PDZ Camera Solution
Jun 05, 2005 04:10
" I think I have found a way for Rare to enable the option to put your face in the game...which is...
With every Perfect Dark Zero game bought, you receive a small device that you put in your mouth, works its way around your mouth and clips to your cheek. It measures temperature, and " wetness" , and gives off a small signal for the camera to pick up, so that if the beacon isn' t inside the cameras line of sight it won' t take the picture. You have to constantly hum while you' re doing it, so it can feel the vibration, another step to making sure it' s your face that' s being filmed. There can also be a variation where you wear a mouth guard instead of clipping it on. If you have any connections what-so-ever plz pass this on to a higher-up. The camera feature has to be part of the game! Do whatever is in your power to make sure this idea gets passed on."
Now I just need some help getting the idea to them. If can plz do so