ORIGINAL: Silentbomber
ps3, cos i know sony will deviler a quailty console, microsoft wants to realse the 360 by Q4 2005 and i beileve its worldwide, no way, even if they make the date [the 360 hardware wasnt even near finshed at e3] there would never be enough consoles to go around. whats this got to do with my point? ... i dont know... you tell me?
Okay, okay... First off, no. This post is so flawed it' s incredible.
1- Sony delivering a quality console? That just doesn' t happen. It' s track record for piss poor quality is astounding. I don' t know how many times my friends have had to get their systems fixed. Sony' s consoles are trash. They have excelent games but the consoles are garbage.
2- MS, stuff was indeed running on G5s at E3. The final console build won' t be done and given to developers until mid summer. They are basically done. The PS3 on the other hand has a fancy case... and that' s it. The console itself doesn' t exist. It' s only 30% done and the hardware they are trying to implement is not working due to sever over heating issues. They don' t even have a functional graphics card yet, and they had to tone the processing speed of the Cell chip by enormous amounts because of the heating problem. Everything they showed at E3 was pretty much a lie other than the EA games, and the tech demos they controlled in real time. Sony' s show was all one big lie. They showed off prerendered CG and called it gameplay. They also compared the PS3' s final specs to the Xbox 360' s dev kit specs. Oh yeah, that' s really cool. Sony did an amazing job at E3 this year just like when they were shoing off the FF movie head to display the power of the PS2 so long ago. When did we see graphics like that on a console?
3- Finally, both when compared from a technical stand point are nearly identical in power. It does look like the PS3 has the edge but by such a small percentage you won' t be able to tell the difference. I can' t believe anyone is taking the Sony press conference seriously. That was the biggest joke I' ve ever seen. It may have showed much cooler stuff than the MS one, but it was all a lie.
When it comes down to it, buy the system you want. Base it off the games and features. I' m getting an Xbox 360 because it has live and a slew of other features that are still boggling my mind. I also like the games that are coming out for it. So far I haven' t seen a real game on the PS3 that isn' t already shceduled to come out for the 360. Gears of War, Enchant Arm, PGR3, Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssee, and several other exclusives are looking really good I' m going to get them.
If Sony can deliver and make their games look as good as what they showed at E3 during the press conference, I' ll change my mind. If they really did lie as bad as I' ve heard they aren' t getting a cent from my just for misleading their customers.
< Message edited by Rampage99 -- 23 May 05 22:28:48 >
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99
" Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day