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I beat Halo2 on Legendary.
Aug 02, 2005 15:48
It was too hard. There was no extended ending so it wasn' t worth the stress at all. I will never play the single player campaign again. Halo2 sucks. Yes I said it, Halo2 sucks. I hate it.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
Boss Hogg
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RE: I beat Halo2 on Legendary.
Aug 02, 2005 15:59
Nobody said there was an extended ending in Halo2. And just cause Legendary is hard doesnt mean Halo 2 sucks it supposed to be hard thats why its called Legendary.
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RE: I beat Halo2 on Legendary.
Aug 02, 2005 16:21
Are you going to go from thread to thread reminding everyone how much Halo 2 sucks like everyone else who hates Halo 2 does?
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RE: I beat Halo2 on Legendary.
Aug 02, 2005 17:40
Yes, lotusson, I am  . Boss, the reason I said it was too hard is because in comparison to Legendary on Halo (which was actually fun), this one just to the point of frustration. Halo is one of my favorite games of all time. Probably number 2 on my list. Halo 2 on the other hand was a horrible attempt at a sequal. Glitchy graphics, horrible story line, the Arbitor(aka Halo2' s version of MGS2' s Raiden), horrible pacing, lackluster level design, not actually getting to save the Earth, horrible cliff hanger ending... God I could go on and on. I' m not a hater of the Halo series. You would not believe how addicted to Master Chief I am. I have a bunch of action figures, t-shirts, posters, and even the cardboard display of Master Chief. Halo was such an incredible game that I was expecting something better with Halo 2. I was severly dissapointed. Halo 2 as a whole never lived up to the E3 demo shown 2 years ago. I would trade all of Halo 2 in just to play that E3 demo.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
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RE: I beat Halo2 on Legendary.
Aug 02, 2005 17:57
Well when U put it like that i agree with you about the hard as hell legendary, because the suit is weaker in halo2, the ending is just crap. and that the arbitor levels suck. But halo 2 ain' t all bad. i mean they have xbox live in H2, and new wepons. That must mean U had some fun didnt U Rampage?
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RE: I beat Halo2 on Legendary.
Aug 02, 2005 20:15
I had enough fun to keep playing. I will give the game credit for the duel wielding, vehicle hijacking, and the new weapons. The thing is, it just wasn' t enough to save the game from all the blandness that set in. The first three levels of the game were the best and in reality they weren' t that special. Speaking or weapons, getting rid of the Assult Rifle and putting in the battle rifle sucks. I loved the Assult rifle. It made me feel like I was running around in Starship Troopers. When you first touch down on The Silent Cartogropher(sp?) with your Aussult rifle and just start mowing enemies down.... gaming bliss! The multiplayer is fun, but I still find it less fun than the original. None of the new levels are as good as the original levels in Halo. Even he remakes suck. I enjoy playing on Live though. Live makes everything better. Especially now that they are booting hackers left and right.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
Joe Redifer
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RE: I beat Halo2 on Legendary.
Aug 02, 2005 20:39
I never was able to finish campaign mode, and I was playing on EASY! It just became too boring. I got up to the part with the arbitor or whatever and the flood. BORING! I died and turned off the system, and 5 weeks later when I finally forced myself to turn the Xbox on again, I find that it set me waaaaaay back, like 40+ minutes back. I didn' t want to go through all that boring flood crap again. The game is very gay. Also, I hate playing games online. It is overrated.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 3 Aug 05 4:40:42 >
Jason Zeidan
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RE: I beat Halo2 on Legendary.
Aug 02, 2005 21:28
Rampage! My hero!! I don' t like Halo 2' s campaign mode (Guhh...), but the multiplayer is.... well... alright. I' m actually giving the game to my cousin because he returned from Lebanon with the game on his mind, and has no money for it right now (well, that' s what he told me, but I found out that his father won' t spend money of FPSs at all).
" Nintendo' s an innovator, Sony' s an imitator." Yet, for some reason, it' s Sony that gets all the credit.
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RE: I beat Halo2 on Legendary.
Aug 02, 2005 22:05
Yes, lotusson, I am . I' m gonna hold you to your words.
Joe Redifer
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RE: I beat Halo2 on Legendary.
Aug 02, 2005 22:33
I found out that his father won' t spend money of FPSs at all That kid has a very bright and quite awesome dad. His dad knows crappy games when he sees them!
Mass X
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RE: I beat Halo2 on Legendary.
Aug 02, 2005 23:02
I became sick of FPS as of late...used to be my genre of choice. Then Ghost Recon made the 3rd person switch and found that it was much mofr enjoyable. Now I play majority 3rd person games. Halo 2 was fun (multiplayer) but then I got Ghost Recon 2 and havent really put much attention on Halo 2. I only keep it for the cool case and stuff otherwise I wouldve traded it in with all the other games i just recently dropped. I will probably give Far Cry Instincts a try tho, but just like in Tony Hawk and Timesplitters games Ill probably spend more time creating maps. Theres still however Chronicles of Riddik: Escape form Butcher Bay. That game showed a lot of promise for the future of FPS. Hmm I can feel this is gonna go on with me rambling so before that begins ima cut it off now.
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RE: I beat Halo2 on Legendary.
Aug 03, 2005 06:26
Speaking of Ghost Recon 2, is that game all that great. I' m feeling the urge to go and buy it now that it' s only $30. Oh and since we' re on the topic of both Halo and third person shooters, I' m so hyped about Gears of War that I almost don' t care if Halo 3 comes out.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
Jason Zeidan
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RE: I beat Halo2 on Legendary.
Aug 03, 2005 08:38
Yeah, so true. He says that FPSs are stupid wastes of time that have no value. And I found out recently that the Dad loves The Legend of Zelda. He bought the N64 ones, and the gamecube one for Chris (my cousin) in one day, and said, " Here. A real game." That' s what my cousin told me. I' m not lying, that' s what he really said! Even my mom wants me to have the new LOZ. Is there something they see that I don' t? Huh.. Anyway, sorry, um, yeah, Halo 2 was not as much fun as I had hoped. I don' t play online either, so the game pretty much was a dud for me. And Gears of War does seem really neat. I' m putting it on my ' to check out' list. And I don' t really care about H3, because I' m really like 50% sure I' m getting a 360 anyway.
< Message edited by Jason Zeidan -- 3 Aug 05 16:40:53 >
" Nintendo' s an innovator, Sony' s an imitator." Yet, for some reason, it' s Sony that gets all the credit.
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RE: I beat Halo2 on Legendary.
Aug 03, 2005 10:43
congrats man
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RE: I beat Halo2 on Legendary.
Aug 03, 2005 12:55
Hey man,really, whats up w/ the ending to H2?!?! its like they just gave up on the single player, I mean u beat a friggn teddy bear jump on an alien ship an its over? c' mon!!! But it is nice 2 see a well developed multiplayer mode...But man all that hype and no ending??? This guy here beat it on legendary and STILL no ending, I agree that sux... I mean damn, for that, they should at least hav the dude take off his helmet or somethin heh.
Mass X
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RE: I beat Halo2 on Legendary.
Aug 03, 2005 13:29
GR2 is dependent on the person. If you like realistic (aside from being able to veiw over walls with the 3rd person veiw) strategic military shooters, then this is top of the line, with a very very good multiplayer. There is the problem with ppl cheating online (mainly in clan matches wiht ppl dropping servers and what not.) But if you just get on to play in a normal game then thats a very very rare problem. The $30 Expansion pack is comign out soon so I guess you may as well skip that GR2 since you dont need that to play Summit Strike anyways. The pak is pretty much everythign just short of a full on sequal. One thing tho is I hardly ever play the single player and stick mainly online so I cant say much for the single player side of things. The AI is very iffy at times so ya. If yer gonna get it, get it for online play, if not then probably skip it.
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RE: I beat Halo2 on Legendary.
Aug 03, 2005 18:34
I remember when I beat the game on legendary... It was tough.
Naked Snake
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RE: I beat Halo2 on Legendary.
Aug 04, 2005 06:48
Waiiiiiit a second... are you sure that you don' t just show off?
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Aug 04, 2005 11:35
<message edited by cpsethgt on Apr 30, 2012 05:35>
Boss Hogg
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RE: I beat Halo2 on Legendary.
Aug 04, 2005 14:56
OMG Halo2 is not that bad. So Bungie dropped the ball on stuff here and there. Now I may receive death threats from u guys for saying this but Halo2 is just as good as Halo. Sure the alien snipers are annoying as hell,The Battle suit is weaker,& the arbitor lever arent all that but that making the whole game crap is some thing I refuse 2 believe. I mean there are new wepons,you can Carjack enimies which is fun,and u can duel wield.& even if U dont like the single player there is still Multiplayer on xbox live 2 fall back on.
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RE: I beat Halo2 on Legendary.
Aug 04, 2005 19:12
The core game IS the single player. Halo had basically the perfect single player campaign. It had a great story and straight forward focus. You were Master Chief and you were made to kill Covies. It had excellent pacing, incredible level design, and the most enjoyable gameplay ever in a FPS. Halo 2... why am I playing as the enemy? Why do the enemies no longer ressemble what they were in the orignal? Why do the Elites talk like they are in a classic play? Why am I being forced to care about what is going on with the Covies at all? WHY THE HELL AM I NOT MASTER CHIEF!!! Sure, the vehicle hijacking was cool and the duel wielding was fun... but that was the only too additions I enjoyed. All those extra weapons were pretty pointless. In Halo you actually had a difficult time deciding what you wanted to pick up. In this one I basically stuck with the Covanent Carbine and a SMG all the time. There was really no need for anything else. Halo was perfect. Bngie definately had a challenge to try and top it but the fell on their faces. It doesn' t even feel like it' s the same type of game. I was never pulled into the game. The first 3 levels were the only levels I enjoyed and even those weren' t all that special. Not one level in that game can touch the worst level in Halo. the multiplayer in Halo was better as well. I do like Halo 2' s Live set up though.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
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RE: I beat Halo2 on Legendary.
Aug 04, 2005 19:42
How long to we have to argue about this game rampage? in Halo 2 u play the enemy because ur trying 2 stop the tarturus from becoming the leader of the covenent or somethin like that  .I may be the only 1 who thinks this the voice acting 4 the elietes is hilarious i love the fact they sound like that.I guess u have 2 worry about the covenent because............i have no idea. Halo was so good because u diddnt c it coming it was a sleeper hit the 1st year it came out . H2 everybody knew about months before it came out & it had 2 contest with GTA:SA. So people werent as shocked as when Halo1 came out.
< Message edited by boss hogg -- 5 Aug 05 3:42:54 >
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RE: I beat Halo2 on Legendary.
Aug 04, 2005 20:00
I beg to differ with that last statement. Just because Halo was a sleeper hit didn' t make it a great game. The game itself was incredible. There has not been a week since I bought my Xbox and copy of Halo( I have two Halo copies now because I went out and the special addition green Halo Xbox. I' m a seriously hardcore fan. I' m going to save up to buy Nightmare Armor' s Master Chief Helmet soon.) that I haven' t played it. It has never gotten old, boring or outdated. I don' t know how many times I' ve gone through the campaign. I play the game more than Splinter Cell! Halo 2, sure people saw it coming. That doesn' t mean anything. I was so excited for this game I stood in line for 6 hours to get my copy at midnight. I was inlove with the game before it came out. All it had to do was continue the Halo series with the same style and feel of the first game and it would have been perfect. they tried way to hard to completely reinvent the game. I' ve played though single player twice now. Once on Normal and once on Legendary. The single player was horrible compared to Halo. I actually went back to playing Halo as soon as I finished Legendary on Halo 2 just to get rid of the bad taste Halo 2 left me with. Halo was so damn perfect! Gah! I' m gonna say it! GAH-cough-ARGH... Halo is better than Splinter Cell 3! AHHHHHHH! I said it! Ahh! Sweet Jesus! K... now that that is out of my system... So anyway, Halo 2 just wasn' t all that great. Sure they over done hype basically ruined it from the start but it still wasn' t all that great with the hype put aside. It felt like a generic FPS.
< Message edited by Rampage99 -- 5 Aug 05 18:13:39 >
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
Joe Redifer
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RE: I beat Halo2 on Legendary.
Aug 04, 2005 20:20
Halo was perfect. But it lacked 16:9! Let' s not forget the bugs that were in Halo 2 upon release that they had to PATCH via Xbox Live, like the HUD being partially off the screen in 480p mode. Also Halo 2 has poorer sound than Halo 1. Halo 2 has no discrete subwoofer. Did I mention that somewhere already? The sound designers of Halo 2 are poor.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 5 Aug 05 4:22:05 >
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Aug 04, 2005 20:45
<message edited by cpsethgt on Apr 30, 2012 05:34>
Jason Zeidan
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RE: I beat Halo2 on Legendary.
Aug 04, 2005 22:08
Boss Battles!! That' s what I hated!!! Ugh... it just didn' t feel right with those in there.
" Nintendo' s an innovator, Sony' s an imitator." Yet, for some reason, it' s Sony that gets all the credit.
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RE: I beat Halo2 on Legendary.
Aug 05, 2005 05:16
I' m glad I' m not the only one who feels this way about Halo 2. I completely agree with all that has been said. There was only one thing they managed to keep pure about Halo series is the music. The music is wonderful in both of them. I absolutely detest the reasoning behind making the covenant speak english. What the hell were Bungie thinking? Is English a universal language now? I would have much preferred it if they had kept Halo covenant language and subbed the whole damn story. How the heck can an elite even form english words? It has no jaw! I' m sorry Bungie but by doing this you just made the whole thing less believable. Elites seem like wussies now. Remember how in Halo they screamed at you in alien voices and laughed when they struck you down? That was awesome. It made them seem really badass and made you wary of them. I barely even noticed them in Halo 2. I was too busy blasting those annoying brutes. When you have a game that switches you between characters every other level, it completely ruins any aspect of immersion, something that Halo did very well. I was Master Chief in the first Halo, but now in Halo 2, I' m just some guy controlling Master Chief, half of the time. You hit the nail on the head there. That' s exactly what I thought was missing in Halo 2. The immersion. Not enough was done to make you empathise with the arbitor. So in the end I was wishing that the arbitor levels finished sooner. Why should I care what happens to this elite? Boss battles were also an unnecessary addition of an annoying cliche' . A game doesn' t need bosses to be great.
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RE: I beat Halo2 on Legendary.
Aug 05, 2005 07:07
I bought it for the online play...it was good for awhile but it gets old. Not as much skill required as I would like. Plus the fact that you are basically limited to a handful of weapons to be effective. Return to Castle Wolfenstein' s online fights were an art form. You had to time grenades just right and play your class the right way. If you got good at it you could literally run through and kill everyone on the other team. Halo 2 tried to equal the playing field, but I believed they only made it to where any old nub can kill you if they spam the Sniper Rifle enough. On Ghost Recon 2...get the game Ramp. I' d like to get back online with that game. It' s 100% better than Halo 2' s multiplayer. The levels are so fun to play. My favorite was the forest level where the grass is high and there' s all these shadows. I remember crawling around on the ground and the enemy team walked right over me. I then did my best performance of the movie Predator, which was pretty good considering that the other team freaked when they started dying.
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RE: I beat Halo2 on Legendary.
Aug 05, 2005 10:11
ORIGINAL: UnluckyOne Not enough was done to make you empathise with the arbitor. So in the end I was wishing that the arbitor levels finished sooner. Why should I care what happens to this elite? Probably the best part of the game was watching myself die while playing as the aritor. I loved wathing him fall over lifeless. I cheered until I respawned. That' s when I' d charge in again hoping I' d die. Anybody else think the Arbitor looked gay as hell? Seriously! He was wearing like freakin tin man armor. It looked like some WarCraft reject armor. All the other Elites looked badass! Those royal guard... PIMP. The arbitor just looked like utter sh*t. It was disgusting. That' s one of the worst character designs I' ve ever seen. EVER. God I hate the Arbitor. Oh, Yosh, which copy of GR2 should I get? The original or the new one that just came out?
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
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RE: I beat Halo2 on Legendary.
Aug 05, 2005 23:02
Wasn' t aware of a new copy...The only copy I have is the one I won from Kikizo, which I guess is the older version.
In response to the following complaint I have decided to change my signature: " by the way, yoshimitsu you might want to click the little checkbox that makes your signature disappear." - Jonah Shoemaker, Residential Dumbass