PS2 Games Run On PC

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Prince of Persia WW
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PS2 Games Run On PC - Apr 19, 2005 04:01
PS2 games can run on Computer by Emulator of PS2.I have the emulator of PS2 an I run Ps2 games on computer Like Tekken Tag,Summonet2,Ico and Jack2.We make unavailable files for the emulator PCSX2 and now it can run games of PS2.

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RE: PS2 Games Run On PC - Apr 19, 2005 07:07
Adam!!!!! Please do something!!!!! My english is getting worse reading these!!!!!!!!1

Joe Redifer
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RE: PS2 Games Run On PC - Apr 19, 2005 17:15
I can' t wait to run PS2 games on Computer by Emulator. I play by gamepad but gamepad for Computer no is good as gamepad for PS2. But I can plug PS2 pad in Computer and play games by Emulator! I make available games and I play them by EmulatorI have the fun.


Terry Bogard
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RE: PS2 Games Run On PC - Apr 19, 2005 17:32
Are you kidding, this is the next generation of internet lingo!

This is like leet speak++

Too bad for the author of this rules violating thread that this thread history and quite possibly so is he

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RE: PS2 Games Run On PC - Apr 19, 2005 19:05
Isn' t that illegal?
In response to the following complaint I have decided to change my signature:

" by the way, yoshimitsu you might want to click the little checkbox that makes your signature disappear." -Jonah Shoemaker, Residential Dumbass

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RE: PS2 Games Run On PC - Apr 19, 2005 20:12
I am so glad that the files of the illegal can be had to have the fun. I think that gamecube is best and PS2 have meny super fun games so it is awsome. Adam, do not you think that this is a super very idea to be sharing the files of the illegalness in the Kikizo forms?

EmulatorI have the fun.
And just so you know Joe I laughed so hard when I read this I spit my coke out my nose damn near ruining my keyboard.
< Message edited by mxpx182 -- 20 Apr 05 4:14:02 >

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RE: PS2 Games Run On PC - Apr 19, 2005 20:29
take easy on Prince of Persia WW, he engrish not so cuz he be n00b. mxpx182 right tho, every1 stupider fer trying to that read.
emulatro not illegal if you own game....but why you play on pc know i not cause controld so not good when the gmes were made a special to the gamepad of PS2.

Terry Bogard
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RE: PS2 Games Run On PC - Apr 19, 2005 21:16
actually from what I gather, emyoulaytors n roms are illegal whether you ownzors the games or not! Well much more roms than emyoulaytors..

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RE: PS2 Games Run On PC - Apr 20, 2005 07:00
Whoever is the maker of the Roms and emyoulateers are the people of the illegal doings. To have a ROM into your computerif the game is you own, then i believe that it isn' t not?

Mass X
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RE: PS2 Games Run On PC - Apr 20, 2005 07:49
what talking bout you mean readin thes thread can effek my typing???!!1 Omy all youre right owell ill just talk bout games i play today Ghost Recon 2 Halo 2 Mercenaries Elder Scrolls 3 great goood time fun. HOpe this dos not spill ovr into other forms. We make unavailablr cookeis from easy bake oven and now they work on kitchen stove

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