I do admit that the ' best' forums are a bit plentiful and, in many cases, unnecessary, but these are what the forums are all about!! Let the folks be folks, and let people make their threads. It' s true Jackely Dumas is a bit of an ass (sorry Jackey), but his ' best threads' have sprouted debate and discussion, and in some ways arguments (I make my debut in the ' best graphics' thread

!!!), and that' s what a good forum does. I made two ' VS' threads, one was a LOZ versus FF, and the other LOTR versus Star Wars. And believe it or not, there have been responses and debate, especially with LOZ versus FF. So the versus threads are unnecessary and don' t leave much room for recent announcements, but there' s no denying that you guys like ' em. Forums are for people to interact and discuss different subjects, so if there are ' best' threads here or there, or even my pesky ' VS' threads, then so be it.
Am I right?? Do I have a point?? Seriously? Do I? (Just say ' You' re right Jason' and I' ll be fine

I should call my next thread: " ' Best' threads versus ' VS' threads "
< Message edited by Jason Zeidan -- 24 Jul 05 6:16:28 >