The Tomb Raider games need to expand. Especially on Lara' s moves.
What? Wow, she has a sprint now while running. Oh, she can climb ropes now. Ewww...she can roll and turn around instantly to face whoever is behind her. I see no innovation in the so called Tomb Raider world. The whole engine and movement of Lara was in need of an upgrade after TR2. As for instance, the graphic technology and engine technology has been out for years. So, why is Lara still moving in the same stance she' s been doing since the first game? For example, let me pull my guns out and hold them up close to my head in an upright position. So that way I' ll be prepared to shoot anything that moves.
Also, she still had that 2 step movement throughout most of the series. She' s never walked like a woman except only in cutscenes. She has that manly stance of I' m ready to take on anything. However, some will argue that Lara' s enviroment does not call for her to be womanly. I' ll argue back and say, " She' s been carrying that stance for years, it' s time innovation. Can she not go into another standing still movement or just throw in a action yawn or let me check/adjust my gear real quick. Instead of just standing there like a robot. I mean at least move your fingers as if you' re inching to pull them guns out."
Oh my, I have the best gear in the world. I would like to say that Lara' s pistols out weigh her iddy biddy hands and look. Plus, they still look rectangular. They' ve never updated the skinning or design of her guns. They don' t look real. They' ve always stood out whenever she' s holding them. Take a look at the 1st pic and you' ll see what I' m talking about. The statue behind her looks more real than her and those guns. Do you know why? It' s because they still have that same lighting effect on Lara. She' s always lit up when she' s close to light and sometimes even in the dark.
So in other words, Lara Croft needs character in her movements to hone in on realism. In conclusion, these are only some of the things that needs fixing up. I am a fan of the first Tomb Raider game and will always name that one as the best and last one out of the series to be praised for it' s time.