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Stupidest. Decision. Ever.
Jun 11, 2005 10:53
" It is accurate that at this time we will not support high-definition [on Revolution]," confirms Nintendo of America' s vice president of corporate affairs, Perrin Kaplan. This is the stupidest decision ever. F$%k, I love Nintendo, but why don' t they just go back to putting there games on carts too. I' m very pissed to hear something like this. Is there an emoticon I can use on Kikizo that lifts a Big Middle Finger to all the corportate folks at Nintendo, cause I' d sure like to use it about now.
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RE: Stupidest. Decision. Ever.
Jun 11, 2005 13:03
Perhaps the Revolution isn' t powerful enough to run games in HD with full anti-aliasing without a performance hit, and that' s why Nintendo removed HD support?
Terry Bogard
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RE: Stupidest. Decision. Ever.
Jun 11, 2005 13:38
Or maybe like they thought with Online gaming, they didn' t think the market was yet big enough to bother supporting it.
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: Stupidest. Decision. Ever.
Jun 11, 2005 14:31
Or maybe they forgot to take there heads out of their asses when they were checking to see who was trying to steal their ideas. I' m actually surprised they let this out of the bag this early. Sony and Microsoft are sure to drop Hi-def support from their consoles now too.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Stupidest. Decision. Ever.
Jun 11, 2005 16:31
Because Nintendo knows what you, the gamer, wants! They always have and they always will! They are always a generation behind. This generation it was online like Terry said. They said people do not want to play games online. Next generation it is HD. That is the " in thing" for the next gen that everyone is touting. And I have already seen tons of people starting to purchase HDTV set JUST for the upcoming Xbox360 and/or the PS3. All of these people will be pissed. It is gaming that will help push HDTV forward, not vice-versa. Nintendo is not about cutting edge. Nintendo is about what' s already been established 5 years ago by everyone else. EDIT: I just read a quote from developer Silicon Knights somewhere that Nintendo doesn' t even plan on supporting component video out! SK doesn' t believe that will be true, however. Truly a giant step DOWN from the Gamecube if that is the case.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 12 Jun 05 0:40:03 >
Terry Bogard
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RE: Stupidest. Decision. Ever.
Jun 11, 2005 16:47
Nintendo' s taking us back to the RF Switch days, LOL..
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: Stupidest. Decision. Ever.
Jun 11, 2005 17:17
Nintendo do ruely make some stupid ass decisions, remember they said they would diffenly not come last this generation? hmmm,we didnt even get any game footage of revloution or specs! . I say Nintendos revloution will come out in a year or so. Then another year for it to finally get to europe, then the talks of 361 and ps4 have allready started! great plan Nintendo. [claps] I read that they said " games are too long" , so for nintendo its back to the days of 5 mintute games eh? pick up the pad and play? no wonder nintendo is regarded as a childs console. One smart move they made was to charge for its downloadable games, sure come on, whats the difference between mario party 3 and mario party 12? In my opoion Nintendo need to shape up, they need to look at the current market, what they like, not that nintendo thinks what they like.
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
Joe Redifer
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RE: Stupidest. Decision. Ever.
Jun 11, 2005 17:56
They should just provide an RF switch ONLY. That would make the video output options even less than the 1st generation NES. Instead of saying many different things that have gamers everywhere groaning and writing off the Rev before it even comes out, they should just exit the hardware business altogether. It seems like they are trying to lose or something.
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RE: Stupidest. Decision. Ever.
Jun 11, 2005 18:07
do you know what joe? it dosent even need an RF output only, it even dosent even need a output cable, You can just Imagine how great the games are!
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
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RE: Stupidest. Decision. Ever.
Jun 11, 2005 20:00
2 controllers only. That' s the move they' ll make. The revolution so far seems to be all about backwards. Backwards compatability. Backwards a step in Technology. Backwards *** thinking. **** I hope they prove me wrong, but this is looking like a dark time for Nintendo simply because they think they know what gamers want more than gamers do. When I go to Burger King, I don' t let the freakin 13 year old with Braces tell me what to get, no I say Whopper, and I say Bacon and she does it cause that' s her **** job. (in an effort to curb my recent profanity I have to decided to replace all questionable words with stars. If you are under 18 the words above are but, g-wiz, and only)
< Message edited by mxpx182 -- 12 Jun 05 4:03:42 >
Joe Redifer
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RE: Stupidest. Decision. Ever.
Jun 11, 2005 20:10
Perhaps Nintendo just hates any gamers over 10? That must be the case.
Terry Bogard
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RE: Stupidest. Decision. Ever.
Jun 11, 2005 20:14
Reggie Fils-aime: " Here at Nintendo we believe in tradition, and what originally brought us to the dance. That' s why the Revolution will mark the first non-3D based console released during the past 10 years... While our competitors are upping their poly counts we' re completely eliminating ours, we' re going NO polys and back to two dimensional sprites and bitmaps. This is the revolution that we offer gamers today."
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Stupidest. Decision. Ever.
Jun 11, 2005 22:09
One side of me think that' s a joke, terry, but another side of me sure hopes it' s not.
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RE: Stupidest. Decision. Ever.
Jun 11, 2005 22:56
I was even too scared to type that Joe!!
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RE: Stupidest. Decision. Ever.
Jun 12, 2005 01:14
Here is a real quote from Reggie that is quite sad itself: " We' ve got lots of support from 3rd party developers. *At this point Reggie starts stuttering* We' ve got Batman coming on to the GC...and...EA is showing a lot of support too." -Not an exact quote but that' s basically how it went down on G4 last month. The last time I checked almost every Batman game created was bad, so I can' t wait to play more on the GC!
In response to the following complaint I have decided to change my signature: " by the way, yoshimitsu you might want to click the little checkbox that makes your signature disappear." - Jonah Shoemaker, Residential Dumbass
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RE: Stupidest. Decision. Ever.
Jun 12, 2005 09:37
I laughed quite hard at that. He actually even said Batman twice!
Joe Redifer
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RE: Stupidest. Decision. Ever.
Jun 12, 2005 15:39
Hell, if they' ve got Batman, then they don' t need anything else! Not, HD, not sound, not anything!
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RE: Stupidest. Decision. Ever.
Jun 12, 2005 16:05
ORIGINAL: Joe Redifer Hell, if they' ve got Batman, then they don' t need anything else! Not, HD, not sound, not anything! I totally agree!
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
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RE: Stupidest. Decision. Ever.
Jun 12, 2005 17:33
See Nintendo will have some crappy gimik on it, maybe it will bring us back to the good old acrade days? no, not being able to play the classic games, but instead you will have to insert money to play. Just like any acrade. And a man called Larry will come around your house every thursday to collect the money. The loading screen will have fluffy rabbits bounceing around the screen with some childrens laughter, and they wonder why they are regarded as a childs console?
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
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RE: Stupidest. Decision. Ever.
Jun 27, 2005 07:03
" Because we are original" . Like Mario party what ever the **** number we' re on. Now you get a mic. Top that Sony and MS. If I recall wasnt there Seaman on DC with this first and then TheNotSoBigN copied it with " Hey you, Pikachu" ? But anyway, nintendo has never made a decent console. Period. NES- completely outstripped by the Master System. SNES- crushed by Genesis. N64-Crushed by PS1 and DC. GameCube-crushed by PS2, Xbox, and Gizmondo. All jokes aside though, every console Nintendo has released has been half the power of its competitors or at least 3/4. Case point Mortal Kombat on SNES vs. Genesis.
I dont want to celebrate, I want to sell you hate.
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RE: Stupidest. Decision. Ever.
Jun 27, 2005 08:15
Actually, the SNES was never " crushed" by the Genesis. Yes, Nintendo handicapped their own machine by equipping it with a barely adequate processor and insisting on " family-friendly" games, but the 256 colours on-screen and the hardware scaling chip made quite a big difference. Case in point, MK2 SNES vs MK2 Genesis. :-)
< Message edited by dismiss -- 27 Jun 05 16:16:19 >
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RE: Stupidest. Decision. Ever.
Jun 27, 2005 09:49
good call dismiss, no way did the genesis crush the SNES. It was out earlier, but the quality of late gen SNES games over late gen genesis games isn' t even comparable.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Stupidest. Decision. Ever.
Jun 27, 2005 12:13
Oh they were definitely comparable. Games like Donkey Kong Country and its sequels (starring Reggie) were awful as sin. Granted Genesis had crap like Vectorman which made me queasy. That Gunstar Heroes, though. Pure awesomeness.
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RE: Stupidest. Decision. Ever.
Jun 27, 2005 13:44
You also have to take into account Sega stopped giving the Genesis full support once the Saturn came out. So it was like Nintendo had the 16-bit battlefield all do themselves once again.
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RE: Stupidest. Decision. Ever.
Jun 28, 2005 00:57
Don' t get me wrong, I absolutely adored stuff like Strider, Revenge of Shinobi, Gunstar Heroes and Legend of Thor on the Genesis (Megadrive over here). On the other hand, the SNES had the best version of SFII on the market, and stuff like Chronotrigger, Zelda, FF3, plus some rather good 3d games such as Starfox, Vortex and a cute little version of Doom. Both machines had their strong suits, my point is that there was no " crushing" involved on either side. Oops , I take it back. Towards the end of their lifecycle, both machines were " crushed" by a deluge of mediocre licensed platformers.
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RE: Stupidest. Decision. Ever.
Jun 28, 2005 06:49
i would comment on this, but alas, i did have a snes but i was too young to really take notice of how many colors it could display.
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
Joe Redifer
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RE: Stupidest. Decision. Ever.
Jun 28, 2005 16:15
REALLY??!!!???!?!??!? I remember pausing each and every game on every new screen I got to just to count the colors. One, two, three, four, etc...
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RE: Stupidest. Decision. Ever.
Jun 28, 2005 18:01
LOL! Ok, THAT was funny. I like you Joe, you amuse me.
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RE: Stupidest. Decision. Ever.
Jun 28, 2005 20:20
Joe amused me from day 1
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RE: Stupidest. Decision. Ever.
Jun 29, 2005 09:57
Joe Amuses me. And Carnie' s amuse me too.
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RE: Stupidest. Decision. Ever.
Jun 29, 2005 11:02
well i set it up!, joe is nothing without me anyway... good for nothing...
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
Chee Saw
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RE: Stupidest. Decision. Ever.
Jun 30, 2005 19:18
Sorry to bring us back on topic here, but I think the stupidest decision ever would be Nintendo bailing out on Sony after they asked them to make a cd drive for their console. Sony then enters the console world and systematically crushes Nintendo with the Playstation!!
Joe Redifer
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RE: Stupidest. Decision. Ever.
Jun 30, 2005 22:40
I' ve always wondered how that would have turned out. Even if the SNES Playstation (yes, that' s what it would have ben called) would have been a failure worse than the Sega CD, would it have been worth it to get Sony out of the picture? Would Sony have just blamed Nintendo for the failure and come out with a Playstation 2 anyway (we' d be on the PS3 right now, and the PS3 would actually be the PS4 if all this had happened like I say)? Where does the TurboGrafx-16 fit into all of this? And would Sega have actually let Ancient have title screen credit for programming Sonic for the Game Gear (which they did)? Lots of questions remain unanswered.
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RE: Stupidest. Decision. Ever.
Jul 04, 2005 19:37
its a, a conspiracy........