Famitsu poll on the next gen consoles

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Famitsu poll on the next gen consoles - Jun 02, 2005 17:34
Let me know what you think about this poll. It seems Nintendo is on top which i think is cool and quite a shock since Sony has such a big hold on Japan with the PS2 and PSP.

- Famitsu Weekly has conducted a next generation reader survey, to see which console system the readers are most interested.

Most Interested Next Generation Console
1. Nintendo Revolution - 42.2%
2. Sony PlayStation 3 - 39.8%
3. Microsoft Xbox 360 - 18.0%

Why do you like Revolution?
- Compact design, typical Nintendo style
- Able to download Famicom (NES), SFC (SNES) and Nintendo 64 games
- Possible innovative / new designs in Revolution
- Confidence in the hardware

Why do you like PlayStation 3?
- Outstanding technical specifications, standout against other next generation consoles
- Downward compatibility with PSone and PlayStation 2
- Cell processor and Bluray support are unique to the console
- Like the design of the console (but the controller design is crazy)

Why do you like Xbox 360?
- Developer support is splendid, especial people like Akira Toriyama and Sakaguchi.
- Square Enix supports the console
- Positive console design, color, technical specs and software lineup
- Console can stand vertically

Joe Redifer
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RE: Famitsu poll on the next gen consoles - Jun 02, 2005 18:05
I' d like to hear what they DON' T like about each console. I' m sure the manufacturers would as well so they could fix them.

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RE: Famitsu poll on the next gen consoles - Jun 02, 2005 19:42
Good point. The one thing i don' t like about the PS3 is the controller as mentioned there too. I really hope they change it some if not it better be comfy. But judging by the look not sure it looks too comfy.

Also what is up with this idea that everything should be vertical. I never really cared for the vertical stand thing it' s feels weird putting in the game and i read that it messes up the laser on how it reads being vertical.

From what i read, the reason why the Revolution is cooler in because Japan likes their stuff sleek and small (hence why it' s the first thing mentioned on the list), which is also why the Xbox bombed because it' s big and bulky and the slim PS2 is selling so well because it is tiny and sleek and look pretty cool. So far everyone who has seen the slim PS2 for the first time while i am there has all same the same thing including me which is " that' s it? that thing is tiny"

This is going to be a good generation. I myself am loyal to Nintendo so buying the Rev will be my first choice and hopefully i can be one of the lucky people who win one of the Xbox 360' s given away for the " win every 10 mins" mountain dew promotion.

I am not greedy so here is the link for anyone to sign up for it.


I have no problem spending like $50 buying Mountain Dew if i win it wil save me $300 from having to buy one on my own.

Terry Bogard
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RE: Famitsu poll on the next gen consoles - Jun 02, 2005 19:57
I was initially surprised by the Revolution being the next-gen platform of choice for the majority of the folks that were polled but when I read this as one of the reasons:

-Able to download Famicom (NES), SFC (SNES) and Nintendo 64 games

It all became clear!
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

Joe Redifer
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RE: Famitsu poll on the next gen consoles - Jun 02, 2005 21:09
Supposedly old-school Nintendo-made games will be free to download.

Isn' t the PS3 BIGGER than the Xbox360?

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RE: Famitsu poll on the next gen consoles - Jun 02, 2005 21:44
From what people that saw both consoles, they said the PS3 is the biggest freaking console they' ve seen.
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RE: Famitsu poll on the next gen consoles - Jun 02, 2005 22:14
The PS3 grill has to be big to cook all that good food which keep the sterotypical heavy gamers full of food.

Well Kutaragi did say " the PS3 is not a game machine"

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RE: Famitsu poll on the next gen consoles - Jun 03, 2005 00:48
I think the PS3 hardware and controller will go down in history as the most made fun of console and controller in history. Here are a few things I' ve heard so far.
console: bigger than an xbox 1, grills food, good hiding spot for hide-and-seek
controller: boomarang, bannana, dildo, bigger than an original xbox controller, horns

What is up with the controller anyways? The original PS1 controller was made for 2D games. That is why the d-pad is in the most conftorable spot. the dual shock ps2 controller just has 2 added joysticks in an uncomftorable position. Why didn' t they switch the joystick with the d-pad spot? That is the more comftorable spot for it. It still doesn' t have a trigger which is ideal for racing games or other games where you want variable amounts. The overall design of the PS1/PS2 controller wasn' t really all that comftorable to hold onto either. Now with the PS3 controller it is the exact same except wireless and the annoying ends stick out 5 feet. So they are downgrading their controllers now? I don' t understand what sony is trying to do. It is like they throw out the worst product possible to test how good their PR is.
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RE: Famitsu poll on the next gen consoles - Jun 03, 2005 01:05
Sony thinks they own the gaming world, because of the success of the PS1/PS2 so they think they can do no wrong. I ask peopel this do people need a home supercomputer? And how many people wil use the PS3 for anythign but a gaming maching?

I really liked your last sentence and the reasoning it gives, hehe.

" It is like they throw out the worst product possible to test how good their PR is."

that is brilliant haha.

Maybe Sony wants to enter the Porn market by having their controller look like a double ended dildo and with the dual shock lots more ladies will want to play it. I neevr even thought of it, looking like a dildo until you mentioned it.

Joe Redifer
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RE: Famitsu poll on the next gen consoles - Jun 03, 2005 01:51
Sony is entering the porn market. There are legitimate hardcore uncensored porn movies coming out on UMD for the PSP in Japan with Sony' s blessing. If it' s porn, it' s gotta be Sony!

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RE: Famitsu poll on the next gen consoles - Jun 03, 2005 05:55

- Console can stand vertically

haha i love that

they can' t think of any other things that xbox360 is good for apart from that

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RE: Famitsu poll on the next gen consoles - Jun 03, 2005 07:06
You missed the " batarang" for another name for the dildo controller sony has made. It does vibrate after all, ewwww........ And yeah, I was reading the dimensions of the xbox 360 and it' s just slightly smaller than the original, not even an inch each way, and only 1 lb less in weight. The PS3 is indeed supposed to be larger, and with that curved top obviously designed to let the food cook in it' s own succulent juices, the japanese market may shun it cause it' s going to destroy thier entertainment units. That thing will be the only unit you can put on it' s shelf. As for the vertical, I' m all for the vertical. I have my PS2 vertical, and gamecube ummmm cubed on the same shelf. This way both units fit on the same shelf and I don' t have to worry about them overheating cause they arent' on top of eachother. I' d have to put spacers between them if I wanted them on top of eachother on the same shelf, or else keep them on the same shelf.

Terry Bogard
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RE: Famitsu poll on the next gen consoles - Jun 03, 2005 08:15

The original PS1 controller was made for 2D games. That is why the d-pad is in the most conftorable spot.

If you EVER say that again you will be shot.... I know cause I' ll be the shooter! I absolutely despise the PlayStation 1 & 2 controllers for 2D games, mainly because of the atrocious D-pad design.
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: Famitsu poll on the next gen consoles - Jun 03, 2005 09:34
I' ve always thought the PS andPS2 controllers were garbage. My hands hurt after playing with them for lengthy amounts of time. Sega is still the king of contollers in my book.

About that comment with the Xbox 360 being only slightly smaller than the original Xbox, Teamxbox screwed up big time on that. I don' t know what the hell they were talking about but here' s a face plate comparrision between the 360, Xbox, and the PS2-

As you can see the faceplates don' t lie. It really won' t be much bigger than a PS2.
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RE: Famitsu poll on the next gen consoles - Jun 03, 2005 10:19
are you agreeing with me or disagreeing with me Rampage? You' re right, the face plates don' t lie and if you look at the x-box comparison one you can see that it' s only about an inch shorter. As for narrower, in the middle probably about half an inch, at the edges, almost the same. It certainly has the same length as the PS2, but it is twice as wide as the PS2. This face plate doesn' t have the little bottom piece of the PS2 where the USb ports are though, so I' d say the 360 is about 1.5 times as high. I' ll try and find depth dimensions of the 360. Still pretty heavy, but at least a little lighter. The PS3 however looks like it' s going to dwarf even the original xbox.

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RE: Famitsu poll on the next gen consoles - Jun 03, 2005 10:23
What do you all think about the face plate being changeable? Also about this idea of the Xbox live marketplace where you spend real money buying your avatar like hats, glasses, different clothes etc..? In my opinion i think it' s silly and also makes MS seem money hungry god knows why, it' s not like they are short on cash. Being worth over $80 BILLION. I once read something sickening, Bill Gates has lost $1BILLION in one single day in the stock market. ONE DAMN DAY. He acted as if oh well. There are whole countries who never even see that much money in their lifetime and he losses it in one day. I don' t hate Bill Gates i think he is brillant and living the american dream he gets paid lots of money to do what he loves and demoted himself to R&D because that is his passion. I wish i can have a job making tons of money doing what i love to do. I think the reason why people hate him is because they are jealous. I also read him and his wife donate tons of money to charities (well they have plenty of it).

anywho sorry to get off topic.

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RE: Famitsu poll on the next gen consoles - Jun 03, 2005 10:37
I really like the changable face plates. I want the one that was at E3 but I' m not willing to spend $200 to get it. Well, if I had the money I probably would. I just don' t have the money right now. Hopefully they come out with a faceplate that says Xenon on it. That way I could still call it Xenon like all of us were about a month ago.

the live market place is a cool feature but at the same time I don' t like have to spend money on crappy little extras that aren' t really worth a dime. I have a feeling that the market place won' t be as big as MS is hoping.

As far as Bill Gates goes, he' s a f*cking genious. He created one of the most well known, biggest profitting companies ever. I heard MS hasn' t had a loss in overall profits ever. That' s some crazy business skills, though some tactics they use are questionable. Bill Gates seems like acool guy. He has the American dream. He' s still down to earth though. He does give a crap load to charity and was even kinighted for it. Bill Gates is the shiznit fo shizzle.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99

" Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day "

Terry Bogard
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RE: Famitsu poll on the next gen consoles - Jun 03, 2005 10:59

I wish i can have a job making tons of money doing what i love to do. I think the reason why people hate him is because they are jealous. I also read him and his wife donate tons of money to charities (well they have plenty of it).

Once I read that Bill Gates flew Coach Class whenever he traveled I knew then and there I liked the lad
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 3 Jun 05 18:59:36 >
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: Famitsu poll on the next gen consoles - Jun 03, 2005 11:01
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! super long post deleted cause it screwed up while sending!!! I even copied it, but now it' s gone! I hate my computer. Ok here it is again

Face plates = good. I don' t personally want them but if you do, go for it (I hope Rampage was joking about 200 bucks, 20 seems abou the max I' d pay). I' d rather just use a jiffy marker and banana stickers myself

The Marketplace online = biggest ripoff of all time. They tell us it' s going to be great " you can download new custom rims, and new paint colors for your favorite cars all for a micro transaction" , that it' s going to be the best thing since the wheel. If we as gamers support this bullshit it' s going to lead down a road where we' ll be paying for everything soon. Figher games will ship with 4 playable characters, but for 50 cents each you can download the other 16. FPS games will have all these wonderful " new" MP levels you can dowload for a buck a pop. And I say " new" in quotes cause they were purposely left off the finsished product even though they were complete just so we can pay for them later. As far as I can remember games like Gran Turisimo has been providing us with custom rims and paint colors for FREE. Imagine that, buying a game for 70 bucks and actually having options!!! I wonder how long till I have to pay to enable all the colors in the game instead of having to play it in black and white.

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RE: Famitsu poll on the next gen consoles - Jun 03, 2005 11:44
is it me or is the Kikizo server going REALLY SLOW? I tried to post this but it said error luckily i took the advice from mxpx182 to copy it before i posted.

that is awesome and brilliant as well, Haha jiffy marker and banana stickers. Good use of the ol' noggin huh? There is a saying " if you can' t have what you want, IMPROVISE."

Also your point of the micro transactions is a good point. They will make us pay to play the games and not even really be online games that normally charge you to play. But you know thw hardcore fanboys will happily buy the crap.

I am a RPG fan so far the one thing that is making me consider getting a Xbox 2, (they did a horrible job picking the name 360. I also liked Xenon it sounds MUCH cooler then 360 what about a short name like PS3 and Rev) is the games from Mistwalker from what i have seen they look really sweet. Also since Square-Enix is supporting all 3 systems i will see what kinds of games they give the Xbox 2 besides the 3 year old FF11. It would be cool if Square-Enix releases FF13 for all 3 systems and have each version be a little different to make people buy all 3 and play them with like different spells or more different dungeons. It will certainly add to the longevity.

The one thing i have to give props to MS for is the Xbox 2 controller it is wireless and corded which is a brilliant idea, you can play wirelessly and if the battery is dieing out just plug in the cord that was great thinking. I heard on G4tv that the really liked the controller.

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RE: Famitsu poll on the next gen consoles - Jun 03, 2005 12:18

The one thing i have to give props to MS for is the Xbox 2 controller it is wireless and corded which is a brilliant idea, you can play wirelessly and if the battery is dieing out just plug in the cord that was great thinking. I heard on G4tv that the really liked the controller.

I think this is likely going to be a feature of all 3 systems, at least the x-box 360 and PS3 simply because sony has mentioned that you can use the USB ports for controllers, so I' ll bet you could connect a USB cable to your vibrating boomerang and leach charge it while you play. I hope the revolution controller does the same, but since the controller is supposed to be so revolutionary, it' ll probably just have a little cold fusion reactor inside it, and if it get' s low you just have to dump a glass of water inside it and it' s good for another 200 years.
< Message edited by mxpx182 -- 3 Jun 05 20:19:33 >

Terry Bogard
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RE: Famitsu poll on the next gen consoles - Jun 03, 2005 12:21
I like the controlller a lot because unlike the current Xbox' x controller, the controller for the Xbox 360 feels REEEEEEALLLY nice.. Button placement, everything feels good.
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: Famitsu poll on the next gen consoles - Jun 03, 2005 15:11
Here are the face plates for the Xbox 2. What do you all think?


I tried uploading the pic but kept getting the error messageso there is the link.

Joe Redifer
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RE: Famitsu poll on the next gen consoles - Jun 03, 2005 16:34
The Upload function in this forum has been broken for over a year. You have to link to it with the IMG tags from a remote host.

Sega is still the king of contollers in my book.

Well, the Genesis 6 button and the Saturn (Japanese version preferred but US one was good, too - they eventually released the Japnese controller in the US) are the pinnacles of gaming heaven. The Saturn analog pad was good, not great. The Dreamcast pad is absolutely horrible and is one of the reasons why I have a hard time fully appreciating the DC. They took away 2 buttons for no reason, and the analog pad was crap (though better than the analog stick on the Saturn pad). The Sega Master System also had a lousy controller. No way to pause the game. Buttons that had to be pressed for a mile before they registered. Ug.

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RE: Famitsu poll on the next gen consoles - Jun 03, 2005 18:13
Sega actually designed the Xbox controllers too.
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RE: Famitsu poll on the next gen consoles - Jun 03, 2005 23:40
Joe, I loved the DC controller. That thing was comfortable as hell whether or not it was lacking 2 buttons.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99

" Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day "

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RE: Famitsu poll on the next gen consoles - Jun 03, 2005 23:53
I actually wanted to beat the @$$ of the folks in the Sega of Japan R&D lab responsible for the Dreamcast controller. Two less face buttons, smaller uncomfortable buttons and hard as a rock d-pad that wasn' t a whole lot of fun to use for extended periods of time.

It' s AMAZING how they would go from something the quality of the godly Saturn pad which I' d rate at least a 9.5 out of 10 to the Dreamcast pad which I' d give a generous 5.0 out of 10 to.
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

Joe Redifer
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RE: Famitsu poll on the next gen consoles - Jun 04, 2005 02:29
The Dreamcast controller was had 2 less buttons.

(EDIT: I just wanted to pay special attention to my awesome grammar above).

The d-pad on the Genesis 6 button controller (the original, not the one with the giant letters) felt perfect. Nice, soft plastic. You can use your Saturn controllers for DC games. I think you can even use the Saturn analog controller. I' ll have to try it (The Z and C buttons double as extra L and Rs).
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 4 Jun 05 10:30:07 >

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RE: Famitsu poll on the next gen consoles - Jun 06, 2005 08:27
but hold on, who said that the ps3 cooking food was a bad thing? sure while its loading you can pop on some bacon sit now and let the vibrateing controller pleasure you, and then play what has to be the most solid launch title line up.

I read in an interview that sonmy arent going to change the design much, maybe its one of those things that fits really conmfortabley in your hands?..

ow! my bacon is burning!!
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine.

Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!

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RE: Famitsu poll on the next gen consoles - Jun 06, 2005 10:12
haha that' s great. MMMMM Bacon. Gotta have have that bacon huh? I don' t know how people choose to be a herbavore and not eat bacon hehe. my best friend is one and his veggie food smells and tastes funny.

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RE: Famitsu poll on the next gen consoles - Jun 07, 2005 04:06

ORIGINAL: Phoenixxx1974

I also read him and his wife donate tons of money to charities (well they have plenty of it).

ORIGINAL: Rampage99

He does give a crap load to charity and was even kinighted for it. Bill Gates is the shiznit fo shizzle.

ORIGINAL: Terry Bogard

Once I read that Bill Gates flew Coach Class whenever he traveled I knew then and there I liked the lad

I heard he can shoot lasers out of his eyes, and he used this special ability to save the planet of Stankstank from certain destruction, which turned out to be not so certain because... well... he saved them. GO BILL!

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RE: Famitsu poll on the next gen consoles - Jun 07, 2005 04:10

ORIGINAL: Joe Redifer

The Sega Master System also had a lousy controller. No way to pause the game. Buttons that had to be pressed for a mile before they registered. Ug.

Hey, remember that little joystick that screwed into the middle of the d-pad? At the time, I thought somebody at Sega was on crack for that one. But in hindsight, seeing as how all controllers have little joystick on them nowadays, that was pretty forward thinking! It did suck though.

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RE: Famitsu poll on the next gen consoles - Jun 07, 2005 05:29

....[master sysytem]....No way to pause the game. Buttons that had to be pressed for a mile before they registered. Ug.

haha yeah - the pause button was on the console itself!!

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RE: Famitsu poll on the next gen consoles - Jun 07, 2005 11:37
Haha wow i actually remember that. It was a pain in the ass to unscrew it and screw it back in and it was kinda uncomfortable.

I am curious what the controller for the Rev will be like. Everyone has their speculation and high hopes for it i hope it doesn' t disapoint.

Did anyone go to E3 and was allowed to hold the PS3 controller? It looks so uncomfy and i was just curious if anyone held it and what they thought about it. Well i mentioned it because everyone is talking about the Xbox 2 controller and not the others so i figured i would ask. Judging by everyone' s reactions it is not widely accepted as a " cool" controller.