be had slashing up ninja' s and other demonic beasts.

vanswa garbutt
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RE: Ninja Gaiden SUCKS! - Aug 30, 2004 14:24
i agree reznor

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RE: Ninja Gaiden SUCKS! - Aug 30, 2004 16:42
I just don' t like dying in it that much. Unfortunatly it' s happening a lot now furtherr into the game. *Thwack* Ow! " Try again!"

vanswa garbutt
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RE: Ninja Gaiden SUCKS! - Aug 30, 2004 17:12
your right but it still very MUCH ENTERTAINING