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SuperMan Returns video diary (includes footage form the movie)
Jun 23, 2005 13:40
Bluetights Some info from the writers. I only want this movie to do good mostly because I wanna see Batman and Superman fight it out. Batman Begins is off to a good start.
Terry Bogard
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RE: SuperMan Returns video diary (includes footage form the movie)
Jun 23, 2005 14:14
Unless Batman is sporting a kryptonite-made Bat suit there' s just no competition ;) Superman would weld the doors of the Batmobile shut with his heat vision, and with Batman trapped inside just fly off into Space with the Batmobile and chuck it as far as he can ;)
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: SuperMan Returns video diary (includes footage form the movie)
Jun 23, 2005 14:32
Oh but Batman beats Superman in the comic...
Terry Bogard
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RE: SuperMan Returns video diary (includes footage form the movie)
Jun 24, 2005 08:01
The comics would have someone like Gary Coleman defeating the Incredible Hulk ;)
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: SuperMan Returns video diary (includes footage form the movie)
Jun 24, 2005 08:39
pst nooo they had Spider-Man beat him numourous times
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RE: SuperMan Returns video diary (includes footage form the movie)
Jun 24, 2005 09:25
but between spiderman and batman, who would win in a fight?? my money is on spiderman.
Terry Bogard
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RE: SuperMan Returns video diary (includes footage form the movie)
Jun 24, 2005 10:32
See now Batman and Spiderman is a little fairer fight for Batman. Spiderman still has the edge in strength and speed but Batman could use his cunning intellect! But in the movie world, Superman would kill them both at the same time if they teamed up against him and couldn' t get their hands on some kryptonite in time ;)
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: SuperMan Returns video diary (includes footage form the movie)
Jun 24, 2005 10:40
I don' t have high hopes for this movie.
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RE: SuperMan Returns video diary (includes footage form the movie)
Jun 24, 2005 14:59
toe to toe, no gadjets or anything....spiderman would win hands down. sure batman has martial arts training and shit, but spiderman can stick to walls and has his spidey senses....
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RE: SuperMan Returns video diary (includes footage form the movie)
Jun 24, 2005 15:02
batman wins in spidey vs. batman. Sorry, but spidey would have to take a break to get his latest article to the daily bugle, and then probably have a moral delema in the middle, and Batman would just pull something off his belt and shove it through the back of spidey' s head.
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RE: SuperMan Returns video diary (includes footage form the movie)
Jun 24, 2005 15:05
spiderman could just spin him in webs and throw him to the bottom of the ocean or do whatever....
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RE: SuperMan Returns video diary (includes footage form the movie)
Jun 24, 2005 15:13
too bad he' d be busy getting into his costume and adjusting his codpiece while Batman just drives over him
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RE: SuperMan Returns video diary (includes footage form the movie)
Jun 24, 2005 15:15
batman would have to go down and get his costume on as well and start his car, while spiderman could just swing over
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RE: SuperMan Returns video diary (includes footage form the movie)
Jun 24, 2005 15:15
yeah swing over to the gay bar
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RE: SuperMan Returns video diary (includes footage form the movie)
Jun 24, 2005 15:16
if swinging over to the gay bar is what you consider winning............then, well, that' s your buisness
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RE: SuperMan Returns video diary (includes footage form the movie)
Jun 24, 2005 15:17
you know I' m right. Spideys a pussy. he may have the hotter wife, but see that' s the key, Batman has to take out all his aggression on the bad dudes, while spideys at home nailing mary jane.
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RE: SuperMan Returns video diary (includes footage form the movie)
Jun 24, 2005 15:18
but spidey' s getting some from a hot lady, so he' s more limber and relaxed...
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RE: SuperMan Returns video diary (includes footage form the movie)
Jun 24, 2005 15:19
this is how it goes down " Hey spidey boy" , " hey bat bitch" then they run at eachother, spidey goes to shoot his web, but realized he already spent his load between mary janes thighs, falls on his face and batman crushes his neck
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RE: SuperMan Returns video diary (includes footage form the movie)
Jun 24, 2005 15:19
his load and his webs don' t some from the same place....
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RE: SuperMan Returns video diary (includes footage form the movie)
Jun 24, 2005 15:20
that' s what you think
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RE: SuperMan Returns video diary (includes footage form the movie)
Jun 24, 2005 15:21
Batman could NEVER kick spiderman’s ass!! He’s just a human with gadjets. Spiderman can sense danger and has way to much agility. Batman could never hit him.
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RE: SuperMan Returns video diary (includes footage form the movie)
Jun 24, 2005 15:23
He probably would never kick spideys ass cause he' d be too afraid of getting his foot stuck and spidey never giving it back, as for the agility, I' m sure it comes in handy for spidey......
< Message edited by mxpx182 -- 24 Jun 05 23:23:58 >
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RE: SuperMan Returns video diary (includes footage form the movie)
Jun 24, 2005 15:24
Batman doesn' t even have powers! He just hides in the dark a lot.......or is it his deep voice that gets you going?
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RE: SuperMan Returns video diary (includes footage form the movie)
Jun 24, 2005 15:27
at least that way we know for sure his balls have dropped and he' s a man! For all we know Spideys' other secret identitiy is none other than the moonwalker himself, MJ.
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RE: SuperMan Returns video diary (includes footage form the movie)
Jun 24, 2005 15:29
batman is the one who lives alone with an old man......who knows what he pays alfred to do.
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RE: SuperMan Returns video diary (includes footage form the movie)
Jun 24, 2005 15:30
well hey if anyone would know, I' m sure it' d be spidey, hiding out somewhere with his camera snapping the photos for later.
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RE: SuperMan Returns video diary (includes footage form the movie)
Jun 24, 2005 15:32
..and that' s all it would take to expose batman for the freak he is.
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RE: SuperMan Returns video diary (includes footage form the movie)
Jun 24, 2005 15:35
Ok, I unfortuanately have to go, so we' ll have to ask an impartial judge to make the call for us on this one. so if anyones interested, now is a good time.
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RE: SuperMan Returns video diary (includes footage form the movie)
Jun 24, 2005 16:01
No matter what Spidey does Batman will pull some kinda rubbish weapon out of his utility belt right at the very last second, probably a can of Raid or something.
Terry Bogard
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RE: SuperMan Returns video diary (includes footage form the movie)
Jun 24, 2005 17:07
I must say, that exchange was absolutely hilarious, LMAO!! " yeah well batman wears panty hose" " " spiderman always hops out of the show just to pee" " yeah well at least Spidey stands and pees like a man unlike batman who has to sit and do so" " yeah well your spiderman has man boobies"
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: SuperMan Returns video diary (includes footage form the movie)
Jun 25, 2005 11:25
Ok, someone asked for an impartial judge, so here I am. The decision goes to................ BATMAN. Sorry the.ben, but it is obvious that mxpx182 is right in every way about this one, and it is also evident that he is much much cooler than you.
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RE: SuperMan Returns video diary (includes footage form the movie)
Jun 25, 2005 12:06
LMAO! That was great. I go with Batman. Batman can kick anyone' s ass. Spiderman is such a wimp.
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RE: SuperMan Returns video diary (includes footage form the movie)
Jun 25, 2005 21:27
Ok, someone asked for an impartial judge, so here I am. The decision goes to................ BATMAN. Sorry the.ben, but it is obvious that mxpx182 is right in every way about this one, and it is also evident that he is much much cooler than you. Impartial Main Entry: im·par·tial Pronunciation: (" )im-' pär-sh&l Function: adjective : not partial or biased : treating or affecting all equally synonym see FAIR i' m afraid that your name alone, mxpxisafuckingdork, clearly does not make you impartial......and thus i say your judgement is null and void.
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RE: SuperMan Returns video diary (includes footage form the movie)
Jun 25, 2005 22:04
You are right the.ben. His name clearly indicates that he would be clearly biased against me, and thus all verdicts in your favor shall be ignored. Good thing this one went my way (it must have been painfully obvious for him to agree with me) and we can all just wait for the movie that will never be made.
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RE: SuperMan Returns video diary (includes footage form the movie)
Jun 26, 2005 00:07
i motion for adam to conduct an ip address check on both mxpx182 and mxpxisafuckingdork as i blieve they are the same person and she unfairly won her way with this compition...
< Message edited by the.ben -- 26 Jun 05 8:07:54 >
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RE: SuperMan Returns video diary (includes footage form the movie)
Jun 27, 2005 09:54
I motion for Adam to conduct a contest where the winning poster get' s the.ben to be their maid for a day. I know my wife and I could use a little girly boy to clean up our house....
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RE: SuperMan Returns video diary (includes footage form the movie)
Jul 04, 2005 21:13
 I think this qualifies as one of the best arguments/debates/flame war ever here on Kikizo! Its a hard choice tho Batman or Spiderman. I think it would also depend on which Batman. Theres the Caped Crusader and theres the Dark Knight. Spidey could kick the hell out of the Crusader version whereas he may have some trouble with the Dark Knight. Spidey' s webs would most likely be cut to shit from a bat-a-rang (or what ever its called) or by the arm blades. Still he may have the speed needed to get a few shots of, however batman is still quite fast and altho still human quite the specimen of one. As much as I do think Spidey is pretty cool I' m still gonna have to go with The Dark Knight, Batman, but thats more of a fanboy comment read last comment for a more factual reaosning. Marvel and DC sort of had the fight going. Marvel made a book and DC made one but there was no real winner in either of them tho so ya. On another note the only way batman beat superman (and how he can pretty much beat anyone) is he knew him. He' s kept files on how to beat all of his crime-fighting partners in case they are to ever be brainwashed or turn to the side of evil. Since he never knew spiderman he would probably take a beating in a first bout or 2 however given time Batman would inevitably win. Or if he learned about spidey before hand then Batman would win. God Im sucha comic nerd...
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RE: SuperMan Returns video diary (includes footage form the movie)
Jul 05, 2005 07:57
yes, a comic nerd. And a comic nerd who delivered a verdict that will ultimately go down in the history of Kikizo as the day the.ben picked up his feather duster.
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RE: SuperMan Returns video diary (includes footage form the movie)
Jul 05, 2005 08:56
though you never picked a batman, but know that he has shown that the dark knight would win, i' m sure that' s who you will claim you were talking about all the time.... ...but then again, the same could be said for spiderman; which spiderman? there was the what if comic where spiderman got the powers of mr. universe and there was the black suit spiderman, spiderman 2020, i guess what it would boil down to is if we took all the versions of spiderman and put them against all the versions of batman....i really think spiderman would come out on top. ...not to mention batman had his back broken awhile ago and might find hard to be so agile in a wheel chair.