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Which Next Gen system do you think will have the best graphics?
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Russian Mobster
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RE: Which Next Gen system do you think will have the best graphics?
Jul 27, 2005 17:13
Splinter Cell 3 was the best looking game this generation. then there is the little game called Ninja Gaiden. Forza was the best looking racing game,PGR2 was close second if not on par. DOAU is the best looking fighting game.DOA on dreamcast looked amazing. GT4 had some of the worst car textures that ive seen (it was like my tv was running at 16 colors) And i was running the game in 1080i which wasnt really 1080i in the first place.
Evil Man
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RE: Which Next Gen system do you think will have the best graphics?
Jul 28, 2005 01:45
1 - Rev 2 - PS3 3 - Xbox It' s obvious the first console to release always has the worst graphics the last one has the best thats how it went this gen: PS2 released first - worst graphics GCN released second - middle graphics XBX released last - best graphics. And for your smart asses that are gonna say Cube & Xbox came out at almost the same time STFU because Cube was released in Japan way before it launched in the US, thus it is a considerably older console than Xbox.
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RE: Which Next Gen system do you think will have the best graphics?
Jul 29, 2005 14:43
DC came out a year before PS2. DC owns PS2 in many games.
Jason Zeidan
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RE: Which Next Gen system do you think will have the best graphics?
Jul 29, 2005 15:02
Evil man, I think, nay, I know you have a point. Genesis (1989) < SNES (1991) Saturn (1994) < PSX (1995) < N64 (1996) DC (1999) < PS2 (2000) < GCN (Nov. 15, 01) < Xbox (Nov. 18, 01) Xbox 360 (2005) <?> PS3 (Early 2006) <?> Revolution (Mid 2006) C' mon, do the math.. (Although I feel like an Evil Man myself..    )
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RE: Which Next Gen system do you think will have the best graphics?
Jul 29, 2005 15:13
1 - Rev 2 - PS3 3 - Xbox It' s obvious the first console to release always has the worst graphics the last one has the best thats how it went this gen: PS2 released first - worst graphics GCN released second - middle graphics XBX released last - best graphics. And for your smart asses that are gonna say Cube & Xbox came out at almost the same time STFU because Cube was released in Japan way before it launched in the US, thus it is a considerably older console than Xbox. Evil Man, that is ignorant. Nintendo will probably have the worst graphics chip due to " keeping the cost affordable for 10yr olds errr... I mean the average Nintendo gamer" . From now on try to base posts on logic and facts, here I' ll give you an example: The list as far as my understanding will probably go: 1. XBOX360: they are using a 500MHz graphics chip 2. PS3: I havent seen it as fact but the majority says that the chip was cut to a 400MHz chip 3. Revolution: Nintendo would rather tout creativity and innovation over graphics, and with the decision to not support HD some might believe the chip they are using isn' t powerful enough to support it.
< Message edited by immortaldanmx -- 29 Jul 05 23:14:08 >
Terry Bogard
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RE: Which Next Gen system do you think will have the best graphics?
Jul 29, 2005 15:39
Actually to get a little technical, the Saturn wasn' t launched that far ahead of the PlayStation and thus wasn' t much older at all. The Sega Saturn hit Japan in late November of 1994 and the PlayStation launch followed close to two weeks later near the beginning part of December. In the U.S. the PlayStation kept its 9/9/95 launch date whereas Sega rushed their Saturn to the U.S. market in May of 95 instead of keeping their original September launch date. The Saturn trounced the PlayStation in the 2D department whereas the PlayStation trounced the Saturn in the 3D department. The Dreamcast hit Japan on November 28, 1998, PS2 hit Japan sometime during March 2000.
Jason Zeidan
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RE: Which Next Gen system do you think will have the best graphics?
Jul 30, 2005 11:24
Oh, see, I was talking about the U.S launch date: September 9th, 1999. Ironic..
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RE: Which Next Gen system do you think will have the best graphics?
Aug 03, 2005 18:43
the 360 is gonna be the best with all of the Square Enix games. It' s their specialty.
Evil Man
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RE: Which Next Gen system do you think will have the best graphics?
Aug 06, 2005 01:38
ORIGINAL: immortaldanmx 1 - Rev 2 - PS3 3 - Xbox It' s obvious the first console to release always has the worst graphics the last one has the best thats how it went this gen: PS2 released first - worst graphics GCN released second - middle graphics XBX released last - best graphics. And for your smart asses that are gonna say Cube & Xbox came out at almost the same time STFU because Cube was released in Japan way before it launched in the US, thus it is a considerably older console than Xbox. Evil Man, that is ignorant. Nintendo will probably have the worst graphics chip due to " keeping the cost affordable for 10yr olds errr... I mean the average Nintendo gamer" . From now on try to base posts on logic and facts, here I' ll give you an example: The list as far as my understanding will probably go: 1. XBOX360: they are using a 500MHz graphics chip 2. PS3: I havent seen it as fact but the majority says that the chip was cut to a 400MHz chip 3. Revolution: Nintendo would rather tout creativity and innovation over graphics, and with the decision to not support HD some might believe the chip they are using isn' t powerful enough to support it. Gamecube was affordable for the 10 year olds and still had better graphics than PS2, what' s your point? Logic suggests that the consoles that come out later have better graphics simply because the prices of the hardware parts go down, similiar to a computer, i.e. if I build a computer for $2000, a year later I can build a better one for $1500, because technology advances and the price to make the hardware goes down. As far as the saturn goes, it was primarily a 2D console and it shows in all its 2D games which were far superior to any 2D the PS1 could do, however it was capable of producing pretty good 3D graphics but its life was cut too short (it was dying by 97 and totally dead by 98, so it hardly had a 3 year life span) so I feel that the potential of its 3D was never fully taken advantage of, when you compare games like Panzer Dragoon Saga to the PS1 titles that were available in 1997, it look pretty damn good in comparison, however PS1 kept going well beyond 1997 so it eventually saw games with much better graphics like Metal Gear Solid, Gran Turismo 2, Final Fantasy 9, etc.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 6 Aug 05 9:49:18 >
Jason Zeidan
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RE: Which Next Gen system do you think will have the best graphics?
Aug 06, 2005 16:54
Zzzing!!! You have a point, Evilman. And I think Mr. Immortal there has been fooled by the great art of bias.
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RE: Which Next Gen system do you think will have the best graphics?
Aug 06, 2005 19:42
ORIGINAL: Evil Man ORIGINAL: immortaldanmx 1 - Rev 2 - PS3 3 - Xbox It' s obvious the first console to release always has the worst graphics the last one has the best thats how it went this gen: PS2 released first - worst graphics GCN released second - middle graphics XBX released last - best graphics. And for your smart asses that are gonna say Cube & Xbox came out at almost the same time STFU because Cube was released in Japan way before it launched in the US, thus it is a considerably older console than Xbox. Evil Man, that is ignorant. Nintendo will probably have the worst graphics chip due to " keeping the cost affordable for 10yr olds errr... I mean the average Nintendo gamer" . From now on try to base posts on logic and facts, here I' ll give you an example: The list as far as my understanding will probably go: 1. XBOX360: they are using a 500MHz graphics chip 2. PS3: I havent seen it as fact but the majority says that the chip was cut to a 400MHz chip 3. Revolution: Nintendo would rather tout creativity and innovation over graphics, and with the decision to not support HD some might believe the chip they are using isn' t powerful enough to support it. Gamecube was affordable for the 10 year olds and still had better graphics than PS2, what' s your point? Logic suggests that the consoles that come out later have better graphics simply because the prices of the hardware parts go down, similiar to a computer, i.e. if I build a computer for $2000, a year later I can build a better one for $1500, because technology advances and the price to make the hardware goes down. As far as the saturn goes, it was primarily a 2D console and it shows in all its 2D games which were far superior to any 2D the PS1 could do, however it was capable of producing pretty good 3D graphics but its life was cut too short (it was dying by 97 and totally dead by 98, so it hardly had a 3 year life span) so I feel that the potential of its 3D was never fully taken advantage of, when you compare games like Panzer Dragoon Saga to the PS1 titles that were available in 1997, it look pretty damn good in comparison, however PS1 kept going well beyond 1997 so it eventually saw games with much better graphics like Metal Gear Solid, Gran Turismo 2, Final Fantasy 9, etc. Evil Man I can almost guarentee that your theory will be proven wrong this gen. Nintendo simply doesn' t have the funds available to them to shove the latest and greatest technology in their console. They can' t afford to take a loss on each console sold like Microsoft and Sony. If they did they' d most likely go out of business. Even Nintendo themselves have confirmed that the console will not be as powerful as the XBOX 360 and PS3. The fact that the Revolution doesn' t support high definition pictures (720p 1080i, etc) should be an indication that the console will not have the power to process such high resolution graphics. It will be a more affordable machine from the beginning -> Nintendo won' t take a loss on each console sold -> Nintendo will stay in business! Having said that the difference isn' t likely to be too great between all three conoles. But the fact is that the Revolution won' t be the most powerful machine out there.
Jason Zeidan
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RE: Which Next Gen system do you think will have the best graphics?
Aug 06, 2005 20:25
Hu-uh. Doesn' t have the funds?? Doesn' t Nintendo have a networth of four billion? I don' t think funds is an issue. Just because they said gameplay is more important than graphical performance, it doesn' t mean the visuals aren' t on par with competitors. Afterall, Nintendo said graphics isn' t a priority when they announced the gamecube, and lord and hehold, it can perform better graphics than Sony' s system. (And Sony' s a much wealthier company than Nintendo, mind you) As for graphics, Nintendo gets it' s card from ATM, the very corporation Microsoft gets it' s 360 chip as well, so don' t tell me it' s a financial issue. SO, there' s no reason for Nintendo Revolution to be graphically and technically inferior to PS3 or 360 in any fassion. Unless it' s just a tad inferior, then okay. Besides, these numbers Sony and Microsoft throw at you mean nothing. Do numbers show at all on your TV? No. 400 MHZ, 700 MB, 16:9... let' s just see how the games look on your TV and end it.
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RE: Which Next Gen system do you think will have the best graphics?
Aug 07, 2005 12:25
Damn you are overly Nintendo biase.... Okay, where to begin... To start with Nintendo' s net worth of 4 billion dollars isn' t money readily availible to throw out there. That' s the inclusion of all their sassests that they have in their possesion. MS lost a total of over a billion dollars on the Xbox.They have that type of cash to throw around. They could care less about a petty billion dollars. They spent over a billion dollars developing the 360 as well. Why? They have a lot of money. Now we look at Nintendo. If they expect to have a console as powerful as the 360 they' d most likely have to use around the same amount of money to develop it. If Nintendo threw out a billion dollars in development they' d loose a quarter of their entire company. For some reason I highly doubt that they are willing to sell off a quarter of their assets just to design the console. Moving on, specs mean a lot. Sure MS and Nintendo have the same graphics card manufacturer, that means nothing. All three next gen consoles have IMB processors and each processor it very different. Same goes with the graphics cards. If Nintendo wants to keep the price down they will need to use a less powerful graphics card. If the Revolution comes out a year later that still isn' t a long enough time for the hardware to come down in price significantly. MS is using a custom built ATi (not ATM...) graphics card with integrated memory. Looking at this, the 360 will have better graphics. The most caparable graphics card ATi is making won' t be out on PCs for at least a couple generations of computers. Nintendo could get something close to the general power of the 360' s card but because of that integrated memory that is exclusive to the 360 GPU the 360 will have a good lead in terms of graphics. That memory will free up CPU usage and things like Anti-aliasing and other touch up effects will all be taken care of by that integrated memory without a drop in system performance. Then about the whole HD thing... if the Revolutions card doesn' t support high resolutions it' s not that powerful of a card period. Most GPUs out right now can handle HD. If the Revolutions card can' t support it... well hell. Just think about it. How did you put it? You have... been fooled by the great art of bias.
< Message edited by Rampage99 -- 7 Aug 05 22:05:29 >
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RE: Which Next Gen system do you think will have the best graphics?
Aug 07, 2005 14:14
If you don' t think graphics matter go play Playstation 1.
Jason Zeidan
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RE: Which Next Gen system do you think will have the best graphics?
Aug 07, 2005 15:01
Yes, I am aware of assets, operating costs, employees..... that was an ignorant statement. Do you really think Microsoft is spending upwards of a billion on the console? Damn, have I been wrong. And I don' t think I' m bias. It' s just with all the trampling of Nintendo around here, most of my posts are contructed in it' s defense. Sorry if alot of my posts seem half-assed, I just don' t know as much as you guys. But never blame a man (or is it boy?) for trying. And about the bias, I more than realize Nintendo' s flaws. It' s true in some respects, many of Nintendo' s business decisions are mind-numbingly stupid. But those flaws and insults are already well-realized in forums, so why repeat, right? So, I try to stay optimistic about Nintendo and their decisions and support, because, you know, that' s nice and all.
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RE: Which Next Gen system do you think will have the best graphics?
Aug 07, 2005 16:32
Yes, I am aware of assets, operating costs, employees..... that was an ignorant statement. Do you really think Microsoft is spending upwards of a billion on the console? Damn, have I been wrong. And I don' t think I' m bias. It' s just with all the trampling of Nintendo around here, most of my posts are contructed in it' s defense. Sorry if alot of my posts seem half-assed, I just don' t know as much as you guys. But never blame a man (or is it boy?) for trying. And about the bias, I more than realize Nintendo' s flaws. It' s true in some respects, many of Nintendo' s business decisions are mind-numbingly stupid. But those flaws and insults are already well-realized in forums, so why repeat, right? So, I try to stay optimistic about Nintendo and their decisions and support, because, you know, that' s nice and all. You are right to defend Nintendo, but you have to admit it is hard to do. (Exept for the DS) I also have heard Iwata say the Rev will be " consumer friendly" , but Game Informer stated that it has a 600MHz card in it! I' m sure this was a mistake, but what a mistake it was! I am hoping this is true, however. I will be buying the X360 for the graphics (Those faceplates are absolutley awesome to, they look way better when on the system) and the Rev because, well, I' ve always bought Nintendo on day one. Why no PS3? After waiting so long for the PS2 with all it' s promised stuff...well, you guys should know. As a consumer, I don' t enjoy being lied to.
< Message edited by TXSPheonix -- 8 Aug 05 1:19:15 >
Jason Zeidan
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RE: Which Next Gen system do you think will have the best graphics?
Aug 07, 2005 20:56
Defending Nintendo in forums is the biggest challenge in my everyday life. Calculus? Easy! Defending Nintendo? Hard freaking work. By the way, I read this great article that was posted on http://joystiq.com/ It was talking about Sony' s cockiness with PS3, and how their pronouncements are always negative (price, possible late release date, no more exclusive FF, cancelling router..). Anyway, it' s titled " Is Sony pulling a Nintendo?" I' m sorry, but I can' t defend that. It' s so freaking true. I see a PS, N64 cycle coming along, PS3 of course being N64..
Jason Zeidan
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RE: Which Next Gen system do you think will have the best graphics?
Aug 07, 2005 20:59
I also have heard Iwata say the Rev will be " consumer friendly" , but Game Informer stated that it has a 600MHz card in it! Yeah, I heard that too. Now that' s a slap in the face, huh?
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RE: Which Next Gen system do you think will have the best graphics?
Aug 09, 2005 08:04
Yeah, I heard that too. Now that' s a slap in the face, huh? Yeah, problem is, it really won' t have enough memory to make use of it. oh well... It was talking about Sony' s cockiness with PS3, and how their pronouncements are always negative (price, possible late release date, no more exclusive FF, cancelling router..). Anyway, it' s titled " Is Sony pulling a Nintendo?" I' m sorry, but I can' t defend that. It' s so freaking true. I see a PS, N64 cycle coming along, PS3 of course being N64.. That brings back some memory' s... " N64 to use Cartridges?" What a year for Nintendo fans. I lost all fanboism with Nintendo when Gamecube came out. I sure hope the Rev does something great, but I don' t see any FPS' s coming to thier lineup for q long while.
< Message edited by TXSPheonix -- 9 Aug 05 16:06:58 >
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RE: Which Next Gen system do you think will have the best graphics?
Aug 27, 2005 16:23
I think Revolution might be more powerfull than PS3 - it' s always the case with Sony - some demos some stupid specs that don' t show nothing and then the system arrives and it just sux. Nintendo? just the opposite - I think that Metroid Prime is one of the best looking games of this generation - it' s simply amazing. MS on the other hand is also giving specs and showing demos ,but they don' t lie that much :) I expect it to be 360>REVO>PS3 - people(developers) say that PS3 will suffer jaggies at the begining - that doesn' t seem to be something new.All we' ll hear is " it' s powerfull but hard to develop for" Nintendo says that they do need new technology but they will use it differently - now what good is revolution or innovation at the cost of no progress on the main front? I think that excluding HD from REV gives them ability to lower costs while maintaining graphics on SD TV very alike for all systems.
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