Jason Zeidan
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Console war round-up. Your thoughts?
Jul 22, 2005 10:31
Well, the current console war between the Playstation 2, the Xbox, and the Gamecube is pretty much over, but with the exception of a few key titles like Legend of Zelda and Final Fantasy XII, it' s easy to say the console champion this round. Here are the current sales figures: Playstation 2: 91 million Gamecube: 19.1 million Xbox: 22.7 million Congrats Sony! You win this round. So as we get ready for the Xbox 360, PS3 and Revolution, tell me what you thought of each console. Talk about online, the games, the marketing, the third party support (sorry GC), and tell me which turned out to be your console of choice this generation.
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RE: Console war round-up. Your thoughts?
Jul 22, 2005 22:11
Sony will probably come in first again(though the console price could definately change that.... then again those japanese won' t care), followed by MS. I' m guessing Nintendo is gonna be in third again. Poor Nintendo, at least they' re kicking a$$ with the handhelds. It will be much closer this time around between Sony and MS though. Sony wil just win again because people will just stick with their name brand.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
Jason Zeidan
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RE: Console war round-up. Your thoughts?
Jul 22, 2005 22:29
I don' t know, I think the brand-name is the only thread Sony' s hanging on here (sorry fanboys), but the Xbox brand is instantaneously become very popular in the States. In Japan, Microsoft will get eaten alive, but not by Sony, but Nintendo, I think. Nintendo' ll kick serious butt in Japan with the innovation of its machine, while in the U.S, I see Microsoft giving Sony a serious run for it' s money. In U.S, I see Xbox 360 on the top, followed by Sony, then Nintendo, but in Japan, I see Nintendo leading, followed closely by Sony. Anyway, back to the topic. If I was to give each console a grade.... Playstation 2- 9/10: The Playstation 2 was lovely, really, because you can literally play anything (genres) on the system. Tons of support, fair online play, good multimedia features... Although I have to complain about the shoddy hardware. It won' t have a space on my shelf next to my PS and NES, but it sure kicked butt. Gamecube- 7/10: Gamecube, gamecube, gamecube...what can I say?? You tried. To tell the truth, I enjoyed some of GC' s games more than alot of games on other platforms. But although it got slaughtered by Sony, and came in slightly behind Xbox, there are some great Gamecube games to remember... but there were just too many flaws. Maybe next time Xbox- 9.5: The Xbox, in my eyes, was a sure keeper. It held it' s own, and Microsoft did a great job (in the States) by releasing alot of fantastic software. The Xbox brand now has a firm spot next to PS, and it' s simple why. Powerful hardware, good third party support, great online, great multimedia features.... what can I tell you, it was the black horse of the console war, and it deserves my 9.5. If I picked a winner for this generation, it would be Xbox. But I really can' t dismiss PS2 and GCN, because all three brought something great to the table...er...tables. I loved FFX and GT on PS, loved SSB and MP on GC, and loved PGR and DOA on Xbox. They' re all winners... Ah screw that. Xbox is my pick.
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RE: Console war round-up. Your thoughts?
Jul 23, 2005 02:05
The Xbox is without doubt my pick of the generation, thanks to some nice exclusive games and the fact that' s it' s the best for the multi format games due to its power. Then I' d say the PS2 comes in second, with it being the home of one of my Favourite of genres: the RPG and exclusives that are just as class as that of the Xbox. The Gamecube comes third by a distant because of its lack of third party support, though it does have some good exclusives such as the Nintendo games, Tales of Symphonia and the like. In the coming generation, I feel if Sony' s console is considerbly more expensive than the competition, then they might fall...hard. But if they get the price right, then I can see them being the king yet again, though I do feel, that much like Sega did (and look where they are now) they' re becoming too clever for their own good. It' s difficult to say who will take second place (that' s of couse if Sony take the throne) but I predict it' ll be the Xbox360. These are exciting times
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RE: Console war round-up. Your thoughts?
Jul 27, 2005 17:16
My pick would have to be the Gamecube, Why? Because I love Nintendo, and I thought they had the most great games.Then would be the Xbox they brought some good games to the world (namely FPS and RPG' s, in my opinion).The PS2 hmmmmmmmmmm..I.......didn' t play that systme much at all, but most of the games I saw didn' t look interesting to me and also most of the games I saw looked grainy or blurry. Next gen I definatly think MS has the advantage comming out first and all, and I think most people who played the first will probably buy the second, I know I will and also it seems that they will have more 3rd party support this time around. For Nintendo I really hope they regain some fans and do better this time around even if they do get 3rd place but if there controller is as unique as they say they just might come on top. Sony I think will either win again (in sales) or if it' s too pricy it might fall to 3rd place.
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RE: Console war round-up. Your thoughts?
Jul 27, 2005 20:24
I would like to see Microsoft win. I guess I' m a fanboy, but that' s just me. I think that Sony and, certainly, Nintendo have stagnated the industry in their self rightiousness, and Microsoft has injected some, much needed, freshness into the fray. Sony is confident that consumers WILL buy, and developers WILL... uh,...develop for them. Nintendo is in a dream land, where there " innovations" cause major market shifts (as opposed to reality, where manufacturers should play to market demands.) In my ideal scenario I STILL don' t see Microsoft making much headway into Japan. I think that Microsoft WILL gain significant ground outside of Japan. The early release is key. When Microsoft is ending its launch lineup, and reving up for the second round of software (which is always tighter) Sony and Nintendo will be just beginning. Of course, no amount of speculation matters. I' ll have all three anyway!!
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RE: Console war round-up. Your thoughts?
Jul 28, 2005 01:40
PS2 - Great games, no fancy XBox Live but it has online games, and ironically enough there is more people playing PS2 Online than Xbox live, MS can shove their microphone headset and buddy list up their ass, it does me no good when I log into my old Live games and half of them are GHOST TOWNS. MS doesn' t even have any MMOPRG' s, while PS2 the " inferior" online console has two. XBX - If you' re a PC gamer like I am, Xbox has very little to offer, you can even get stuff like Fable and Halo on PC, with superior graphics to boot. 99% of Xbox games can be found on PS2 or PC, it' s pointless for me to own the console, I personally use it cause I have it modded and I can play DivX movies and emulators on it, and the only games I buy on it are third party stuff that I could get on PS2, but the XBX has slighlty better graphics so I always get the xbox version if I can, unless its available on the PC of course, what does this all mean? It means I could live without it, if I didn' t have an xbox I' d just hook my PC up to my TV to play the emus and DivX movies, and I' d just get the PS2 versions of the games. Xbox is a good console for someone who only has an Xbox. If you have a good PC and a PS2 this console is useless. GCN - It' s pretty much crap, I' m excited about the new Zelda game, since I hope it wont suck like Wind Waker did, I' ve enjoyed a few game son it though such as Paper Mario, and Metroid, and thats a good thing I cant play Paper Mario 2 ANYWHERE ELSE, unlike XBox I can play Halo, or Fable, or whatever, 99% of it I can play it on my PS2 or PC. So atleast it has the exclusives to be worth it, and its like $50 bucks used nowadays so its not much of an investment. Obviously my console of choice is PS2, and I will be getting a PS3 next gen, I am entirely skipping X360, and I' ll probably get a rev for the few exclsuives.