Return of the King is out

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Return of the King is out - Dec 18, 2003 16:54
You should go watch it. I did. It was good.

Adam Doree
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RE: Return of the King is out - Dec 18, 2003 23:43
Me too. I agree. Best film EVAH! LOL (etc etc). But Jennie saw if first. Start of this week before it came out. She will pay for this. (Or at least she would have, had she not wrote our review).

Russian Mobster
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RE: Return of the King is out - Jan 17, 2004 20:41
Return of the king was good.But I liked Matrix Revolutions better.

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RE: Return of the King is out - Feb 07, 2004 04:47
Loved RTOK! What a rush.

Haven' t seen revolutions yet, so I cannot say (though I must admit, I was disappointed in Reloaded)

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RE: Return of the King is out - Feb 07, 2004 07:13
Haven' t seen Revolutions. Judging by the disappointment that Reloaded was, and the reactions of basically everyone at my school that Revolutions was more of the same, I don' t know that I ever will. RoTK, on the other hand, was absolutely phenomenal. Better than the first Matrix, I don' t know.