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Jul 20, 2005 07:00
I have two known conditional phobias...heights and spiders. Heights - only when I feel the situation is clearly a hazard. I have been in airplanes and helicopters and have not felt the slightest bit uneasy during these times. Now, put me on a wobbly ladder, and you might just witness me soiling my shorts. Spiders - Most of the time, spiders do not bother me. But get one of those dark spiders crawling on me, and I might just freak out! Most any insect can crawl on me and not bother me, but dark spiders make me crawl - I think it' s due to the fact that most poisonous spiders are either dark brown or black (or red). So...what are your phobias?
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Mass X
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RE: Phobias
Jul 20, 2005 07:45
Snakes:I dont know if I fear them or if they just make me feel a lil nervous I dont feel threatened ive captured a few at my cabin. Its hard to explain actually. Slight claustophobia: As long as I can move a lil Im ok but trap me in a small place with very limited mobility and I' m gone. Actually I dont think its enclosed places but more of being trapped in one spot, cause like when Chickapoo comes to hug me somtimes depending on the hug I somtimes without any reason of self control throw her arms off. Very weird anyone know what that would be? Darkness:This again is a certain situation type thing. Since I have an overactive imagination (extremely just ask chickapoo about som of the shit I come up with) I tend to start getting the most uncomfortable images runnign thru my head and over a short time I start to think Im seeing them in front of me. If I can regain control of my mind then I' m fine and will go on as normal. This is extremely bad with mild insomnia after the 3rd day reality and fantasy almost start to become one. Still tho this helps with my art and stories so its not all bad. Well I think thats the just of it, nothing that is 100% but in certain situations those are my phobias, as I get older they become less and less of a problem.
Terry Bogard
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RE: Phobias
Jul 20, 2005 08:44
WOMEN: They scare me half to death sometimes.
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: Phobias
Jul 20, 2005 10:06
Trees: I dont trust ' em. They' re hiding something, I just dont know what or how.
I dont want to celebrate, I want to sell you hate.
Terry Bogard
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RE: Phobias
Jul 20, 2005 10:59
They' re probably hiding women, which is why Trees make me nervous sometimes to
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: Phobias
Jul 20, 2005 11:32
too many to name! Spiders, heights, tiny spaces, crowds, bugs in general.... I am sure the list could go on.
Terry Bogard
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RE: Phobias
Jul 20, 2005 13:00
One of my true phobias is drowning. So as much as I love the ocean I fear it at the same time. Just the thought of crowds gets me nervous, lol
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: Phobias
Jul 20, 2005 13:22
oh yeah, drowning scares me, my house burning down scares me, people breaking in scares me, the thought of getting a flat tire freaks me out. I have this really odd paranoia concerning my tires... it is weird.
George Foreman
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RE: Phobias
Jul 20, 2005 13:29
Spiders and since September 11th Airplanes. I hate how everytime I feel a ton of turbulence I think the plane is going to crash.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Phobias
Jul 20, 2005 16:51
Terry: Imagine a crowd of 100,000 people all standing in the ocean with you at the center. They are all focused on YOU! Now they all (yess, all... somehow) push you underwater and hold you there. Would this be a dream that would wake you up? :)
Terry Bogard
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RE: Phobias
Jul 20, 2005 16:54
Would this be a dream that would wake you up? :) Lol, remember that scene in part 2 of the Matrix when Neo was kicking the butts of all 1 trillion of those Mr. Smiths? Given that it' s a dream and I have a little control over them at times I' d receive one hell of an upgrade in it and would try to remain asleep until all 100,000 of those people standing in the ocean were teh d00med  Of course, with my luck I' d wake up for whatever reason just as thing were getting really good!
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 21 Jul 05 0:59:21 >
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: Phobias
Jul 20, 2005 19:59
SHARKS: sharks sacre me i cant swim way out into the ocean i gont like it! SPIDERS: i h8 em thye scare me and thye can kill u! MY MIND I WILL THINK OF SUMTHING WEIRD AND ILL SEE IT INFRONT OF ME ITS WEIRD! AND GLASS SCARES ME I PUT MY HAND TREW A WINDOW ONCE AND IT CUT MESO THATS Y IM SCARED OF GLASS!
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RE: Phobias
Jul 21, 2005 10:10
Three things really creep me out: 1. Balloons - Can barely remain sane when balloons are around. Just one " POP" and I' m clinging to the ceiling. 2. Ants - Way too many around. All I have to do is think " ants" and my skin crawls, literally. 3. Tight, Small, Cramped Places - I can' t even stand being in the backseat of a vehicle without panicking.
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RE: Phobias
Jul 21, 2005 10:25
1. Balloons - Can barely remain sane when balloons are around. Just one " POP" and I' m clinging to the ceiling. SHARRON!!!!! My kindred spirit!!!!!!! I hate, HATE, balloons. If there' s a balloon in the room, count me out. I mean seriously, who thinks those things are a good idea. I see little kids playing with them, ....CHEWING ON ONE!!!!!!! ARRRGGGHHHHHHHH! Foil Balloons I guess I can handle. Water balloons too. But regular old balloons are satans toys.
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RE: Phobias
Jul 22, 2005 22:41
Also scared of birds. I remembered that today when the pigeon tried to get into my lab. And Thunder, thunder scares me.
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RE: Phobias
Jul 23, 2005 21:02
SHARRON!!!!! My kindred spirit!!!!!!! Kudos! By the way, do you know you NEVER spell my name right?
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RE: Phobias
Jul 23, 2005 21:24
he is also scared of spelling
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RE: Phobias
Aug 02, 2005 08:14
By the way, do you know you NEVER spell my name right Nver even noticed till you pointed it out! And no Rikkkkkka, I' m not afraid of spelling, just afraid of looking over to the avatar section where the names are, man some of those pictures are UGGGGGGGGLLLLY
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RE: Phobias
Aug 02, 2005 16:06
Like my pic?
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RE: Phobias
Aug 03, 2005 01:22
Mosquitos really freak me out. ESPECIALLY GIANT ONES. I' m always worried il get some sort of virus from one if they bite me... uggggghhhh and just the thought of one those big nasty thingz bitin' me sends me up the wall.....oh yeah same here, i hate balloons.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Phobias
Aug 03, 2005 03:17
thunder scares me. Aww. I love thunder and lightning!
Naked Snake
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RE: Phobias
Aug 03, 2005 16:03
Picture a cave without a way out. There' s water comi' n in. There' s more and more water sprinkling in. You want to go up, but there' s a ceiling. It' s comi' n up... I' m afraid of clowns, too.
Chee Saw
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RE: Phobias
Aug 04, 2005 05:15
WTF?! Baloons? Is it THAT common to be scared of baloons? Weird. Well, I don' t particularly care for heights, though I handle my business if I have to. Spiders with big abdomens freak me out too. Oh, and centipedes. The ones with the legs that look like hair (typically called a House Centipede).
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RE: Phobias
Aug 06, 2005 11:50
that woman from the grudge scares the shit out of me since I saw the movie. every time I go to sleep I check under my bed , but i' m over that now
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RE: Phobias
Aug 07, 2005 15:19
I have a fear of heights and large groups. I hate being really high up in things and I hate elevators because of that reason. Oh and I don' t like large groups of people, like at school, because your walking through the mobs and every person is touching you and they smell and YUCK! [:' (]
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RE: Phobias
Aug 07, 2005 15:39
quote: thunder scares me. Aww. I love thunder and lightning I love lightening, I just hate the thunder. It is a shame they go hand in hand
Mass X
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RE: Phobias
Aug 07, 2005 16:04
Yet chickapoo you tell me you like to play in elevators at the biggest mall in America... somehow I think I met a different you...hey wait a second didnt you tell me you had no more internet for a very long while and thats why you raped my laptop maliciously up north? Sigh... I also fear marriage and myself at most 2 days out of the year.
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RE: Phobias
Aug 07, 2005 17:22
there is only one thing im really freaked out about and that is heights.