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RE: NEW PS3 info, pics, and specs
May 17, 2005 13:50
That' s looking more and more ginormous every time I see it. I' d like to see side by sides of it, the PS2, the original X-box, and the X-box 360. I wouldn' t be surprised if this is the biggest of the lot.
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RE: NEW PS3 info, pics, and specs
May 17, 2005 15:57
I like the idea of 7 CONTROLLERS! geez, i only wanted 4. how can you get 7 screens on one tv?.
I presume thats why theres 2 hdmi outputs so you dont. 2 outputs 2 screens 4 controllers and 3 controllers etc
" Behind every successful man is a woman, behind her is his wife." - Groucho Marx
Chee Saw
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RE: NEW PS3 info, pics, and specs
May 17, 2005 16:04
I' d like to take a moment to say Hello to everyone, as I am new to the forum. Ok, now to business. I can' t believe people are saying that they are going to buy one system or another on such an arbitrary thing as the way the system LOOKS. Get serious! If they have a system that looks like a toilet but has quality games, I' ll get it! I just won' t set it near the bathroom! Personally, I like all the designs. I think the revolution is the best, and the ps3 is weird, and the xbox is plain, but I' ll get all three, regardless. As far as the controller is concerned, I think I' d have to play with it for about a half a day to really say whether I like it. Is it ugly? Yes. Is it a good controller? We' ll see. Some people prefer form over function. Me? I want a great gaming experience. I' m not gonna be sitting their staring at the system all day. I' ll be looking at the tv, and hopefully some quality content.
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RE: NEW PS3 info, pics, and specs
May 17, 2005 17:39
hello Chee Saw, welcome. I' m not saying I' m not getting it cause it' s ugly, I' m just saying i' s damn ugly. Hey I bought an origninal SNES, and I think that may be the ugliest system ever. As for buying all 3, I cannot affor that and my wife would kill me. If I have to pick 2, one will be the revolution (I cannot live without mario and Zelda) and whichever of the 360 or ummmm 3 turns out to have the games I want at the quality I want.
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RE: NEW PS3 info, pics, and specs
May 18, 2005 07:39
OMG, that' s just sick. I finally watched the KillZone 2 video. Which is supposedly actual game footage. [image][/image] [image][/image] [image][/image]
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RE: NEW PS3 info, pics, and specs
May 18, 2005 08:39
yeah, I saw that vid last night on G4, and I' m of the same opinion as all the panelists there. Bullshit. No way it that in game footage. Sony did the same thing with the PS2 (remember the smiling old man, and the FF8 characters dancing). Some of the stuff they showed was real time, but that killzone stuff was rendered on deep blue or something, and it' s what they " know" the PS3 is capable of. If by some miracle it is real, call me the converted, cause I' ll buy one. I' ve got no worries of that though.
< Message edited by mxpx182 -- 18 May 05 16:41:03 >
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- Joined: May 16, 2005
RE: NEW PS3 info, pics, and specs
May 19, 2005 03:42
IGN has posted an interview with one of the developers. He never says clearly whether it' s in game or not, but look at this: IGN: Is Killzone a fair example of what people can expect from realtime gameplay on Playstation 3? Jan-Bart: Yeah, it' s basically a representation of the look and feel of the game we' re trying to make. Note the words ' representation' and " trying to make" . No way is that in game.
" Behind every successful man is a woman, behind her is his wife." - Groucho Marx
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RE: NEW PS3 info, pics, and specs
May 19, 2005 19:07
I' ve gone through this like mad over in the VIP clan forum. Basically from info I' ve gathered the killzone is indeed fake. Infact there are sources say Guerilla didn' t even touch that video, and it was their outside CG people that made it. There is too much detail and too many animations that it pretty much can' t be real. Hell, they modelled individual teeth on the characters. That is just too much. Experts have been picking this thing apart and pretty much everyone agrees it isn' t real. Btw, Sony is boasting specs on a console that is only 30% complete and is likely to be toned down. So far they don' t have a working GPU thanks to overheating issues. The Cell has gone from a 4.5GHz processor down to 3.2GHz also because of overheating.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
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RE: NEW PS3 info, pics, and specs
May 20, 2005 14:54