Terry Bogard
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Personal picks for E3 Games of the show.
May 27, 2005 07:25
Okami (PS2) This had to be one of the most refreshingly original games at the show. The cool, colorful art style and the ' painting' mechanics of the game made this one stand out... While playing Okami I kept saying to myself how this would make one hell of a DS game as the gameplay mechanics involving drawing\painting would make PERFECT use of the touch screen & stylus! Come on Capcom you' ve got to be thinking the same thing! Urban Reign (PS2) This is a 3D beat-em up finally done right! Lots of wicked moves and cool double-team attacks. THANK YOU Namco! Now Hurry up, I want this game, I NEED this game NOW! Nanostray (DS) A really sharp looking, extremely smooth, vertically scrolling shooter for the DS. I was impressed by the game' s visual quality and how incredibly smooth the action flowed. The game features 3D graphics but with 2D gameplay. In terms of visual style think Zero Gunner, Ray Storm, Rayforce or Raycrisis. The game also utilized the touch screen in order to switch weapons, which to some may seem cool at first but unfortunately I don' t think the developers took into account how distracting that would be, especially given the amount of concentration and quick reflexes needed in shooters. Most disappointing show presence: PSP I went in hoping, praying for some unexpected surprises, I came across one in Namco' s BOUNTY HOUNDS, but the slow-paced nature of the game did nothing for me. GUILTY GEARS blew a big fat one. INFECTED needed a lot more work. MADDEN ' 06 looked more like a DS port. There were a few good highlights however; Ys, Coded Arms, Virtua Tennis: World Tour, Pac-Man World 3, Dead to Rights: Reckoning, all played pretty well. Wait, if that many games played well then I guess it wasn' t that disappointing. I was just hoping to see more that' s all..
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: Personal picks for E3 Games of the show.
May 27, 2005 08:15
I wish I could have a personal favorite game from E3, but due to the fact that I didn' t get within 2000 Km of the place I don' t. There' s an idea for a contest next year kikizo, airfare for one forum member to E3 2006 and a media pass. Enter me now.
Terry Bogard
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RE: Personal picks for E3 Games of the show.
May 27, 2005 08:28
LA hookers optional?
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: Personal picks for E3 Games of the show.
May 27, 2005 08:47
The Legend of Zelda (GC) This game just looks so damn incredible! I have a video of a freakin 4 hour line for people waiting to play the game! From what I' ve seen of the game it really looks like it will be one of the best titles of the year. Okami (PS2) Gotta agree with you on this on Terry. The game looks incredible. I love the direction they are going with this game. It' s definately one of the most refreshing titles I' ve seen in a long time. Gears of War (360) this game looks so beautiful! the graphical detail they have in this game is second to none from gameplay footage shown for the next gen consoles. The gameplay itself looks very enjoyable with the whole " create your own cover" stuff going on. At first I wasn' t to sure about the third person view but after watching the gameplay videos I have come to accept it. sucks that it still has at least another year of developement. FF: Advent Children (PSP) Okay, okay... I know it' s not a game but that new trailer they released was down right the single greatest trailer I' ve ever seen! I weant this movie so bad!!! Semptember 13... September 13. It can' t come soon enough!!! Oblivion (Next Gen and PC) Well over 300 hours of my life went into Morrowind. Hell, I may even be pushing 400 hours... God knows, maybe even more! This one is looking even better! 40 square miles to roam, a new battle system, over a 1,000 characters with their own unique AI, new economy system, in credible graphics... this game will be my life when it comes out. Wow... simply wow.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
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RE: Personal picks for E3 Games of the show.
May 27, 2005 14:54
Conker: Live and Reloaded (xbox) After the highly praised N64 version of the game, I can wait for the next game, even if it' s a remake! The controls were so polished up that it gave me the most fun I' ve had on the N64! Hopefully Xbox will do the same.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Personal picks for E3 Games of the show.
May 27, 2005 17:08
Are they releasing FF: Advent Children on DVD as well? I can' t imagine watching such a big movie " event" on a PSP with its absolutely atrocious sound system (perhaps the worst ever?).
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RE: Personal picks for E3 Games of the show.
May 27, 2005 17:13
Both DVD and the PSP versions will be released the same day. September 13 for the US and September 14 for Japan. It will be one of the best movies EVER!!!
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
Joe Redifer
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RE: Personal picks for E3 Games of the show.
May 27, 2005 17:40
If it' s only the 2nd best movie ever, do I get my money back?
Terry Bogard
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RE: Personal picks for E3 Games of the show.
May 27, 2005 17:47
Sony' s kinda letting the ball get dropped on that one. I remember when it was originally reported that the movie would be released as a UMD first and then a few months later a DVD release would follow. That would have served to further help Sony' s UMD movie cause.
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: Personal picks for E3 Games of the show.
May 27, 2005 17:49
I want a PSP but even if I had one I' d definately wait for the DVD version.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
Joe Redifer
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RE: Personal picks for E3 Games of the show.
May 27, 2005 19:39
I want a gaming machine, not something I can watch movies on. This goes for the PS2 & 3, Xbox360 and the Revolution if it plans to play movies. It is a FACT that game consoles make lousy movie players. Sony hates gamers and they would rather appeal to the iPod crowd. Remember, when you buy a Sony system, it' s not about the games. At least that' s what Kutagari seems to want us to believe. Also, they should have built a game around Advent Children, and have all of the movie bits just be cut scenes. Of course I still wouldn' t have bought it, but the fans would have gone apeshit and some of them may have even exploded from excitment.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 28 May 05 3:42:18 >
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RE: Personal picks for E3 Games of the show.
May 28, 2005 09:56
So far, I' m hooked on Oblivion and Gears of War. Both look incredible.
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RE: Personal picks for E3 Games of the show.
May 30, 2005 04:44
Okami looks amazing. In fact, it looks SO amazing that I doubt it' s even going to get a PAL release. Soul Calibur III looks better every time I see some footage. At first I was afraid this was going to be SC 2.5, now it looks more and more like a proper sequel. Castlevania DS looks fantastic as well, but PLEASE do something about the main sprite. It' s annoying when enemy characters animate much better than the hero. Legend of Zelda looks set to recapture that fairy tale atmosphere. Bring it on. Pursuit Force and Daxter look like must-haves for the psp when they are released. On the next gen front, there' s lots of cool stuff ahead, but it' s way too early to judge.
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RE: Personal picks for E3 Games of the show.
May 30, 2005 17:05
I was dissapointed to hear that Okami wasn' t all that great of a game in terms of gameplay. I had a friend that played the game at E3 and he saidhe was really excited to get his hands on it. When hefinally did he felt really let down. I still wanna play it though. The art direction is reason enough for me.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
Terry Bogard
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RE: Personal picks for E3 Games of the show.
May 30, 2005 18:30
I loved the gameplay of Okami.. The entire atmosphere was almost otherworldly... It might wind up as one of those games that' s an acquired taste I suppose. And I' m gonna hound Capcom about a DS version until they hit me with an internet restraining order.lol
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 31 May 05 2:30:53 >
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: Personal picks for E3 Games of the show.
Jun 03, 2005 18:31
My number 1 highlight would be... New Super Mario Bros This game looks so good. Im finally glad that theyre making a classic Mario with something new! This is obvioulsly goin on my to get list. Now I just gota wait till it comes out...
Joe Redifer
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RE: Personal picks for E3 Games of the show.
Jun 03, 2005 19:06
WTF? Now I need to change my avatar. Adam can you do an IP whois lookup on the post above mine? Seriously, WTF? I wonder if the IP will come back saying QWEST?
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 4 Jun 05 3:09:56 >
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RE: Personal picks for E3 Games of the show.
Jun 03, 2005 19:17
Joe Redifer
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RE: Personal picks for E3 Games of the show.
Jun 04, 2005 02:35
Is that you Sharon? Don' t force me to create a SharonIsCool account.
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RE: Personal picks for E3 Games of the show.
Jun 04, 2005 17:57
LOL, looks like you' ve got a secret admirer Joe
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RE: Personal picks for E3 Games of the show.
Jun 05, 2005 21:30
Joe The Reason why i made this file is that i read so many of ure posts and i found them to be hilariously rude. Like for instance the Xbox360' s name. lol i just needed to talk to u so i could find out how to talk as good smack talk as you can