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I' m new here. I' m disgusted with the quality of online game boards though
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- Joined: Jun 17, 2005
I' m new here. I' m disgusted with the quality of online game boards though
Jun 17, 2005 12:48
I' m a new member here. Anyways, it seems like I cannot find a good online board to post at these days. If I try to post at forum which involves gaming, I usually have to deal with hostile people who like to relate games with anime and jpop. This is something I really do not like to do because gaming is a part of the computer industry. It' s not a part of the japan industry. It' s like every forum I goto has all these japanfanboys. I don' t hate japan. I' ve met a nice number of japanese people whom were okay, but fuck, it' s not like I consider them to be better than everyone else either. I understand that japan is the leading country in the games industry, and some anime is better than alot of western animation in overall quality, but at the same time, all of these production companies over there are just trying to sell their products. I also think it is highly annoying when people start posting threads which involve their personal lives which is extremely depressing. THIS IS AT A FRIGGING GAME FORUM!!! When it comes down to it, I' m a gamer in my heart. I' ve been playing games since I was five years old. I' m 24 years old now. It' s really hard to meet people in everyday life with a passion as deep as your own(I' m not just talking about people who play games. I' m talking about people know about how the industry works, tech talkers, non-pirate gamers,etc). I' m even going back to grad school in two years to get my masters in computer science because I wanna do realtime 3d graphics programming. I love games that much. I decided to resort to online boards to meet people with similar interests, but I swear, It' s like I' m completely giving up on online gaming boards. I cannot deal with jpopping, animefreak, fanboys who give japan all the credit when it comes to games. I listen to alot of psytrance and ambient music and also post at www.isratrance.com. I' ve been listening to electronic music for three years, which is nowhere as near as long as the time frame I' ve been playing games for. This board has thousands of members, and it is one of the few forums where people stick to the damn point(The music in this case). I' ve even met some people, who post there, in real life. It amazes me how easy going music lovers are compared to thousands of gamers I' ve browsed this forum, and it doesn' t seem like a place full of hostile people. I' m going to give this place one last shot. How do you feel about the quality of online gaming forums today?
< Message edited by Rai -- 17 Jun 05 20:52:43 >
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: I' m new here. I' m disgusted with the quality of online game boards though
Jun 17, 2005 13:35
Welcome. I' m not sure how you' re going to give this forum " one last shot" when you just started browsing, but whatever. Don' t forget, this isn' t a videogame forum, that' s over here: Videogames This is the everything else forum where people are alowd to talk about whatever they want. The videogame section is pretty good for sticking just to games, and sure there' s fanboys, we' re all fanboys in one way or another, but for the most part people seem to be pretty good. Just watch out for Joe and the.ben. I think those guys are a little weird, and have suspicions that they are in fact 8 year old girls impersonating actual cool people rather than being cool people.
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- Joined: Jun 17, 2005
RE: I' m new here. I' m disgusted with the quality of online game boards though
Jun 17, 2005 14:45
Sorry. I used the words out of context. I meant to say that I' m going to give online gaming boards one more chance by posting here.
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- Joined: Jun 23, 2004
- Location: NS, Canada (living in Rhode Island)
RE: I' m new here. I' m disgusted with the quality of online game boards though
Jun 17, 2005 15:08
Welcome Rai. You' ll find most of us members here at Kikizo can' t stand the crap they dish out at other forums as well. We' re pretty laid back here - most of the time. Saying that, everyone has their own opinions and are entitled to share them - doesn' t mean we always have to agree with what they say. I also think it is highly annoying when people start posting threads which involve their personal lives which is extremely depressing. THIS IS AT A FRIGGING GAME FORUM!!! Relax, we have an EVERYTHING forum for that  Quite a few of us have made " long distance friends" here and sometimes share personal things - you don' t have to read them. Again, welcome and I hope you enjoy Kikizo.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: I' m new here. I' m disgusted with the quality of online game boards though
Jun 18, 2005 07:33
Welcome Rai, i quite like this forum its nice and small and everybody knows everybody. Kinda like a small village. Anyway you wont find much stupid noobies coming on here and spaming the boards much, not many places where you can have a nice debate on why Mgs pwns Splinter cell without it turning into a flame war.
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- Joined: Feb 07, 2004
- Location: Canada
RE: I' m new here. I' m disgusted with the quality of online game boards though
Jun 18, 2005 10:45
Hi Rai and welcome. Like the rest have said, this is a small and friendly place. The " arguments" are humourous and there is a lot of fun to be had. If you don' t want " personal stuff" , you best stay out of everything else. But we are pretty good about keeping things on topic.... generally Welcome to kikizo, i hope you enjoy it here.
Mass X
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
- Location: Plymouth, MN
RE: I' m new here. I' m disgusted with the quality of online game boards though
Jun 19, 2005 12:33
Indeed welcome to Kikizo. This is the only forum I now post in except my own. Very few if any flame wars (these days...heheh memories...). So hope you enjoy yer stay here. I would watch out for Chickapoo88 tho...she likes to get personal in the Everything Else section.   [:' (]
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: I' m new here. I' m disgusted with the quality of online game boards though
Jun 19, 2005 13:02
Welcome to Kikizo where Most of the conversations are about J-Pop and Japanimation ;)
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 19 Jun 05 21:02:21 >
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- Joined: Oct 31, 2004
RE: I' m new here. I' m disgusted with the quality of online game boards though
Jun 19, 2005 14:05
Welcome, and I don' t get personal. [:' (]
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- Joined: Jun 14, 2005
RE: I' m new here. I' m disgusted with the quality of online game boards though
Jun 20, 2005 08:24
It' s already been said above, but from one n00b to another, hi! and trust me, after my first post (if anyone read past the first paragraph or was it the forth?) then I think you will find intelligent, witty comments and just on occasion the odd fanboy rant (after all we are all human and sometimes we can' t help but antagonise the situation once in a while) ... well I can' t help myself anyway! Peace
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
- Location: Where ever you need me.
RE: I' m new here. I' m disgusted with the quality of online game boards though
Jun 20, 2005 17:57
Hi Rai. I' m a trouble maker and a MASSIVE fanboy. You' d better stay out of my way!!!!!
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- Joined: Aug 17, 2004
- Location: Saint Louis
RE: I' m new here. I' m disgusted with the quality of online game boards though
Jun 21, 2005 08:05
Rai... We' re a sorted bunch here, but we have one thing that other forums lack...and that' s R-E-S-P-E-C-T for our fellow members. You earn ours, we earn yours...it can be a win-win. ...and nobody gets hurt (LOL!!!). Welcome to the Kikizo forums...
Chee Saw
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- Joined: May 12, 2005
- Location: SoCal USA
RE: I' m new here. I' m disgusted with the quality of online game boards though
Jun 30, 2005 20:53
I agree with your observations in general about forums now-a-days. It' s kinda sad that it' s so hard to find a place where you can listen to other people' s opinions, and give your own without listening to people whine about how someone disagrees with them. I think this forum is really good, as far as that goes. The worst insult I' ve heard in my short time here is someone calling someone else a fanboy. The way some people react, you' d think they just kicked their dog, or something. It' s pretty laid back, other than that, so no worries! Welcome!
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