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What is the hardest game ever created?
Jul 12, 2005 13:28
I think the resident evil games are the hardest. I always had to go onlline and get walkthroughs. What games do you think are the hardest.
Terry Bogard
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RE: What is the hardest game ever created?
Jul 12, 2005 13:35
I remember when folks used to say that TARGET EARTH was the hardest game they ever played, hehe..
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
Joe Redifer
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RE: What is the hardest game ever created?
Jul 12, 2005 16:33
Target Earth was easy. And awesome! I hated it at first because I was like " What da hellz am I supposed 2 do??" Then I figured it out and beat the game.
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RE: What is the hardest game ever created?
Jul 13, 2005 08:21
Most shumps, and old school platformers. Metal Slug took me 67 lives to compleate (on the easiest diffculty)
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RE: What is the hardest game ever created?
Jul 13, 2005 16:41
SUPER PONG! Mwaahahahahaaahahahaaa... yeah, try keeping up with the ball that' s traveling 500 frames a second. Damn computer always cheated. <Don' t take this seriously for you morons out there. I really have to give this a lot of thought. Too many games, too little time.>
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RE: What is the hardest game ever created?
Jul 13, 2005 18:31
I always forget the name of this game but...it was on the Xbox and I want to think it was made by Sega. It was a 3rd person action game. The control scheme that game had was mind blowing. I got decently far but eventually had to quit playing the game because it got so difficult and because of the headaches I would get trying to work the damn controls.
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RE: What is the hardest game ever created?
Jul 13, 2005 19:52
I always forget the name of this game but...it was on the Xbox and I want to think it was made by Sega. It was a 3rd person action game. The control scheme that game had was mind blowing. I got decently far but eventually had to quit playing the game because it got so difficult and because of the headaches I would get trying to work the damn controls. Gunvalkyrie. Which is nothing compared to Shinobi on the PS2 A lot of the old school Mega Man games were super freakin' tough too.
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Jul 13, 2005 22:14
<message edited by cpsethgt on Apr 30, 2012 05:39>
Joe Redifer
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RE: What is the hardest game ever created?
Jul 13, 2005 22:17
Gunvalkyrie was easy to control. Much easier than Metal Gear Solid 3 in my awesome opinion (and please remember that my opinion is better than yours). I have a hard time controlling games that rely on combos and the such. Except for Konami' s Over Zenith, which actually works out pretty well, has great music and is hella fun to play!
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RE: What is the hardest game ever created?
Jul 14, 2005 00:53
Jet Set Willy on the spectrum... jesus!!!
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RE: What is the hardest game ever created?
Jul 14, 2005 05:59
Many Japanese shooters fall into the ' Hardest' category as they literally have the entire screen covered with enemies and/or projectiles.
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Terry Bogard
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RE: What is the hardest game ever created?
Jul 14, 2005 06:42
they literally have the entire screen covered with enemies and/or projectiles. Hehe, which is why it' s one of my top two favorite genres evar!!!1!
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: What is the hardest game ever created?
Jul 14, 2005 07:19
Once you manage to suss out how Gunvalkyrie is supposed to be played (watching the demo helps a lot), everything starts to fall into place. Hardest game ever? I' d go for Shadow of the Beast and Project X on the Amiga. Last Resort and Viewpoint on the Neo Geo were equally frustrating.
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RE: What is the hardest game ever created?
Jul 15, 2005 19:06
Spider-Man: Maximum Carnage for the Genesis and SNES. Christ... that game is so unelievibly hard making it half way through the game is damn near impossible. I made it to central park(the first time in central park) and that was it. There was a long way to go from there. I put so many hours into that game and it always just kicked my a$$. I still have nightmares.
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RE: What is the hardest game ever created?
Jul 19, 2005 16:11
ET on the atari. I ran down some hill or something and got stuck then gave up because it was impossible to get out. Or I could say doom 3. It was so scary I was afraid to play it. I couldn' t get myself to finish it. So it was hard for me. Um I guess Pong on my timex ironman datalink watch was really friggn' hard. But I finally beat it. I guess I can' t really think of any serious games. I alawys manage to pull through because I' m a friggn' ninja.
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RE: What is the hardest game ever created?
Jul 19, 2005 20:30
Hell: A cyberpunk thriller. Bought it because I thought Dennis Hoffman was cool. And anything about hell would be cool. But so many critical things were time sensitive. With no clues really to let you know your time is limited. I needed to restart 3 or 4 times to beat it.
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RE: What is the hardest game ever created?
Jul 21, 2005 06:58
Some of the Ghost and Ghouls by Capcom were a right pain ;)
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RE: What is the hardest game ever created?
Jul 21, 2005 07:47
Russian Roullette. Hardest game EVAH!!!!!! It' s not so much the gameplay mechanics as the risk involved.
Naked Snake
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RE: What is the hardest game ever created?
Jul 21, 2005 08:37
Fore me it was Doom 3 on the difficulty " nightmare" ... but Ikaruga is also a very hard game.
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RE: What is the hardest game ever created?
Jul 21, 2005 09:53
I' ve been giving it a lot of thought but I believe it was the original Star Ocean game for SNES. I' ve known few people to actually played it and beat it.
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RE: What is the hardest game ever created?
Jul 21, 2005 17:27
I' ve always had way too much trouble with Gradius 3 and 4. Haven' t tried 5 yet but I' m pretty sure it' s hard too.
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RE: What is the hardest game ever created?
Jul 22, 2005 18:59
I would have to say that Doom 64 was the hardest game i' v ever played, theres no way you could beat that game without cheats. The second one is Ikaruga for the gamecube thats pretty hard also, never beat either, lol.