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Jackelcy Dumas
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Which Next Gen system do you think will have the best graphics?
Jul 15, 2005 16:19
Xbox 360: It has tough graphics,what I mean is It makes things look sharp. Like if it was showing a ant the ant would look like a robot ant or something. It would look tough, puffy, and strong for no reason. I can' t explain what I' m trying to say, but in all the movie trailers you can tell it' s a game when you take a closer look. So far Xbox 360 has better games. PS3:It' s Graphics are realistic when I saw the tekken trailer It was like looking at your self in the mirror. Than when I saw his hair it was to pointy at the end which made me realize it was a game. In Metal Gear Solid 4 the graphics are hot too but the area made me loose intrest. I still know it will be great. PS3 looks realer. Nintendo Revolution: It still looks like gamecube graphichs which is alright. Its not all about the graphics, but it stinks. What I' m trying to say is Ps3 has real person graphics,Xbox 360 has overdone its graphics it' s too much of something,because everything looks stiff. For Nintendo I still cant see an improvement but we will have to wait until all systems come out.
< Message edited by Jackelcy Dumas -- 16 Jul 05 7:20:35 >
Jason Zeidan
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RE: Which Next Gen system do you think will have the best graphics?
Jul 15, 2005 17:00
I believe the Revolution will have the best graphics. We don' t know what the graphics look like anyway (and that Metroid 3 demo was said to run on GCN hardware), but it' s coming out last, and it' s an industry rule (to me, anyway) that the console that launches last should have the best graphics. I know the Xbox 360 will have the worst visuals, though. Again, it' s too early to make a verdict, but making guesses is fun!!
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RE: Which Next Gen system do you think will have the best graphics?
Jul 15, 2005 18:56
Just to let you know the majority of trailers shown at E3 for the PS3 were prerendered CG. Dude. Your comments are really poor and have no backing to support them. Do some research.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
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RE: Which Next Gen system do you think will have the best graphics?
Jul 15, 2005 18:57
ORIGINAL: Jason Zeidan I believe the Revolution will have the best graphics. We don' t know what the graphics look like anyway (and that Metroid 3 demo was said to run on GCN hardware), but it' s coming out last, and it' s an industry rule (to me, anyway) that the console that launches last should have the best graphics. I know the Xbox 360 will have the worst visuals, though. Again, it' s too early to make a verdict, but making guesses is fun!! Please don' t speak anymore...
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
Terry Bogard
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RE: Which Next Gen system do you think will have the best graphics?
Jul 15, 2005 22:43
Outside of one of those consoles rendering an extra leaf, grain of sand or tree branch than the others I doubt you' ll be able to spot much of a noticeable graphical difference in the games of the next-gen consoles.
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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Jul 16, 2005 02:36
<message edited by cpsethgt on Apr 30, 2012 05:37>
Jason Zeidan
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RE: Which Next Gen system do you think will have the best graphics?
Jul 16, 2005 20:30
Well your ' just so you know' , ' screw you' writing attitude isn' t exactly research-rich.
Jason Zeidan
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RE: Which Next Gen system do you think will have the best graphics?
Jul 16, 2005 20:38
Sorry, you were talking about the guy who made the wacky opinions on the top. Oops. Anyway, what do you have against my opinion? Huh? I need to know.
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RE: Which Next Gen system do you think will have the best graphics?
Jul 17, 2005 21:46
Your opinion is false and innaccurate and has no back up or support. To start with, the 360 will not have the worst graphis. So far it has the most advance GPU shown for next gen because of it' s integrated ram which allows more effects, shaders, and AA without hindering any system perormance of CPU usage. Next, you can' t say that the Revolution will have the best graphics. Nintendo hasn' t shown of any hardware for their system, or software for that matter. The only thing coming out of the rumor mill is that Nintendo will have a less powerful system but will be more user friendly than any of the other systems. Ninitendo isn' t basing themselves on graphics which is why they are putting so much into the whole thing about downloading old NES games. Finally Dumas' s comments were just plain stupid. He was comparing CG prerendered cutscenes to unfinished alpha kit 360 games. that is why I don' t like your opinions.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
Jason Zeidan
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RE: Which Next Gen system do you think will have the best graphics?
Jul 18, 2005 09:20
Well, these are afterall OPINIONS...
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RE: Which Next Gen system do you think will have the best graphics?
Jul 18, 2005 16:13
AHAHAHAHAHa it was so funny reading the nub posts at the beginning. Some 12 year old who has no idea about the facts but really wants to make a post so just makes some assumptions about the very few things he/she does know and posts them. Nothing like teh ub3r nub posts. and oh by the way I' m guessing xbox 360 games will look by far the best at the beginning when PS3 games first come out. Then about 3 years after PS3 has been out PS3 and Xbox 360 games will look much closer to the same. And all the time in between that PS3 games will be getting closer and closer to Xbox 360 graphics but in the end never be able to catch up to the 360. Oh and as for Revolution I couldn' t really say but I would guess somewhere around what Splinter Cell Chaos Theory looks on PC with shader 3 enabled. So not too far behind xbox 360 and PS3, but it will be very noticable. And I' m guessing they won' t go all out with the CPUs like the 360 and PS3 are, so the physics won' t be as insane as 360 and PS3 games. And the reason the 360 will look better right away is because the features are way way easier for developers to take advantage of. Especially with the GPU. As for the CPUs 360 will be easier for developers than PS3, but not that much easier. And I think PS3 will have a little bit more capabilities CPU wise. But graphics wise PS3 will be inferior because of the new unified shader architecture and memory architectures of the 360.
< Message edited by locopuyo -- 19 Jul 05 0:20:55 >
"If you knew how good I am you would think I'm modest."
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RE: Which Next Gen system do you think will have the best graphics?
Jul 18, 2005 20:49
Sigh. It looks like some more people have fallen victim to Sony' s marketing machine. Firstly, I' d like to state that BOTH the PS3 and XBOX 360 are amazing pieces of technology in their own right. BOTH will be capable of amazing visual effects and the differences between the two graphically will be minimal when the potential of both machines are realised. And I will be buying both Now down to business. We all hear about how the PS3 cell processor has twice the power of the XBOX 360 processor right? We all saw Ken Kutaragi get up there and say it. Why shouldn' t we believe him? Well what Sony didn' t tell you is that the cell processor is only twice as powerful as the XBOX 360 processor when it comes down to floating point calculations. Now games these days are about 20% floating point calculations and 80% general purpose processing. The XBOX 360 processor is three times as fast as the PS3 cell processor when it comes to general purpose processing. (The XBOX 360 has three general purpose cores, cell has just one) Another interesting fact is that 90% of floating point calculations are handled by the GPU anyway. Both GPU' s on the XBOX 360 and PS3 are very impressive. Arguably the XBOX 360 GPU is indeed more advanced and powerful than the PS3 GPU (unified shader architecture sounds very powerful and versatile indeed). But this is yet to be proven. So what have we learned from this? Sony is good with smoke and mirrors. They are very adept at getting people to see only what they want them to see. But when you look a bit harder - you can really see that all is not what it seems.
< Message edited by UnluckyOne -- 19 Jul 05 5:23:50 >
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RE: Which Next Gen system do you think will have the best graphics?
Jul 19, 2005 07:24
 Very Well Said, The Fact that somone has thought this through and used basic mathematics. I think Xbox 360 will be able to carry out more detail in games, for example Spots on face lol. The ps3 i say will have less detail, but it will be good in dark ares such as games like Doom3. (you know what i mean like the dark corridors) Personally i think, its down to graphic companies, Ive always been an ATI dude and i find there pictures are more Colorfull and More Detailed, Thats why you see ATI storm ahead in benchmarks on halflife2 ahead of Nvidea. The Ps3 as i think will be better in games like doom3, as Nvidea are good at dull colours, there not as vibrant or " alive" . so i go with ati and that equals xbox360 Oh by the way would this in anyway relate to you' re post unlucky one.? go easy on my im not an expert lol.
< Message edited by Faztastic -- 19 Jul 05 15:30:03 >
Jason Zeidan
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RE: Which Next Gen system do you think will have the best graphics?
Jul 19, 2005 09:11
Why can' t I say Revolution will have the best graphics? This is an opinion. Afterall, Nintendo downplays the ' power' part of every system they manufacture, because Nintendo never clearly said " hey guys! The revolution isn' t going to be as powerful as our competitors' s, nor will it have comparable graphics..." . They never clearly said that it' s not going to be as powerful or visually-stunning, but they said that it' s not as important as the games played on them. It' s the Nintendo routine! The graphics will be stunning, but it' s not something Nintendo' s bragging about. So, yes, the graphics will be on par with 360 and PS3. Look at the GC. When the first news about it hit the sites, Nintendo said that graphics aren' t as important as the fun-factor contained in the system. I clearly remember them saying that. And George Harrison stated that when the public see GC software, they shouldn' t expect ' turbo graphics' . But what do ya know!! The graphics are amazing, and top that of the PS2. And about the download compatibility, Nintendo didn' t create that to overshadow Revolution graphics. The Revolution is a virtual console, and backward compatibility is just a part of what will make the Revolution so unique. Even something so amazing as that is created, and still people look the other way. Strange... Plus, Nintendo has the same graphics chip partner as Microsoft, so do you think that Revolution' s graphics chip would be something well inferior to Microsoft' s respective chip? Methinks not. And if the Revolution isn' t as powerful as the 360 and 470 or whatever the hell they' re called, it won' t be far off comparitively. Afterall, Nintendo does care about technology, so expect Revolution to compete in every way fathomed. Okay, rant over... Do you like my opinions more now, Rampage???
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RE: Which Next Gen system do you think will have the best graphics?
Jul 19, 2005 10:11
No, not really. At least your backing up your statements a little better now. Still though, the likelyhood of the Revolution out performing the other 2 consoles is slim to none. Let' s go over the reasons. 1- The size. Have you seen the size of the PS3? It' s freaking bigger than the Xbox. The 360 is smaller than the original Xbox but still not by much. Then you look at the Revolution which is like the size of a hand. There is no way that I can comprehend them fitting comparable technology into their console with that size. Sure they are great at making handheld technology smaller and smaller, but the hardware in those ar far from what the next gen consoles will be pushing out. 2- Cost. If the system is that small and they do manage to fit that technology in there the price will sky rocket. Unlike the beast MS who can sacrifice a hundred or more bucks per console sold, Nintendo really isn' t as financially strong as MS. Also, Nintendo seems to try and be more price friendly than the other two companies so I don' t they' ll want to pull a PS3 approach where the creator is telling people to work more hours to buy his console. 3- The GPU. ATi created the 360s GPU using technology that isn' t supposed to be introduced for another couple PC generations. From what I' ve heard Nintendo is sticking with more cost effective current gen PC hardware, which is still powerful but not on par with the 360' s hardware. I' m not expecting the Revolution to be a supercomputer like the other two consoles. I' m expecting it to be fun though and offer something new and innovative. I' m looking forward to it more than I am the PS3. I' ve always been a big Nintendo fan because they got me into gaming. Even after the piss poor console they delivered with the GC (other than a handful of great games), I' m still hoping for the best next gen. I' m being realistic though. Have your opinion by all means. Just realize a lot of what your are sying has very little to back it up. Don' t just pull your opinions out of he air.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
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RE: Which Next Gen system do you think will have the best graphics?
Jul 19, 2005 10:51
anyone who actually beleives that what sony put out in it' s so called " footage" is a moron sony just used cgi companies to make most of those they are not even true trailers they are sony' dream of what they want their games to look like dosen' t anyone remember the playstation 2 videos when they first revealed it? it showed something that was better than what we have today most of it was bogus. all sony is trying to do is create hype that they cant deliver on. and the revolution will probably not have the best graphics because its not their style. the playstation and xbox are definatley after each other but nintendo is in its own little world which is why it is still successful today and as for the xbox 360 it will have the better graphics once again the stuff that they showed was only on alphs kits and only 25%-30% of its true power once x05 comes everyone will see why the xbox will rule
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RE: Which Next Gen system do you think will have the best graphics?
Jul 19, 2005 13:08
I can' t say (even though I' d really like to) that the revolution is going to have the " best" graphics. And by that I mean the machine is able to pull off the most complex calculations, and put the most effecs/objects on the screen at once. I do not however think it' s going to be waaaaaaaay behind, I think for the most part games will look pretty similar across all 3 systems. However, if Nintendo does this whole revolution thingy right, I think it' s possible for them to have the most UNIQUE graphics, and by doing so may be able to garner the most oooohs and aaaaahs from the gaming public without them being the most technologically advanced graphics.
Jackelcy Dumas
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RE: Which Next Gen system do you think will have the best graphics?
Jul 19, 2005 13:49
This is so funny!
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RE: Which Next Gen system do you think will have the best graphics?
Jul 19, 2005 15:42
Faztastic, the reason ATI does so much better with HL2 is because ATI paid them millions of dollars, something like 6 million to develop HL2 on ATI equipment. So it was basically designed for the 9800. The 9800 had a feature that the latest nvidia card, the 5900 did not. So it didn' t run nearly as well on the nvidia card. Doom 3 was designed on nVidia equipment so it ran better on nVidia cards. It has nothing to do with how bright or dark the colors are. If you knew about how this equipment runs you would prolly laugh ur ass off about what you said, I know I did.
"If you knew how good I am you would think I'm modest."
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RE: Which Next Gen system do you think will have the best graphics?
Jul 19, 2005 19:47
This is so funny! Did I miss something? I agree with what Rampage is saying. The revolution won' t be the most powerful system out there. It won' t be miles behind but it won' t be " up there" either. They simply do not have the financial resources available to take a loss with each console sold. Let me put things in perspective for you. Last time I checked, Microsoft' s total value was estimated at $375 billion dollars. Last year they made $10 billion in profits. Nintendo' s total value is estimated to be $10 billion dollars. So basically Microsoft makes a Nintendo each year. So Nintendo has to limit the losses they can take on each console. In fact I' m pretty sure that Nintendo was the only company making a profit on each console they sold this generation. Nintendo is probably going to go down that path again. Take inexpensive parts, manufacture them into a console and sell each one for a profit. Then profit on games too. This strategy is different to Microsoft and Sony who will both take losses on their consoles and not see any profits for a couple of years. If Nintendo tried to do what Sony and Microsoft are doing, there probably wouldn' t be a Nintendo anymore!
Jackelcy Dumas
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RE: Which Next Gen system do you think will have the best graphics?
Jul 19, 2005 20:17
I' ll say what I mean when time is right.
Jackelcy Dumas
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RE: Which Next Gen system do you think will have the best graphics?
Jul 19, 2005 20:31
I only wrote that stupid shit so yu guys could answer because we all know everyone likes to be a smart ass, am I right.
Jason Zeidan
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RE: Which Next Gen system do you think will have the best graphics?
Jul 19, 2005 20:41
Correct!! Anyway, I firmly believe the Revolution will have the best graphics. That is my individual hypothesis, and I don' t appreciate anybody telling me I' m incorrect, or my opinions are invalid, because afterall, I don' t know any less about these damn systems than anybody in these forums, so just let me be (Rampage), and respect my insight, because I respect everybody else' s.
Jackelcy Dumas
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RE: Which Next Gen system do you think will have the best graphics?
Jul 19, 2005 20:46
Do you think Nintendo On is real? If it is Nintendo won the War.
Jackelcy Dumas
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RE: Which Next Gen system do you think will have the best graphics?
Jul 19, 2005 20:48
The expressions on your faces right now is priceless. YOu know who you are.
Jason Zeidan
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RE: Which Next Gen system do you think will have the best graphics?
Jul 19, 2005 20:51
Actually, you know what? Microsoft and Sony put up numbers that supposedly tell you how powerful a system is. 3.2 GHZ. Three processors, etc. etc. But you know what, those are parts of the great art of first impression. How much of those numbers are you going to see on screen? Will you tell the difference between 5.4 GHZ and 3.2 GHZ on the damn TV? No. Just like we didn' t see a difference between 733 MHZ and 300 MHZ this generation. So, okay, we can flaunt numbers, but you know what? Is that going to make a game more fun? If Revolution' s core power ran at about 2 GHZ processing processor, would Zelda all of a sudden become more fun than if it ran on a 1 GHZ processor? Nope, and that is why I' m sick of this. Comparing numbers is fun, but what I' m seeing on my TV is far more coherent. And yes, Rampage, you do have a point I' ll admit, but I still stand by my opinion, because it' s based on what I think, not what others suspect. Or maybe I' m stubborn, I don' t know...
Mass X
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RE: Which Next Gen system do you think will have the best graphics?
Jul 19, 2005 22:21
Im sure some numbers to mean somthing tho. Like Polygon count or pixals or somin somthing you will notice on a TV. Loadtimes and objects on screen moving seamlessly and looking very smooth is somthing you will see and the numbers have a big impact on that I assume somhow. Yer gonna notice if yer playing an Atari as opposed to a system of today, and looking at the specs for atari compared to now the numbers are gonna mean somthing...ok a bit og a drastic example but good enough. I dont know shit about any of that tech anatomy stuff so i could be completly wrong here. BTW my opinion on best graphics is withheld until i see the finished products cuz theirs way to many factors to get even a remote idea on graphic power of the systems(developer time, real numbers, etc). Im quite sure it wont be insanly noticable like it was in this gen tho and as it goes it really didnt matter as shown by the sales numbers, the weaker of the systems still dominated...cursed highschool popularity contests... shite its late so im pretty much just rambling on and on ill cut my self off now/
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RE: Which Next Gen system do you think will have the best graphics?
Jul 19, 2005 22:23
Probably stubborn, lol. I' m the same way though.Have your opinion by all means. I just think you need to look into stuff a lot more before you form your solidified opinion.There is a chance your opinion will turn out right, but from the facts that are out there it seems unlikely. I was just trying to make that clear. I' ll drop the topic now.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
Chee Saw
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RE: Which Next Gen system do you think will have the best graphics?
Jul 20, 2005 18:43
ORIGINAL: Rampage99 ORIGINAL: Jason Zeidan I believe the Revolution will have the best graphics. We don' t know what the graphics look like anyway (and that Metroid 3 demo was said to run on GCN hardware), but it' s coming out last, and it' s an industry rule (to me, anyway) that the console that launches last should have the best graphics. I know the Xbox 360 will have the worst visuals, though. Again, it' s too early to make a verdict, but making guesses is fun!! Please don' t speak anymore... LMFAO Aahh good times! ORIGINAL: Jason Zeidan Just like we didn' t see a difference between 733 MHZ and 300 MHZ this generation. Are you kidding? If you can' t see the difference between the PS2s graphics and the Xbox' s graphics then you need eyeball implants! But I digress. The fact of the matter is that the PS3 and Xbox 360 will have very similar graphic capabilities, and the Revolution will come in third (based on SUPPOSED promise). I think that art direction has more impact (for me, anyway) than graphics. Look at God of War. Technically speaking, it' s not as advanced as, say, Splinter Cell on the Xbox, but I had SOOOO much more fun playing it, because, artistically speaking, it is superb! In other words, there' s something to be said for realism, but it CAN be overdone. Just depends on the genre, I suppose. In a racing game, I want realism. In a platformer, I do not.
Jason Zeidan
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RE: Which Next Gen system do you think will have the best graphics?
Jul 20, 2005 18:57
Alright.. But really, on a standard view, PS2, GC and XB graphics are almost completely identical. I have a GC and an Xbox, and in games like Soul Calibur 2, you can' t tell much difference between them. There are textured superiority in Xbox games than PS2 games, but to casual and mainstream consumers, 128 bit graphics are 128 bit graphics. In other words, the same. Can people stop micro-analyzing every single word I say!? I know my diction isn' t perfect, but give me a break. ( I sound alot more intelligent using my mouth than my keyboard.)
Naked Snake
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RE: Which Next Gen system do you think will have the best graphics?
Jul 21, 2005 09:08
I also agree with rampage, and i think PS3 is out. If there' s a design, it' s in XBox360. If there' s something i dont know a thing, it' s Revolution.
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RE: Which Next Gen system do you think will have the best graphics?
Jul 21, 2005 12:48
ORIGINAL: Jason Zeidan Alright.. But really, on a standard view, PS2, GC and XB graphics are almost completely identical. I have a GC and an Xbox, and in games like Soul Calibur 2, you can' t tell much difference between them. There are textured superiority in Xbox games than PS2 games, but to casual and mainstream consumers, 128 bit graphics are 128 bit graphics. In other words, the same. Can people stop micro-analyzing every single word I say!? I know my diction isn' t perfect, but give me a break. ( I sound alot more intelligent using my mouth than my keyboard.) You are comparing multiplatform games though. A game that is on all three systems will not take advantage of any of the consoles. The only way to compare graphics of consoles is to take the best looking game on each console and compare them. Splinter Cell 3 womps any game in graphics on any system. There is no game that beats it. The best looking game on the GC is easily RE4. That game looked incredible. I' m still in awe of that game. It still doesn' t meet up with SC3 though. then finally the PS2' s best looking game is GT4. Austounding looking game mainly because of the great textures used. Sadly as far s the PS2 is concerned, GT4 is the only PS2 game that looks better than DOA3 an DOA3 was a launch title for the Xbox. That says a lot. the Xbox definately had the graphical edge this generation. It won' t have that supporting it next gen though. While tech heads believe the GPU is more powerful in the 360 than the PS3 it' s not not so huge that the 360 will look a huge amount better. In all reality this next gen will be a level playing field in terms of graphics with the slight possibility that the Revolution not quite being on par(but still really good). Next gen will be built around excusives and console features like online play and stuff like that. We really won' t see a massive jump in graphics for another 4 to 5 years. By then we will see stuff as good as the Killzone demo.Right now it just isn' t possible. Developers haven' t had the time to fgure out the hardware yet. Just wait until they figure out how to use all three cores in tandum on the 360(when running in tandum it' s equal to a 9.6 GHz processor) and they find out how much of a help that embedded ram is on the ATi card. That' s when we are going to see graphical jumps. Same goes for the PS3 and the cell processor(as over rated as I think it is. It reminds me of the emotion engine, and we saw how well that turned out). I' m expecting the first few years of next gen to have pretty good graphics but all three consoles being close to equal. 5 years down the road is another story. Developers are making games for super computers now. These aren' t just old computer parts anymore.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
Jason Zeidan
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RE: Which Next Gen system do you think will have the best graphics?
Jul 21, 2005 17:01
Yep, see I was going to point that out as well. You have to compare the best-looking games on each system. But hey, GT4 trounces DOA3 and possibly Ultimate also. It looks incredible. But I believe that comparing the best looking games on each platform is the way to go.. P.S: You like Chaos Theory way too much. Por Que?
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RE: Which Next Gen system do you think will have the best graphics?
Jul 21, 2005 17:19
ORIGINAL: Jason Zeidan P.S: You like Chaos Theory way too much. Por Que? Quite simply because it is the best game ever. It has the best graphics of any game to date. It has the perfect blend of action and stealth elements. The audio is astounding. The co-op is addicting. Then there' s that little thing called spies vs. mercs. I can' t really find any flaws with the game. It' s just incredible.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
Terry Bogard
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RE: Which Next Gen system do you think will have the best graphics?
Jul 21, 2005 17:28
You DARE question Rampage' s love for Splinter Cell?? I guess you don' t value your life
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
Mass X
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RE: Which Next Gen system do you think will have the best graphics?
Jul 21, 2005 17:28
And the soundtrack is fuckn awesome!
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RE: Which Next Gen system do you think will have the best graphics?
Jul 22, 2005 03:20
It' s definitely the best in the Splinter Cell series, but I think it' s a bit lacking in fun. Good game, but a bit " flat" for me. Then again, I' m not the kind of gamer who appreciates realism (or stealth in general, for that matter). Graphics-wise it' s almost flawless, but there are a few rough spots, such as character animation. Otherwise, it' s very impressive. Fantastic textures, no annoying tearing like in PT. If this kind of stuff is possible on a geforce3/4, I wonder what PC devs are doing with all that extra power they get to play with.
Artistic merit is more important than technical excellence
Jason Zeidan
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RE: Which Next Gen system do you think will have the best graphics?
Jul 22, 2005 10:38
LOL.. Yeah, Splinter Cell 3 is pretty amazing. It lacks any major (or minor) flaws, and it' s really amazing. The graphics are phenominal, but you can' t get to appreciate it fully because it' s so dark. Maybe with the green goggles (whatever they' re called), but the folks at Ubi shouldn' t have made the environment so black... Great game though...
< Message edited by Jason Zeidan -- 22 Jul 05 18:39:20 >
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RE: Which Next Gen system do you think will have the best graphics?
Jul 23, 2005 14:25
GT4 trounces DOAU!?!?!?!?!?! what kind of joke is that? DOAU crushes GT4 in terms of graphics. Especially when you play on a good TV/Monitor. Maybe you could think GT4 beats DOAU when you are playing on a 2 inch black and white TV, but there is definently something wrong with you if you think GT4 beats DOAU graphics. And by the way if you want to compare racing game graphics, how about GT4 versus PGR2..... GT4 is crushed.
"If you knew how good I am you would think I'm modest."
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Which Next Gen system do you think will have the best graphics?
Jul 23, 2005 14:52
Dead or Alive Ultimate has lots of interactivity, I just don' t think Gran Turismo 4 can compete with those visuals. There' s no damage modeling and It has flat/cardboard cutout spectators, and not all of them animate. The backgrounds while a bit realistic, are pretty static. Dead or Alive' s backgrounds are rife with activity at times.
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.