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Thinking Back...Toys of Your Youth
Jun 14, 2005 09:13
After responding to Sharon concerning Lego Star Wars - the game (and upcoming movie), I realized that I had become reminiscent about the toys and games of my youth. Toys and games like: Lincoln Logs Erector Set Legos (before all these specialty sets) Stratego Trouble Kerplunk Rebound Risk Sorry (original version) Hotwheels/Matchbox/Pocket Cars Army Men There was this construction set that used girders, braces, building panels, and roadway pieces that allowed one to build either bridges or buildings. I just cannot remember it' s name...anyone that remembers these sets, please help. Are there any toys or games, from YOUR youth, that you would like to discuss?
< Message edited by DaRoosh65 -- 14 Jun 05 17:34:26 >
Videogaming is the contemporary interactive pasttime.
Mass X
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RE: Thinking Back...Toys of Your Youth
Jun 14, 2005 09:54
Legos GI Joe Bright Light Atari various movie toys (Jurassic Park, Batman) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (I had damn near everything man it was awsome) Hotwheels Life and Monopoly actually most of the toys here at my daycare (I work here im not one of the kids) are my toys.
< Message edited by Mass X -- 14 Jun 05 17:57:00 >
Terry Bogard
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RE: Thinking Back...Toys of Your Youth
Jun 14, 2005 10:29
Only one type of toy series mattered and that was The Transformers ;)
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: Thinking Back...Toys of Your Youth
Jun 14, 2005 12:57
I got all my toys from Mc Donald' s. Sonic the Hedgehog, Lion King, hell there' s just too much to count. That place was better than Toys R US.
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RE: Thinking Back...Toys of Your Youth
Jun 14, 2005 14:42
Everything Daroosh mentioned I played with when I was young. I also had almost every Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and GI Joes. I was in my basement and I found some toys that I had completely forgot I had or even existed...Battle Trolls. The whole Troll craze hit back in the 90' s and I used to collect those things all the time.
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RE: Thinking Back...Toys of Your Youth
Jun 14, 2005 16:40
When I was young I played with: My Little Pony Barbies LEGOS Lincoln Logs Giant Tinker Toys
Joe Redifer
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RE: Thinking Back...Toys of Your Youth
Jun 14, 2005 16:55
Transformers! I also dabbled in the following, but not seriously: GI Joe Voltron Air Raiders Star Wars (still have my original Kenner Boba Fett) Guns (no kid should be without a loaded gun) Swords and stabbing weapons Cocaine Anthrax WMD' s.
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RE: Thinking Back...Toys of Your Youth
Jun 15, 2005 11:31
GI Joe Voltron Air Raiders Star Wars (still have my original Kenner Boba Fett) Guns (no kid should be without a loaded gun) Swords and stabbing weapons Cocaine Anthrax WMD' s. It appears that the last five items on Joe' s list had the most effect on who he has become today. Poor Joe...
< Message edited by DaRoosh65 -- 15 Jun 05 19:32:12 >
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RE: Thinking Back...Toys of Your Youth
Jun 16, 2005 14:41
Daroosh, my grandma had Rebound over at her house, we played that game all the time. I was awful at it. Being a girl, I played with My Little Ponies, Care Bears (we had the figurines), Barbies, Glow worms, and of course stuffed animals and dolls. We also played a very specific game with legos, it is just too involving to get into. We had an old set of mechanos that my dad used to own, those were fun from time to time.
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RE: Thinking Back...Toys of Your Youth
Jun 16, 2005 14:53
I actually have no possible way to list them all. I actually had a room in my basement that was full of toys up to a full grown person' s knees. I loved my toys and my parents loved me  . To name a few... I had all the original Ghostbuster toys including the fire house and the full jump suite with all the equipment. All the ninja turtle toys. All the batmans. A vast majority of transformers. Dino Riders. Spider Man stuff. Legos. GI Joes ( a hell of a lot of ' em too). God... I really could go on and on and on.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
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RE: Thinking Back...Toys of Your Youth
Jun 16, 2005 15:12
Barbies Matchbox cars (loved playing with dinkies more than anything) Smurfs Trouble Legos Cooties Pick Up Sticks Ants in Your Pants Monopoly Battleship Woodburning Set Chemistry Set Tinker Toys Rock Polishing machine Lite Brite
< Message edited by Sharon -- 16 Jun 05 23:14:12 >
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RE: Thinking Back...Toys of Your Youth
Jun 16, 2005 15:33
I just saw in the news that they' re going to rerelease the Teddy Ruxpins. I wish that I still had mine. Damn me from selling it.
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RE: Thinking Back...Toys of Your Youth
Jun 17, 2005 05:36
Cooties Pick Up Sticks Ants in Your Pants Battleship Woodburning Set Yes, yes, all of these I have played...and such fond memories... I forgot to include my G.I. Joe with locker, scuba gear, multiple weapons, and dress outfit. Wish I had kept it all...it' s currently worth quite a bit! One last one: Johnnie Lightning cars - similar to hotwheels, but designed to be especially fast and unique (usually big engines or sleek in shape). These I still have!
< Message edited by DaRoosh65 -- 17 Jun 05 13:37:09 >
Videogaming is the contemporary interactive pasttime.
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RE: Thinking Back...Toys of Your Youth
Jun 17, 2005 16:32
Ah Teddy Ruxpin, how I enjoyed you. Though it was the cartoon that I watched, i never had any of teh toys.
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RE: Thinking Back...Toys of Your Youth
Jun 21, 2005 08:24
Seems that quite a few of the old-school toys are making a comeback...just heard that the hoolahoop is expected to return in a big way. Noticed a while ago that the green machine (big wheel type kid' s bike with rear steering) is making a comeback...nice to see those items from my youth are still as popular as ever!
Videogaming is the contemporary interactive pasttime.
Chee Saw
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RE: Thinking Back...Toys of Your Youth
Jun 30, 2005 20:41
ORIGINAL: Joe Redifer Transformers! I also dabbled in the following, but not seriously: GI Joe Voltron Air Raiders Star Wars (still have my original Kenner Boba Fett) Guns (no kid should be without a loaded gun) Swords and stabbing weapons Cocaine Anthrax WMD' s. I agree with Joe and Terry! I had SO many transformers, it was ridiculous. My brother was a G.I. Joe nut, so he had a bunch of those. We both dabbled in Star Wars (remember the Darth Vader with the light saber that slid out of his forearm!) and Voltron. Oh and He-Man. I had some of those too. I had Adam (He-Man' s alter-ego), which was pretty hard to find, at the time. Oh yeah. Video games. I played a few.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Thinking Back...Toys of Your Youth
Jun 30, 2005 22:42
Anyone want a near-mint Fortress Maximus with all accessories, and no yellowing? EDIT: Not for free!
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 1 Jul 05 6:43:10 >
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RE: Thinking Back...Toys of Your Youth
Jul 01, 2005 05:27
Here' s another for ya' ...Stretch Armstrong! And do you remember Mighty Moes...the huge vehicles that used a flywheel based system to actually drive down stairs and up/down large hills. There were also two other sizes of these...Tiny Might Moes and the Micro version (about the size of a Hotwheel car).
Videogaming is the contemporary interactive pasttime.