Farscape Returns!

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Farscape Returns! - Nov 19, 2003 02:45
After many rumors and unconfirmed reports from places like TVGUIDE.com, www.savefarscape.com can now confirm matter of factly that Farscape has been green-lighted for a 4 episode mini-series to tie up the end of season 4 cliff-hanger " Bad Timing" .

After almost 14 months " Scapers" everywhere have donated more then a quarter of a million dollars for advertising and other stratagies to spread the word about Farscape and to ultimately revive the critically acclaimed series from its unexpected demise.

This is not the end of the fight though. Tell everyone you know that Farscape is coming back, sets are already being rebuilt and filming is to start in December. Further details have yet to be revealed but excitment is at an all time high. A press conference was announced by Henson Productions last week but was then cancelled. TVGUIDE.com reported that the press conference would take place this week instead.

Rumors regarding this matter have been floating around for almost 4 months, but only until this week did things reach a fever pitch after comments from the show' s creator pretty much spilled the beans.

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RE: Farscape Returns! - Nov 19, 2003 10:20
Cool, it' ll be nice to see what happens. The rushed ending was a tad depressing
The flat shaded polygons are much more rounded here...

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RE: Farscape Returns! - Nov 19, 2003 15:39
I never could get into the series. I don' t know what it was but it just... lacked. I don' t even know what it lacked! I just never really enjoyed it.
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" Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day "

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RE: Farscape Returns! - Nov 19, 2003 22:49
Farscape was not produced as a series with stand-alone episodes. Sci-Fi Channel exec Bonnie Hammer referenced this fact as one of the problems with Farscape. She felt that the audience could not grow because if you missed a few episodes then you would not continue to watch.

Some stand-alone episodes were created but the general story of the show continued every episode. Before each season there was a " Farscape Primer" which recapped what happened in the previous seasons. Also, before the start of every show " previously on Farscape" clips were shown that updated the story from as much as 10 episodes back, maybe more. Basically they went to great lengths to keep casual viewers up to date.

Bonnie also thought that Farscape was " too deep" which implied that sci-fi viewers were too stupid or impatient to get involved with the story. A slap in the face to fans really. She also claimed her network wanted more shows that appealed to women, even though almost half the viewers of Farscape turned out to be women. Of course Startgate: SG1 and Scare Tactics were chosen to fill that all important void needed to satisfy Sci-Fi Channel' s female audience.....

www.savefarscape.com has also done something no fan campaign has ever done before; Corperate sponsership! If you read the news page today you will see what im talking about. Oh yea..and the 2800 goal for the Navy project? MORE THEN DOUBLED IN LESS THEN 5 HOURS. The fans have spoken.