If you could buy ONE next-gen system...

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Chee Saw
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If you could buy ONE next-gen system... - May 21, 2005 16:03
Ok, I' ll start out by saying, if I could buy only one next-gen system it would be the Xbox 360. The whole Xbox Live thing does it for me (plus I feel confident that Rare will eventually announce something about the next Killer Instinct!)

The Revolution has that (oh so tempting) downloadable historic catalog and the PS3 has the power to run a nuclear missle silo (just making that up). So how about you guys?

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RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system... - May 21, 2005 16:09
ps3, cos i know sony will deviler a quailty console, microsoft wants to realse the 360 by Q4 2005 and i beileve its worldwide, no way, even if they make the date [the 360 hardware wasnt even near finshed at e3] there would never be enough consoles to go around. whats this got to do with my point? ... i dont know... you tell me?
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine.

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RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system... - May 21, 2005 18:24

whats this got to do with my point? ... i dont know... you tell me

tsk..tsk...tsk..lay off them drugs Snake. You hallucinating again? After getting your butt kicked in MGS3, I don' t blame you. Anyways, I' ll go for the PS3 cause most of the games that I play, have stayed on that console and hasn' t bowed down to Microsoft. It just depends on the gamer and what you' re looking for in your console. Now, I might consider getting a Revolution just for the fact that you can download all of the old games on to it that was on Nintendo consoles. However, how much will you be charged per game or will it be a subscription? We don' t know yet.

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RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system... - May 21, 2005 18:32
The thought of only one wonsole makes me want to cry, and since I know so little about 2 of them it' s a tough choice, but when it comes down to it, I can' t go without mario, zelda, pikmin, etc. I wish there were games of similar styles and similar calibers on other systems, but there just aren' t in my opinion. I love other games on other systems, and it would really suck if Final Fantasy games didn' t come to the rev, but I guess I' d have to deal. Let' s hope this isn' t the case, and I can somehow at least squeak 2 of them into my home!

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RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system... - May 21, 2005 18:43
Speaking of which...isn' t it funny how Final Fantasy games were originally on Nintendo consoles and then switched over to Sony? Since then, it' s been all Sony and I think just Tactics on Gameboy.

Terry Bogard
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RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system... - May 21, 2005 19:14
Even though I' m rooting for Nintendo to come out ahead (which, sadly I think they' ll end up in 3rd place) - I' d No doubt get the Playstation 3... Developers are gonna go nuts over Sony' s console and we the gamers will benefit from that craziness.

The fanboy in me would wanna get the Revolution before all of the others, but that annoyingly objective side would want the Playstation 3 first...
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 22 May 05 3:16:15 >
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system... - May 21, 2005 21:28

Speaking of which...isn' t it funny how Final Fantasy games were originally on Nintendo consoles and then switched over to Sony

Yeah. If you mean funny like finding out your heart was just broken, smashed to pieces, swallowed whole and S$%t down the drain, then yeah, it was funny.

As to the whole PS3 thing Terry, I agree that it just looks so tempting with it' s capabilities, but I' m starting to wonder if there isn' t a little truth to the whole theory of how it' s going to become so expensive to develope games at that consistant level of photo realism that it may become to expensive. That could just end up being bunk though. What really scares me is the price point being thrown around for that thing. Now I know they' ve said nothing at all, but analysts are saying 500 American bucks. I live in Canada, and up here that would run 650. After taxes, 760. That' s for a console and a boomerang. no games, nothing. I just can' t imagine a system that expensive succeeding to the masses. Even more interesting is how companies always say they take a little loss(or a big loss) on every console they sell. If sony can' t get it down below 400 bucks, I can' t get one, just too much money. So, launch senario. They launch at 400. They already were probably taking a loss at 500, so now they lose at least 100 bucks a console. Let' s say they want to move 10 million units in the first year. That' s a 1 billion dollar loss. I know companies have piles of cash, but a billion bucks is a lot of dough. Any thoughts?
< Message edited by mxpx182 -- 22 May 05 5:28:58 >

Terry Bogard
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RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system... - May 21, 2005 22:24
I' ve read a few estimates of how much more they' re expecting the Playstation 3 to cost and I' m sticking FIRMLY to the belief that the PS3 will launch at $299

I remember the Playstation 2 went through the same craziness before launch with all types of news outlets and analysts predicting it would launch at $450 - $500..

They launched the Playstation at $299
They launched the Playstation 2 at $299
and until Sony officially releases a price for the PS3 I' m sticking to the believe that the Playstation 3 will follow that $299 tradition.. I mean the amount of software sales that thing' s bound to have should help cushion the blow.. :)
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 22 May 05 6:25:33 >
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system... - May 21, 2005 22:52
I will change my avatar to mary kate and ashley for 1 month if the PS3 comes out at 299 Terry! It' s a bet. Let' s make it fun, if it' s more than 299, you change your avatar to this:

Any one else wanna get in on this??? I' d love to see a bunch of backstreet boys foin the forum!!!
< Message edited by mxpx182 -- 22 May 05 6:53:20 >

Terry Bogard
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RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system... - May 21, 2005 22:57
LOL, I Never bet... :)

But for fun I' ll use that avatar if the PS3 doesn' t launch with the same price tag as its predecessors.

By the way who the heck is that a picture of????
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

Joe Redifer
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RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system... - May 22, 2005 00:39
I can' t even see his picture, it is an empy box. But if I click on the empty box, it loads in a new window. WTF? Adam, call the forum repair peoples! OK now that I' ve clicked it, it loads fine. Somebody needs to be sued.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 22 May 05 8:41:31 >

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RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system... - May 22, 2005 01:09
ezy....the revolution by miles, its the most likely to bring quality games rather then multimeadia, has anybody actually compared the games on the current cosole? if u did the cube would win ezily i mean gta:sa was good and all but mario and co. kick CJ' s arse anyday

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RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system... - May 22, 2005 06:16
I would buy an Xbox360 as my second console but one thing that makes me mad about Microsoft is the whole Xbox Live product that you have to pay for. WTH?!? I just spent 300 bucks on your system. 50 bucks for this game. An additional 30 dollars for internet connection every month. Then, Microsoft has the balls to charge me to play a game online?!? I mean for crying out loud, don' t you guys make enough money already? Sony doesn' t charge for online gaming at least the last time I checked!
< Message edited by kombatfighter -- 22 May 05 14:16:24 >

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RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system... - May 22, 2005 08:53
definately a revolution...

the PS3 may tempt me depending on the games... fom the current generation there are only a few PS2 games that interest me, but not enough to buy one...

and xbox just doesn' t interest me in the slightest, apart from the idea of xbox live, but in the next gen all consoles with have that support, so its no longer a draw...


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RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system... - May 22, 2005 13:00
Ok, it' s on Terry! That' s a pic or everyones favorite latin lover Ricky martin, I look forward to seeing it as your avatar for a month!

Chee Saw
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RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system... - May 22, 2005 14:21

Speaking of which...isn' t it funny how Final Fantasy games were originally on Nintendo consoles and then switched over to Sony? Since then, it' s been all Sony and I think just Tactics on Gameboy.

There is FF Crystal Chronicles on the Game Cube. I have it, but never played it much. It doesn' t seem that good to me.

Then, Microsoft has the balls to charge me to play a game online?!? I mean for crying out loud, don' t you guys make enough money already? Sony doesn' t charge for online gaming at least the last time I checked!

What you have to realize, CombatFighter, is that the Micro$oft and Sony online strategies are vastly different models. MS maintains all of the servers that run Xbox Live games. Sony decided to leave the servers in the hands of the developers. One of the disadvantages of the Sony method is that smaller companies are left out in the cold. They simply can' t afford to have an online presence. With MS, since they maintain the servers themselves, this allows smaller game companies to put Live features, or even have a multi-player component that they normally would not institute, at minimal cost. All they have to do develop it.

At the very least, I' d say judging by the numbers, that the Micro$oft system is head and shoulders above anything that the other guys have. Of course, nobody is forced to subscribe to Xbox Live, but man are they missing some good times! I moved to California, from Michigan about three years ago, and Xbox Live is the main method I use to keep in contact with my friends back home. I can' t wait for the 360 and all the new features! It' s gonna be so sweeeeet!

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RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system... - May 22, 2005 18:56
Point taken Chee Saw but Microsoft has had servers up for ages for other products and also thier own stuff. To me, I think that Microsoft server space for these games would be like a slap on the back and easy for them to maintain. It' s not like Microsoft is struggling or anything. Ole Bill Gates is chilling and just taking it easy right now. The only thing he' s been doing lately is starting to get into protecting your computer such as antivirus checker and spy ware software. Oh yeah and the long waited debut of Longhorn. In fact, Norton and Microsoft are about to butt heads from what was on the news last week. If I recall, Norton told Bill to bring it on, we' re ready to take on Microsoft in our business that we' ve been doing for years.
< Message edited by kombatfighter -- 23 May 05 2:59:27 >

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RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system... - May 23, 2005 02:02
Judging by how much time I ended up playing my ps2 compared to other formats, if I could only buy one console, I' d go for the ps3, especially now that technical superiority and supreme media capabilities seem to be on the cards. I' ll reserve my final judgement for the system' s launch, however. Thankfully, if everything goes as planned, I' ll be able to get more than one console. I hate choosing.
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RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system... - May 23, 2005 05:09

ORIGINAL: Silentbomber

ps3, cos i know sony will deviler a quailty console, microsoft wants to realse the 360 by Q4 2005 and i beileve its worldwide, no way, even if they make the date [the 360 hardware wasnt even near finshed at e3] there would never be enough consoles to go around. whats this got to do with my point? ... i dont know... you tell me?


Okay, okay... First off, no. This post is so flawed it' s incredible.

1- Sony delivering a quality console? That just doesn' t happen. It' s track record for piss poor quality is astounding. I don' t know how many times my friends have had to get their systems fixed. Sony' s consoles are trash. They have excelent games but the consoles are garbage.

2- MS, stuff was indeed running on G5s at E3. The final console build won' t be done and given to developers until mid summer. They are basically done. The PS3 on the other hand has a fancy case... and that' s it. The console itself doesn' t exist. It' s only 30% done and the hardware they are trying to implement is not working due to sever over heating issues. They don' t even have a functional graphics card yet, and they had to tone the processing speed of the Cell chip by enormous amounts because of the heating problem. Everything they showed at E3 was pretty much a lie other than the EA games, and the tech demos they controlled in real time. Sony' s show was all one big lie. They showed off prerendered CG and called it gameplay. They also compared the PS3' s final specs to the Xbox 360' s dev kit specs. Oh yeah, that' s really cool. Sony did an amazing job at E3 this year just like when they were shoing off the FF movie head to display the power of the PS2 so long ago. When did we see graphics like that on a console?

3- Finally, both when compared from a technical stand point are nearly identical in power. It does look like the PS3 has the edge but by such a small percentage you won' t be able to tell the difference. I can' t believe anyone is taking the Sony press conference seriously. That was the biggest joke I' ve ever seen. It may have showed much cooler stuff than the MS one, but it was all a lie.

When it comes down to it, buy the system you want. Base it off the games and features. I' m getting an Xbox 360 because it has live and a slew of other features that are still boggling my mind. I also like the games that are coming out for it. So far I haven' t seen a real game on the PS3 that isn' t already shceduled to come out for the 360. Gears of War, Enchant Arm, PGR3, Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssee, and several other exclusives are looking really good I' m going to get them.

If Sony can deliver and make their games look as good as what they showed at E3 during the press conference, I' ll change my mind. If they really did lie as bad as I' ve heard they aren' t getting a cent from my just for misleading their customers.
< Message edited by Rampage99 -- 23 May 05 22:28:48 >
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99

" Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day "

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RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system... - May 23, 2005 13:36
I' ll only be buying one console, the Xbox 360. Xbox Live is what tips the scale in favor of M$.
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RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system... - May 23, 2005 17:55

I' m getting an Xbox 360 because it has live and a slew of other features that are still boggling my mind

Now I' m not trying to pick a fight here Rampage, this may be a good idea to buy a xbox, but not a good idea to buy 360. All 3 systems will be online this generation, and all 3 will have high quality online strategies. X-box live was so succesful, that Sony and Nintenedo had to take notice and provide a serrvice of similar quality. In fact they are providing it free rather than charging ( I know, I know, game companies choose the price if they want to charge). I think x-box live in the incarnation described at this years E3 is in fact a drawback to the 360.

Mass X
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RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system... - May 23, 2005 22:58
awww dammit! I had a nice long speech written up and each time i wrote it up my crappy ass soon to be dead laptop crashed. So to avoid yet another crash i shall just state my answer and write at another time.

< Message edited by Mass X -- 24 May 05 6:58:50 >

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RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system... - May 24, 2005 01:24
Have you seen the new features for the next Live? If Sony and Nintendo try to copy Live in it' s current state, they will still be out of M$' s league so to speak. It' s crazy the stuff that M$ is going to allow with the next Xbox Live.
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" by the way, yoshimitsu you might want to click the little checkbox that makes your signature disappear." -Jonah Shoemaker, Residential Dumbass

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RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system... - May 24, 2005 21:02
Live isn' t the only thing. Windows Media center is built right in! You can store movies, music, pictures, and whatever else you can think of onto your 360. It also allows you to hook up your MP3 players, computers, and even a freakin PSP to it. Also the new user interface is packed with all sorts of extras. While watching TV that runs trhough you' re 360 you can get game invites and stuff. During any game you can access your system interface and Live. There is so much the thing can do it litterally will be your central hub for your home technology.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99

" Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day "

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RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system... - May 25, 2005 08:40

Live isn' t the only thing. Windows Media center is built right in! You can store movies, music, pictures, and whatever else you can think of onto your 360. It also allows you to hook up your MP3 players, computers, and even a freakin PSP to it. Also the new user interface is packed with all sorts of extras. While watching TV that runs trhough you' re 360 you can get game invites and stuff. During any game you can access your system interface and Live. There is so much the thing can do it litterally will be your central hub for your home technology.

Oh my God..

.. Are you Bill Gates!?
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine.

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RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system... - May 25, 2005 16:14
No. Sh*t, what the hell is going on in these forums. I' m just saying how excited I am about the 360 and everybody seems to be getting pissed about it.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99

" Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day "

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RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system... - May 25, 2005 17:17
ok, let' s lay off, Rampage is excited, I' ve been there before. Get excited, I' m not, but by all means enjoy it if you' re looking forward to it a lot.

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RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system... - May 26, 2005 15:20
no offense rampage, just sounds like you where trying to sell us the thing!
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine.

Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!

Joe Redifer
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RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system... - May 26, 2005 15:48
Ummm... how can you watch TV through the 360? It' s not going to have any TIVO functions. Being interrupted by game invites is NOT a good thing. I think I have mentioned that before.

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RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system... - May 26, 2005 19:14

no offense rampage, just sounds like you where trying to sell us the thing!

...for someone who' s supposed to be a staff member, I' d suggest he try being a tad more pragmatic and objective. Apparently, though, that will never happen. Microsoft is capable of establishing and maintaining vice-like grips on a person' s psyche.
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RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system... - May 26, 2005 19:46
Sony send you back here?
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99

" Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day "

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RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system... - May 26, 2005 19:52

ORIGINAL: Silentbomber

no offense rampage, just sounds like you where trying to sell us the thing!

I was just listing the features. People were saying there weren' t many features and that' s just not right. I' m just shocked at the amount of stuff they' ve jammed in the console. Go ahead and stiick with the PS3 though if that' s what your going for. I think it' s pretty cool that it will feature the whole duel monitor thing though. I wish they would have given more details on what else it will do. The tech demos and CG trailers were cool and all but they really haven' t shown anything real about the console.

Joe, I don' t know how you get invites while watching TV but they showed it during the press conference. It' s only like a 2 second blip that pops up at the very borrom of the screen that just shows a little circle thing. You can probably turn it off.

XBL Gamertag: Rampage99

" Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day "

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RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system... - May 26, 2005 20:14

Sony send you back here?

No, Adam wants me to return. But I won' t. I' ve also spoken to him about you; you may be hearing from him soon.
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RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system... - May 26, 2005 20:21
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99

" Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day "

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RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system... - May 26, 2005 20:48
My future as an olsen twin becoming more likely.

I' m not liking the sounds of this. And just to get it out of the way early, Shut the $%$& up Terry, quit laughing!!!!!

Beef Shala
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RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system... - May 26, 2005 20:50
Ohhh... better watch out Rampage - fathoms is telling Adam on you. If you keep it up, he might taddle to your daddy too.

Seriously, though. All three companies are bringing out great systems. I think that I will go with the 360 though. Live is the real deal for anyone who doesn' t have it (also, it will have two levels - the Silver level is free).

Also, Sony is known for talking big, but under delivering when it comes time to produce a game. Remember how good the PS2 looked when it was announced and then you saw the games - sheesh!
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RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system... - May 26, 2005 20:51
I was just going to post that, but I probably would have been called biased.

Anway, how does that make sense? So the Playstations were never meant to be used as game consoles? Hmm... whatever. I' ll still use them as game consoles.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99

" Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day "

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RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system... - May 26, 2005 20:53

ORIGINAL: Beef Shala

Ohhh... better watch out Rampage - fathoms is telling Adam on you. If you keep it up, he might taddle to your daddy too.

I' d laugh at that joke but I' m worried I may be complained about further. If my dad finds out I' ll look similar to that yellow dude in Sin City after Bruce Willis got done with him. Oh snapo, I put a smily, that could come off as thinking this situation is funny. Gotta watch myself!
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99

" Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day "

Terry Bogard
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RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system... - May 26, 2005 21:02

Also, Sony is known for talking big, but under delivering when it comes time to produce a game. Remember how good the PS2 looked when it was announced and then you saw the games - sheesh!

The Playstation was very easy to develop for, the PlayStation 2 unfortunately was not. If Sony has learned anything at all during the PS2 era let' s just hope the PlayStation 3 won' t require developers to program 16 different processors and try to miraculously get them process information simultaneously in order to get decent performance out of the thing.
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 27 May 05 5:03:03 >
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system... - May 26, 2005 21:20

I' d laugh at that joke but I' m worried I may be complained about further. If my dad finds out I' ll look similar to that yellow dude in Sin City after Bruce Willis got done with him . Oh snapo, I put a smily, that could come off as thinking this situation is funny. Gotta watch myself!

We' re not laughing anymore. And yes, that implies I' m not the only one. I' m referring to observations I' ve gathered from others as well as myself, not necessarily complaints. Unfortunately, it' s been a long time coming.
Kikizo Staff Writer

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