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I give you... THE XBOX 360!
Apr 23, 2005 04:34
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
Terry Bogard
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RE: I give you... THE XBOX 360!
Apr 23, 2005 04:50
Hurray!! The Least powerful of all three consoles is almost here *runs*
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 23 Apr 05 12:50:42 >
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RE: I give you... THE XBOX 360!
Apr 23, 2005 11:32
What I really like about that design (if it is the final design) is it looks so bold. Walking past you can' t ignore the system because it stands out so much and draws your attention towards it. It definitely has " eye-catching" down pack. P.S. Saw this posted at another forum. It begins.
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RE: I give you... THE XBOX 360!
Apr 23, 2005 11:33
Eye catching? It looks like a goddamn WebTV unit. Color me unimpressed.
Adam Doree
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RE: I give you... THE XBOX 360!
Apr 23, 2005 11:36
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RE: I give you... THE XBOX 360!
Apr 23, 2005 14:00
40 GB and memory slots...interesting. I hope you' ll be able to get one or the other though, as I' m not a big fan of memory cards anymore. I think it looks nice, and I guess we can expect to have wireless controllers too. Now if we could only see more of what it can do...
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RE: I give you... THE XBOX 360!
Apr 23, 2005 14:19
This is going to BE THE BEST MACHINE EVAH Ok, while I don' t know about that, even being a non-x-box owner, and probably not an x-box360 owner that machine looks damn good! I like the fact that they went wireless controllers. I bet that little door on the side is to accept cash/credit for all the online purchases you' ll have to make from now on! Color me impressed Mr Wilco, at least design wise.
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RE: I give you... THE XBOX 360!
Apr 23, 2005 14:21
Yeah, it looks freakin amazing!
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
Joe Redifer
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RE: I give you... THE XBOX 360!
Apr 23, 2005 14:33
That " infra-red receiver" looks suspiciously like an Xbox control port. The controllers had better not be infra red. Infra red sucks for controllers. RF is the ONLY way to go. If it is infra red, then that is a deal breaker. There is no way that I will be in line of sight with the unit at all times. How extremely gay.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 23 Apr 05 22:35:03 >
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RE: I give you... THE XBOX 360!
Apr 23, 2005 17:43
I dont like the curved peices on the side, and the oversized power button, and the name has to be printed on the cd tray [just in case i forgot how bad it is]. But other than that it looks pretty solid and cool [a little like the dreamcast]. This means that those controllers are infa red, but then the leaked pics of the controlers look very small for infared, look at the wavebird for the gamecube, it has a big extra chunk at the bottom for it, and there is no evidance of this in the leaked pics, maybe they arent final? and if this is final, then there are poparly no way for wired controllers. But still cool!.
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
Terry Bogard
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RE: I give you... THE XBOX 360!
Apr 23, 2005 17:54
They need to totally RIP-OFF the design of At Least the NiGHTS controller for the Saturn!
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RE: I give you... THE XBOX 360!
Apr 23, 2005 18:42
the wavebird only has the extra chunk because it needs to fit 2 AA batteries in it!!! (and i have had my wavebird about 6 months now, use it all the time, and haven' t once had to change them)
Joe Redifer
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RE: I give you... THE XBOX 360!
Apr 23, 2005 19:31
The Wavebird is not an IR controller. It is much better. I seriously will not even CONSIDER the 360 if it uses IR controllers exclusively. That would mean I' d have to put the machine out in the open instead of down below and out of sight where the current Xbox of mine is. Also, the table that is between me and the console would get in the way. IR is old technology. Hopefully it turns out to be corded or RF.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 24 Apr 05 3:31:44 >
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RE: I give you... THE XBOX 360!
Apr 23, 2005 20:27
Bullshit Willco! This machine looks gorgeous. If by gorgeous, you mean WebTV unit, then yes. :P And it is also pretty small. Well that' s at least good, because when the Xbox first came out, nothing was more annoying than explaining to my friends that Xbox was not my coffee table, but in fact an entertainment system that played videogames! It really didn' t help that the original Xbox controllers were the size of dinner plates. ... As for non-RF controllers, Microsoft would be a fool to use IR. So the likelihood is probably very high!
Joe Redifer
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RE: I give you... THE XBOX 360!
Apr 23, 2005 20:50
LOL! I just got back from EB with my Xbox360 and it is NOT an IR port. It is a female port. What goes " into" it? An Xbox controller.
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RE: I give you... THE XBOX 360!
Apr 23, 2005 21:09
One controller ports are the future of console gaming! Multiplayer is a fad!
Terry Bogard
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RE: I give you... THE XBOX 360!
Apr 23, 2005 21:16
No controller ports should be the wave of the future.. Players no longer play the games, they purchase games and watch the games play themselves ;)
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RE: I give you... THE XBOX 360!
Apr 23, 2005 22:11
Players no longer play the games, they purchase games and watch the games play themselves ;) FINAL FANTASY: THE CONSOLE?
Joe Redifer
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RE: I give you... THE XBOX 360!
Apr 23, 2005 23:08
More like Xenosaga. Or is that XenoSaGa? (I can never remember the proper capitalization on those stupid game names).
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RE: I give you... THE XBOX 360!
Apr 24, 2005 00:03
I seriously will not even CONSIDER the 360 if it uses IR controllers exclusively If that' s the case then a lot of people need to be fired at microsoft. No bodies making IR controllers and thinking this is a good idea. No, if it' s wireless it has to be RF. Unless they go back to sonic waves like this olf remote for an old tv I have where different buttons make different noise!
Joe Redifer
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RE: I give you... THE XBOX 360!
Apr 24, 2005 04:52
If that was the case I' d buy 3 Xbox360' s!
Adam Doree
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RE: I give you... THE XBOX 360!
Apr 24, 2005 11:13
What the fk is everyone talking about? Of course the controllers are RF and not IR. The IR thing is for... something else.
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RE: I give you... THE XBOX 360!
Apr 24, 2005 12:10
Adam' s got inside info and he ain' t sharin' !!!!!!!!!! Come on Adam you know you wanna tell us! Tell us!!!!! We' ll testify for you in court when they sue you for breaking your NDA and say we blackmailed you into telling us!
Joe Redifer
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RE: I give you... THE XBOX 360!
Apr 24, 2005 16:51
I told you.. I already got my Xbox360 from EB with 3 year replacement plan and it is NOT an IR port. Let' s just say you can use it as a second player port with a regular Xbox controller so you don' t have to go out and spend $90 on a second wireless controller.
Joe Redifer
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RE: I give you... THE XBOX 360!
Apr 24, 2005 21:40
Oh, by the way, I just wanted to say that the memory cards had better not be required as long as you have the hard drive. That would be teh suck. I would blame Kikizo.
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RE: I give you... THE XBOX 360!
Apr 24, 2005 23:56
And Kikizo would blame your uncle Miyamoto and break his legs.
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RE: I give you... THE XBOX 360!
Apr 25, 2005 00:34
oh my god ur actually impressed by that... montrosity??? if i had to pick betwen it an ps3 id pick it, but the next nintendo will cane its anus and rule the home console universe
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RE: I give you... THE XBOX 360!
Apr 25, 2005 07:00
nintendo will cane its anus As much as I love Nintendo, if their new consoles " revolutionary" gameplay relates to this IN ANY WAY, I won' t go within 50 feet of one
Joe Redifer
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RE: I give you... THE XBOX 360!
May 01, 2005 19:01
Hey Adam, so does the real Xbox360 look EXACTLY like the frontal " picture" we' ve been seeing floating around for awhile now?
Adam Doree
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RE: I give you... THE XBOX 360!
May 01, 2005 20:16
ORIGINAL: Joe Redifer Hey Adam, so does the real Xbox360 look EXACTLY like the frontal " picture" we' ve been seeing floating around for awhile now? In a word: yes. And the side shot. The one you should ignore is the mocked one where somebody has taken the front shot, side photo and made up their own design for the top with an X. The other misconception is that it " won' t be able to stand up because the sides are round!" . No they' re not. X360 is not rounded at the sides, it' s an optical illusion because of perspective. The side panels are both flat, but the front face is rounded, so when viewed directly from the front the side panels appear rounded when in fact you can' t even see the sides. Which are flat. SOLVED...
Terry Bogard
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RE: I give you... THE XBOX 360!
May 01, 2005 20:28
UH OH, I think I hear the NDA police heading this way! *hides*
Joe Redifer
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RE: I give you... THE XBOX 360!
May 01, 2005 20:52
It would be cool if it bobbed left and right when on it' s side due to the curved edges, yet never tip over due to the built-in Nintendo-designed gyroscopes. I can' t wait to find out what' s behind door#1 on the right side of the thing. Maybe that' s where you insert your credit card.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 2 May 05 4:53:55 >
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RE: I give you... THE XBOX 360!
May 01, 2005 21:10
Maybe that' s where you insert your credit card. Come now Joe, I already hypothesized that 20 some posts ago! Of course maybe I didn' t pay enough money and the microsoft world domination task force erased all previous evidence of my exsistance.
Adam Doree
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RE: I give you... THE XBOX 360!
May 01, 2005 21:21
I am pretty sure the door on the right is for ports like USB etc. I haven' t said anything that is not public domain so you don' t have to hide from the NDA police just yet Bogard...
Joe Redifer
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RE: I give you... THE XBOX 360!
May 01, 2005 22:06
Oh, so when Adam violates NDA, Terry gets arrested?
Terry Bogard
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RE: I give you... THE XBOX 360!
May 01, 2005 22:16
Oh, so when Adam violates NDA, Terry gets arrested? LOL, Yes.
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RE: I give you... THE XBOX 360!
May 02, 2005 08:26
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RE: I give you... THE XBOX 360!
May 02, 2005 16:01
we should make a game out of that adam! ' see how long you can get Terry arrested for!' but then again it wont be much fun, cos you know, adam is the only one how can really play it.
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!