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Joe Redifer
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Dead or Alive 4?
May 12, 2005 17:01
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RE: Dead or Alive 4?
May 12, 2005 20:23
Is it just me or has some of these outfits gotten a little strange lately? Especially in DOA Ultimate. Well, they were mostly repeats with different coloring or a piece of clothing adjusted to make it different. But some characters just had on the ugliest things I' ve ever seen.
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RE: Dead or Alive 4?
May 12, 2005 21:32
They should make a Ninja Gaiden type of game, except with someone like Ayane. I' d like to learn more about her instead of seeing a DOA 4.
Adam Doree
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RE: Dead or Alive 4?
May 13, 2005 00:06
These shots remind me of a Kikizo update! An update that disappeared or something!
Mass X
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RE: Dead or Alive 4?
May 13, 2005 00:18
Um very much ya I was curious about that. I wanted to show Chickapoo88 (she likes the women in that game more then I do...) but I came back here and yaaa...
Joe Redifer
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RE: Dead or Alive 4?
May 13, 2005 02:27
That' s weird. Fortunately I STOLE the images from some other place for this thread!
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RE: Dead or Alive 4?
May 13, 2005 02:52
Backgrounds are truly amazing, but the characters still look more like action figures rather than real people (even the anime-influenced Tekken 5 has more convincing fighters). This is more of a stylistic concern, of course. Anyway, this is bound to look even better, once proper shadows for the fighters have been applied. Strangely enough, these screenshots illustrate just how superior DOA always looked in comparison to other fighting game franchises. I just hope that they update their fighting engine this time, it' s frustrating to have such a beautiful game lagging behind in gameplay.
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RE: Dead or Alive 4?
May 13, 2005 17:02
I don' t care how ugly the outfits look, the game is bound to be fun. Team Ninja is one of the most talented development teams out there, and if anyone knows how to take advantage of Xbox 360 hardware, it' s them. I can' t wait to see what they do with the series.
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RE: Dead or Alive 4?
May 14, 2005 02:15
Apparently Tecmo only believes in sequels and nothing else. Heh, you mean just like all the other companys with a successful franchise? Team Ninja can only work on so many games at a time.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Dead or Alive 4?
May 14, 2005 02:54
I know, and they' re usually Dead or Alive related games. Come on, Tecmo... expand a bit! Show us you can grasp realities outside of the DoA universe. If DoA Ultimate didn' t teach them a lesson (heard it didn' t get good reviews and it didn' t sell too well... I surely didn' t touch it, not even a rental), then I guess nothing will. Soul Calibur still owns DoA as a fighting game.
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RE: Dead or Alive 4?
May 15, 2005 01:16
Well Tecmo tried that, with that Atrocious Mech game... Bleh. Its not Tecmo itself that fully supports Xbox. Its Team Ninja. And what lesson are you referring to? DOA Ultimate didnt get bad reviews, it got great reviews. Even sources that gave DOA3 a bad score, gave DOA UT, a lovely review. Heres a example of one of those reviews. Here is also a link to every possible official review i could find. DOA Ultimate has also won Fighting game of the year in several other sources. Most of the scores that are below an 80, are from sources that most dont care about. Or so called hardcore fighter fans, who simply dont like DOA. I could go on and on about why that is, but why bother heh. So if you never played it, then your missing out, on the best DOA game to date. I also could never bring myself to compare DOA with Soul Calibur. They play nothing alike, and one is bare knuckles, and one is a weapons fighter.... DOA PWNs Tekken, and even though its not DEEPER then VF4 evo, its a bit more fun. Some of those sources that tried to trash DOA gave the last Mortal Kombat glowing reviews. Ick, so how credible are they? lol Besides give Tecmo some credit, Ninja Gaiden is a game outside the DOA universe and that game is Sick. Team Ninja isnt a Gigantic team, Team Ninja is still a smaller developer then most of the ones out there. They have two great franchises, that people want to play. If not for Team Ninja no one would care about Tecmo anymore.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Dead or Alive 4?
May 15, 2005 02:17
Ninja Gaiden is a game outside the DOA universe and that game is Sick.
I hope it gets better. I hate being ill. The game isn' t outside of the DoA universe though. The main dipshit is a fighter in DoA. Granted NG came first. Too bad Team Ninja isn' t as versatile as, say, Sega AM2.
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RE: Dead or Alive 4?
May 15, 2005 14:44
I also could never bring myself to compare DOA with Soul Calibur. They play nothing alike, and one is bare knuckles, and one is a weapons fighter.... I prefer Soul Calibur over Dead or Alive just because SC has way more re-play value with all those modes! But both DOA and SC are very good fighting games...
< Message edited by DaRoosh65 -- 15 May 05 22:45:29 >
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Terry Bogard
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RE: Dead or Alive 4?
May 15, 2005 19:35
The only reason I prefer Dead or Alive over Soul Calibur is simply because I MUCH prefer hand-to-hand combat over weapon-based fighting... I' m like one of the very very few people who really can' t stand the Samurai Showdown series.. Whenever I played those games I always tried to get my character' s weapon knocked out of her hand just so I could battle without it.
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Dead or Alive 4?
May 15, 2005 22:20
I hate Samurai Shodown as well, but I really like Soul Calibur. Dead or Alive 4 should look like this. If it doesn' t, then Itagaki just isn' t perverted enough, that crazy drugged out alcoholic, him! PS - I should win a free game just for posting that image.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 16 May 05 6:21:17 >
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RE: Dead or Alive 4?
May 15, 2005 22:21
Yes, NG came first. And the only reason Hyabusa is in DOA, is because when Itagaki made DOA1, he wanted a ninja character, and Tecmo already had one. So he got permission to use him ^^ Still entirely two different games. ;) Oh yea, and i Almost forgot about Rygar, so yes Tecmo does other things besides DOA. Theres DOA, NG, Rygar, At that So so Mech game.
< Message edited by Ninjiz -- 16 May 05 6:55:18 >
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RE: Dead or Alive 4?
May 15, 2005 22:23
Dead or Alive 4 should look like this. i wonder who will be the first developer to make a next gen game with In game graphics that look like this.. I also dont think that that close of Pic of what everyone thinks looks like it could be Lisa, is that far off from the pic you just posted. Except for the lighting. The pic im talking about is of the Black woman, in the white mask, the close up shot alone. (third from the bottom)
< Message edited by Ninjiz -- 16 May 05 7:00:50 >
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RE: Dead or Alive 4?
May 16, 2005 01:41
There' s no denying that DOA is fast, fun to play, beautiful to look at and the first 3d fighting game to make a serious stab at creating an online community. That said, it' s sorely lacking in depth compared to other major franchises. Weapons or no weapons, it just isn' t as tactical as Soul Calibur, Virtua Fighter or Tekken (which keeps embarassing itself by constantly trying to emulate DOA, even though it still has a superior fighting engine IMO).
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RE: Dead or Alive 4?
May 18, 2005 06:07
I dont see how SC is so Deep. Yet i like it. VF is very Deep, and it makes it look even deeper because a lot of moves are " hard to do" thus making it easier to seperate Pros from noobs. Hard to do is not the same as Depth in gameplay. Tekken is Hardly Deep, and in High lvl Play, you will never see super complex high end moves... it turn into a 4 hit poke fest. DOA is deeper then ppl try to give credit, because the moves arent hard to do. And because noobs are able to domany of the same moves as you, a lot of hardcore ppl dont like that. I for one dont care, because ill still win. I dont need a handicap to KEEP them doesn on that lvl for me. DOA imo is deeper then Tekken, and simply a better game. More FUN then VF but not as deep, and on the same page as SC. And im not a SC bandwagon jumper. Back in the day when SC2 was released in the arcades, when it didnt have spectacular visuals, it was barely played after a few months, and every magazine that previewed ore reviewed it, said " its too much like Soul Blade" " nothing new" then almost a year later its released on Dreamcast with no gameplay improvement beyond great new visuals, it becomes fighting game of the year, the best fighter, and super deep. No one talked about how it was called a " good" fighter before Dreamcast then " the Best" after. lol I always found that to be pretty funny. Ive been a SC fan since it was Soul Blade in the Arcade.
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RE: Dead or Alive 4?
May 18, 2005 06:24
ORIGINAL: Ninjiz I dont see how SC is so Deep. Yet i like it. VF is very Deep, and it makes it look even deeper because a lot of moves are " hard to do" thus making it easier to seperate Pros from noobs. Hard to do is not the same as Depth in gameplay. Tekken is Hardly Deep, and in High lvl Play, you will never see super complex high end moves... it turn into a 4 hit poke fest. DOA is deeper then ppl try to give credit, because the moves arent hard to do. And because noobs are able to domany of the same moves as you, a lot of hardcore ppl dont like that. I for one dont care, because ill still win. I dont need a handicap to KEEP them doesn on that lvl for me. DOA imo is deeper then Tekken, and simply a better game. More FUN then VF but not as deep, and on the same page as SC. And im not a SC bandwagon jumper. Back in the day when SC2 was released in the arcades, when it didnt have spectacular visuals, it was barely played after a few months, and every magazine that previewed ore reviewed it, said " its too much like Soul Blade" " nothing new" then almost a year later its released on Dreamcast with no gameplay improvement beyond great new visuals, it becomes fighting game of the year, the best fighter, and super deep. No one talked about how it was called a " good" fighter before Dreamcast then " the Best" after. lol I always found that to be pretty funny. Ive been a SC fan since it was Soul Blade in the Arcade. Well, I' m not trying to impose my opinion on anyone, but some parts of your post are a bit misinformed. It is true that DOA is perhaps a better game than most people give it credit and the DOA community is usually very vocal, but the sad truth (for me, at least) is that, while I own almost all iterations of the game, I never actually liked it and I' m a HUGE fighting games fan. And yes, I consider Tekken to be a deeper game, even though I don' t agree with the direction the series is taking with T5. Furthermore, you should keep in mind that high level play is about safe moves and mind games, so it' s only logical that you see simple strings while players look for an opening. However, as I mentioned before, this is purely a personal opinion, based on my personal criteria. If DOA makes you happy, that' s all right with me, keep enjoying it, it' s a decent fighting game after all! On the subject of Soul Calibur, if you can' t see the depth, then I' m afraid that you haven' t looked deep enough. The frame detail and the ability to play mind games is peerless. Soul Blade was indeed average, more like a clone of Tekken with weapons. Soul Calibur on the other hand, marked a huge turning point for the series, with a completely reworked fighting engine, 8-way run and oodles of technical detail. The differences were far from cosmetic, let me assure you.
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RE: Dead or Alive 4?
May 18, 2005 11:49
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RE: Dead or Alive 4?
May 18, 2005 12:29
Man I wish I cared about Dead or Alive games, then I could get excited about this. I just have no interest. And to me the video I saw didn' t look that hot, especially the battle scenes. Certainly not something that a machine 20 times more powerful should be putting out.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Dead or Alive 4?
May 18, 2005 17:39
Truth is, I' ll most likely buy it. It' s not an FPS, and there won' t be many games that aren' t any more these days. Plus I own Dead or Alive 1 for the Saturn, Dead or Alive 2 for the Dreamcast (much better than the PS2 version), and Dead or Alive 3 for the Xbox. Might as well have them all (does Ultimate count? Maybe I' ll pick that one up used if possible). Hopefully they' ll be able to tweak it a little more and make it look even better by the time it comes out.
Chee Saw
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RE: Dead or Alive 4?
May 21, 2005 16:17
I think the DOA franchise is the best fighter available. It' s so easy to play that even noobs can look pretty sweet playing. If you take some time with the game, though, it really starts to shine. If you are really skillful, and master the attack/counter/throw system, it' s really a lot more challenging than Tekken (certainly) and Virtua Fighter (maybe). For the record, I have Tekken 5, and it blows! What lame characters!! I' d rather play Powerstone.
Terry Bogard
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RE: Dead or Alive 4?
May 21, 2005 16:55
The Dead or Alive series like the Soul Calibur series is just way too button-mashing friendly.  . Thank goodness for games like the Virtua Fighter series, they punish players who even entertain the thought of button mashing.
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Dead or Alive 4?
May 21, 2005 18:36
It is interesting that DoA games are so easy, being that idiot Itagaki is behind them. He thinks the hardest level on Ninja Gaiden is too easy. I don' t understand him. He should die.
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RE: Dead or Alive 4?
May 21, 2005 18:48
I think the way to show that DOAU is deeper is to show how much the elite pwn nubs. Go play online gainst a SS ranked player, YOU LOSE. I was basically the best player around that I' ve ever played offline for DOA2 and DOA3. And I knew I could be a lot better, I saw the depth of the game. When I started playing DOAU on Xbox live I saw just how deep the games. For every single possible move, there are thousands, there is a perfect move to counter with, not necessarily just countering tha move. No matter what your opponent is doing you can beat them with something, and there are tons of choices. You have about a 1 in 1000 chance of beating an SS if you are a nub.
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Terry Bogard
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RE: Dead or Alive 4?
May 21, 2005 19:09
I don' t understand him. He should die. Adam is one of the very few people I know that can get close enough to him to accomplish such a task. I think the next time he sets out to do an interview with Itagaki you should provide Adam with some poison darts ;) You have about a 1 in 1000 chance of beating an SS if you are a nub. Ahh but that 1 means you STILL a chance ;) You got a 0% chance of beating ' at least' an intermediate Virtua Fighter player if you' re a n00b
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: Dead or Alive 4?
May 22, 2005 00:15
What I' m trying to say is DOAU is very very deep, you can always be better, I' m just sick of people who haven' t played enough of it saying its not deep. You could say another fighter is deeper, but you really can' t get any deeper than what DOAU has done. Whoever fights better will win the fight, any one who is descently good will not lose to button mashing. Although I would say a game like Soul Calibur is a lot better for single player people. All DOA has is a short story for each character and other than that you just play to unlock new costumes and get high scores. It is almost pure multiplayer, but that is what it is supposed to be.
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Joe Redifer
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RE: Dead or Alive 4?
May 22, 2005 00:36
It may have some depth to it, but as a single player game it is over FAST and offers little to keep players coming back again and again like Virtua Fighter 4 and Soul Calibur do. I don' t have froends over at my place every day, nor do I care to play online. Virtua Fighter and Soul calibur give a much better single player experience and last much longer than Dead or Alive. Granted I' ll still buy the game because it is fun to unlock all of the CG endings (like Tekken 5).
Chee Saw
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RE: Dead or Alive 4?
May 23, 2005 03:19
It may have some depth to it, but as a single player game it is over FAST and offers little to keep players coming back again and again like Virtua Fighter 4 and Soul Calibur do. I don' t have froends over at my place every day, nor do I care to play online. Virtua Fighter and Soul calibur give a much better single player experience and last much longer than Dead or Alive. Granted I' ll still buy the game because it is fun to unlock all of the CG endings (like Tekken 5). DOA 3 appealed to me because of the CG endings, and DOA Ultimate appeals to me because of the swimsui... I mean, uh, unlockables. I LOVE unlockable crap, which is why I played the HELL out of DOA Xtreme Beach Volleyball. That is until I had half the girls wearing the Venus swimsuit, and my girlfriends son erased my data! AAAAaaarrrrggghhh!
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RE: Dead or Alive 4?
May 23, 2005 07:16
Great, lots of fighting game fans! Just make sure you' ve really, actually played all the games you' re talking about. Please.
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Chee Saw
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RE: Dead or Alive 4?
May 23, 2005 16:23
Great, lots of fighting game fans! Just make sure you' ve really, actually played all the games you' re talking about. Please. I agree. Of course, fighting games are my favorite genre, followed closely by FPS. By the way dismiss, Mitsurugi is one bad mutha... SHUT YO MOUTH! Speaking of Avatars (I guess!), is it possible to upload or link to an offsite avatar here?
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RE: Dead or Alive 4?
May 24, 2005 02:06
ORIGINAL: Chee Saw By the way dismiss, Mitsurugi is one bad mutha... SHUT YO MOUTH! Lol, Mitsu was my first choice back when I started playing Soul Edge/Blade. I can safely say I' ve outgrown him since. Still fun to play with, lots of beatdown.
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Terry Bogard
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RE: Dead or Alive 4?
May 24, 2005 17:11
It may have some depth to it, but as a single player game it is over FAST You' ve GOT to be kidding me Joe! When I played the arcade version I beat it from start to finish in 5 minutes tops. That' s not fast, that' s SUPER FAST
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Dead or Alive 4?
May 24, 2005 18:20
Yeah, well Itagaki is a " true ninja" and he demands all of his games be super challenging.
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RE: Dead or Alive 4?
May 24, 2005 23:02
I don' t care what you all say about Itagaki. He still brought out the best performance the Xbox had to offer and that' s that! I do agree though that DOA4 is not a quantum leap from DOA3, just like DOA3 wasn' t a quantum leap from DOA2. I think that the DOA series is trying to maintain a certain graphical look, that somewhat has its roots in anime. And they might, IMO, keep DOA games looking really colorful without self-shadowing, even if the hardware can push much more.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Dead or Alive 4?
May 25, 2005 02:50
I don' t care what you all say about Itagaki. He still brought out the best performance the Xbox had to offer and that' s that! I think Panzer Dragoon Orta definitely pushed the Xbox more graphically and even aurally than Ninja Gaiden.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 25 May 05 10:50:22 >
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RE: Dead or Alive 4?
May 25, 2005 05:06
PDO was severly over rated both in gameplay and graphics.
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Terry Bogard
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RE: Dead or Alive 4?
May 25, 2005 08:56
I think Panzer Dragoon Orta definitely pushed the Xbox more graphically and even aurally than Ninja Gaiden. Given how much a$$ the Dead or Alive 2 soundtrack kicked,,, Ninja Gaiden' s disappointing music made it pretty apparent that Tecmo didn' t even bother trying, lol..
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.