Videogames have officially gone too far!!

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Videogames have officially gone too far!! - Jun 20, 2005 18:30
Full frontal car NUDITY!!

When did it become acceptable to show our kids this garbage?!! I... I won' t stand for this. Someone email P.E.T.A. Contact M.A.D.D. Call Angelina Jolie and tell her Bush is making fun of foreign kids. We can' t let this flith reach our youths. FIGHT DAMIT! Fight for decency. Fight for innocence. Fight for that last piece of cake you called dibs on but your little brother ate anyway (that commi bastard). One day we' ll save this industry -- one act of censorship at a time....

This message brought to you by the Anti-Nudist Corporation of Kikizo. All signs, logos, affiliates and subsidiaries trademark ANCK. Similarities between the living is probably coincidence. But chances are we planned it.
< Message edited by lotusson -- 21 Jun 05 2:31:47 >

Joe Redifer
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RE: Videogames have officially gone too far!! - Jun 20, 2005 20:41
I am all for anything that upsets PETA.

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RE: Videogames have officially gone too far!! - Jun 21, 2005 05:27
So, what would offense would this fall under?

Abuse of horse-power?

That car looks like it' s too fast to to use hamsters on a treadmill under the hood...

Unless you mean that the fuel additive is 20% animal by-product!

Videogaming is the contemporary interactive pasttime.

President Pain
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RE: Videogames have officially gone too far!! - Jun 21, 2005 09:33
Are ok Nudity and Foul language should be aloud.

Why you ask. So our children won' t freeze when seeing the opposite sex naked for the first time.

Or if someone calls them a bad name they don' t go crying to mommy.

I know some parents want to shelter their child from becomming an adult(very bad thing)

But were do children usually hear their first bad word, their parents, and family.

Yes it is true, when children go off and kill people it is not because of videogames or music it is because of the parents.

Parents should be more attentive of their children' s activities and when they turn 18 kick them out of the house if they are not going to post-secondary school, or any other form of postive education.

That is the problem people want to hide what is comming but you can' t so stop trying, I can understand sheltering young 14 year old kids because they believe that they know everything, but we all know they don' t.

It is ok to gradually let them see the more adult things in life so they can experience it from someone else than having to experience it for themselfs(causing harm to them).

So by the time they are 18 they are somewhat not a momma' s/daddy' s boy/girl.

I am your father