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Shenmue 3?
Jul 05, 2005 17:28
Joe Redifer
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RE: Shenmue 3?
Jul 06, 2005 03:02
I' ve been hearing the same things. I tried calling Yu Suzuki, but he didn' t answer the phone. So he must be working on Shenmue 3. Either that or whe was out with a whore at the time. Yu loves his whores.
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RE: Shenmue 3?
Jul 06, 2005 07:56
How did you get his phone number? and i dont think he sits by his phone all day waiting for it to ring anyway! Yu said at e3 2003 what about shenmue 3, he said ' ' you' ll see' ' , by now i am probley gone blind.
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RE: Shenmue 3?
Jul 06, 2005 10:46
If Shenmue 3 comes for the 360 ill get it before they put it on the shelves. Seriosly Shenmue 2 was a killer game!
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RE: Shenmue 3?
Jul 07, 2005 17:45
I hope this is true... I' ve been waiting for this game for a VERY LONG time. I have no plans on buying any next-gen console, but if this game were to come out, whichever console it came out for I' d buy... no questions or doubts about it.
Terry Bogard
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RE: Shenmue 3?
Jul 07, 2005 19:22
How did you get his phone number? and i dont think he sits by his phone all day waiting for it to ring anyway! If you played the original Shenmue, you might remember the areas of the game where you could use a phone to call different characters. One of those phone numbers was Yu Suzuki' s real telephone number. Only those few of us nuts enough to actually dial those numbers on our phones discovered such ;)
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: Shenmue 3?
Jul 08, 2005 17:05
I still have to play shenmue 2 yet, i have it and awaiting my dreamcast to come home [no way am i going to play it on the xbox, this could be my last new dreamcast game  ] Then Shenmue 3 will come out.. for the ps3! [becuase they cannot stay on one console for too long.. ]
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Terry Bogard
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RE: Shenmue 3?
Jul 08, 2005 20:00
Shenmue 3 on the PlayStation 3 would be a VERY smart move, and if the PS3 utilizes Blu-Ray technology then they can bundle the original Shenmue and Shenmue 2 together for the PS3, and add some additional stuff to them and then unleash Shenmue 3 afterwards! I' m telling you, it would sell 112 copies!
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 9 Jul 05 4:01:30 >
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: Shenmue 3?
Jul 09, 2005 15:15
wow! slow down terry, in order to sell that number of copies a huge investment would be needed, ummm.... say about 2.5billion? I agree with the blue-ray thing, and the fact i am only getting a ps3 [i have no money  ] only makes me hope. But still Shemue 3 on ps4 would kick ass too.
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Terry Bogard
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RE: Shenmue 3?
Jul 09, 2005 15:35
Ideally Shenmue 3 on all three platforms would be the best! I' d get the Revolution version! But since the PS3 is almost guaranteed the largest userbase of the three, if they had to choose one platform to put it on, PlayStation 3 should be it. And Sega should have Sony publish it for them since I don' t trust their marketing department.
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: Shenmue 3?
Jul 09, 2005 20:04
cool i didnt know that.thanks for the info i loved the 2 other shenmue games
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RE: Shenmue 3?
Jul 10, 2005 11:43
I would rather have it be on one console, teh xbox 360, so they design it to take advantage of all of that console' s power. Like what sega used to do when they made games only for the dreamcast. Part of what made shenmue so immersive was the insane graphics. If they do for shenmue 3 on xbox 360 what they did for shenmue 1 on the Dreamcast I would bust a hole in my pants and poo them simultaneously. So just in case I keep a spare with me at all times. And yes, I agree with what you were saying about sega' s marketing. If it was on xbox microsoft could publish it and do that.
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RE: Shenmue 3?
Jul 11, 2005 17:56
oh Locopuyo, why on earth are you so microsoft based? you hear talk about a good game that the sequal might come to a rival system and then you go on to say [and assume] that the ps3 is graphicaly weaker. Maybe the ps3 version could be better or worse. So dont go assmueing it isnt. You kind of pissed me off there, its not like i dont want to see shenmue 3 come to 360, in fact i would welcome it to any platform. Just open your mind to other consoles and companys. Now i dont wish to create a sort of off topic flame thread, so lets just keep it on topic and worth while.
< Message edited by silentbomber -- 12 Jul 05 1:58:49 >
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RE: Shenmue 3?
Jul 11, 2005 22:20
I' ve been an XBox user this generation, but from what is known about the next generation, I know I' m going to have a tough choice between the PS3 and XBox 360, or even the Revolution if Nintendo gets their act together. But this.... if this is true, it' s going to put a serious slant on the 360 for me. ....And Halo 3 of course. That is, if it doesn' t suck like the second one does.
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RE: Shenmue 3?
Jul 12, 2005 06:06
Shenmue 1 + 2 where huge money holes for Sega. I doubt they' ll make another if a proper Shenmue 3 is released in the next 2 years i' ll eat my sweaty sock and post pics. Shenmue online look quite good though
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RE: Shenmue 3?
Jul 14, 2005 12:59
I really don' t mind which console it comes out on, as long as it comes out... and whichever console it does come out on, I' ll definitely buy it. All three consoles could handle Shenmue III, but overall, I would like it to be on X-Box just because, at this point, I prefer the 360 over the other two consoles.
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RE: Shenmue 3?
Jul 15, 2005 02:15
In all honesty...the PS2 last generation had one thing on it' s competitors which caused a lot of people to flock to it, great price and a crap load of games. I' ve been reading lately that the PS3 will still have the crap load of games, but the price this time is leaning toward the ass end of expensive. I' m not going to say it' s going to cost 500 bucks like Reuters is predicting because it can still change, but Kutaragi' s assuredness that the Sony fan base would still flock to a console that costs almost as much as a PC these days worries me. Saying all that...I' d rather see the game on Xbox 360 because as of right now it' s the only console I' m going to pick up.
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RE: Shenmue 3?
Jul 22, 2005 19:32
Shenmue 3, I really hope they make it, It' s one of my favorite games for Dreamcast and Xbox. If they make it I hope it' s on Xbox 360 or the Revoluton.