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Nintendo Hardware Exit Rumor [or not]
Apr 04, 2005 08:00
i haven' t had time to look much into this as of yet, but i heard some staff talking at EB Games over the weekend about the new nintendo system. what they were saying about the new nintendo system didn' t really interest me as i am not a huge nintendo fan. what interested me is that they started talking about how after this system, nintendo is considering not doing consoles anymore. that this would be the last console nintendo would and afterwards they would partner up with (someone. lost conversation here for abit), and would be concentrating more on (something. i think game development or handhelds or something. they walked way out of earshot here). i was wondering if anyone else heard anything else about this or could put some truth to it.
< Message edited by Adam Doree -- 4 Apr 05 19:42:58 >
Mass X
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RE: nintendo rumour
Apr 04, 2005 08:11
Going the way of Sega? Wouldnt surprise me. The handheld market has always been a good place for them anyways. I myself havent heard anything, but have thought about similar things.
< Message edited by Mass X -- 4 Apr 05 16:12:03 >
Terry Bogard
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RE: nintendo rumour
Apr 04, 2005 09:04
Nintendo has billions of dollars Cash in the bank.. According to a report I read they were the #1 most profitable, making more money than any other gaming company this generation. I don' t think there' s much to worry about yet, they' re still sitting comfortably. ;) Microsoft on the other hand lost uber millions into the billions on the Xbox venture but they knew that going in.
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RE: nintendo rumour
Apr 04, 2005 09:08
no no, it wasn' t a monetary thing as i understood it. nothing in the way of bankruptcy or selling off or anything.....just going in a different direction or something. fact, i' m gonna try research it right now.
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RE: nintendo rumour
Apr 04, 2005 09:26
i did some quick searching, and here is really the only article that i found. how stable and reliable it is i don' t 100% know, but it makes alot of good points.
< Message edited by the.ben -- 4 Apr 05 17:26:56 >
Terry Bogard
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RE: nintendo rumour
Apr 04, 2005 09:34
Partner up with Matsushita (Panasonic) perhaps? Those two have a close relationship and it would make sense for Nintendo to further align themselves with a powerhouse like that.
Mass X
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RE: nintendo rumour
Apr 04, 2005 09:47
When I said going the way of Sega I didnt mean bankruptsy but more to the fact that they focused on one main thing rather then multiple areas (game developer/producer).
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RE: nintendo rumour
Apr 04, 2005 10:01
Just a bit ago, I read an interview in which a prominent videogame representative implied that he had knowledge which would lead to Nintendo becoming a part of M$ within 5 years. Seems to fit into the ' after this console' scenario, too! I just wish I could remember where that interview was located... I' ll see what I can do to locate that interview.
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RE: nintendo rumour
Apr 04, 2005 10:14
I read an interview about a month ago, not sure where, where the big N claimed they were a console company, would stay a console company, and always will be a console company. I' d like to think that, but you can never know.
Terry Bogard
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RE: nintendo rumour
Apr 04, 2005 11:06
I' ve always believed that the rumors of Nintendo possibly going third-party or being bought by another company was just wishful thinking on the part of many in the industry and that' s still a belief I have. Nintendo is just TOO stubborn and if pimp daddy Yamauchi continues to have any kind of say in the matter it' ll take an Earth shattering event, like hell freezing over  , before you see them go third-party/2nd party even two generations following the next-gen..
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 4 Apr 05 19:06:52 >
Adam Doree
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RE: nintendo rumour
Apr 04, 2005 11:42
There is no truth to this rumour whatsoever, it is simply people guessing what might happen. And it might happen at some stage down the line, but there is nothing to suggest that right now. However there was a scare that this might have been true around this time last year (see the full story here) but apparently, not. Two staff talking in EB Games is the last place you' ll hear anything about big time industry news worth listening to if it' s not already in a credible place on the Internet.
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RE: Nintendo Hardware Exit Rumor [or not]
Apr 04, 2005 12:37
i don' t take EB Games as a credible source by any means, but i thought it would at least be worth checking out.
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RE: Nintendo Hardware Exit Rumor [or not]
Apr 04, 2005 12:47
Two staff talking in EB Games is the last place you' ll hear anything about big time industry news worth listening to if it' s not already in a credible place on the Internet. I had an EB guy telling me that he was expecting the PSP to outsell total GBA sales by the end of the month. word.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Nintendo Hardware Exit Rumor [or not]
Apr 04, 2005 16:27
Nintendo was most profitable because of the GBA, not the Cube. The Cube makes far less money than the Xbox and PS2.
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RE: Nintendo Hardware Exit Rumor [or not]
Apr 04, 2005 16:45
Nintendo, I believe, has always been kind of a kiddy company...Thats why they' ve never really sold well, the main reason Gameboy sold well was because it was the only thing out there that you could actually play easily, and well. But now that the PSP is out Nintendo might feel intmidated by the PSP, and retire to another genre...I still have respect for nintendo, no doubt about it (i have a gameboy and a GC) but its always felt kidish to me.
Tyler " Frag Master" Bealmear
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RE: Nintendo Hardware Exit Rumor [or not]
Apr 04, 2005 16:46
ms lose money on every xbox sold, as do sony on their ps2.... so surely that means they aren' t making a profit on the systems literally.... cube' s are cheaper to make, but still lose money on each sold... but nintendo have a policy of not making a loss on their consoles, and haven' t admitted that they are doing so on the cube... whereas ms make no effort to hide the fact that everytime they sell an xbox, they aren' t actually making any money.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Nintendo Hardware Exit Rumor [or not]
Apr 04, 2005 17:45
Xboxes must be much cheaper to produce nowadays due to the outdated technology. You could probably build a PC with the same guts as the Xbox for an amazingly small amount. Now when the Xbox first came out I imagine the losses were tremendous. But that means nothing to Microsoft.
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RE: Nintendo Hardware Exit Rumor [or not]
Apr 04, 2005 21:56
yeah i agree... they seem to have a bottomless money pit!!! though nintendo still make a profit, and are also sitting on a nice pile of money - i think with nintendo it' s a comparison between what they used to make, and what they make now... big difference, but still profit
Joe Redifer
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RE: Nintendo Hardware Exit Rumor [or not]
Apr 04, 2005 23:19
I heard one quote by a member of another forum and I think it' s pretty good: " Gaming has changed. Nintendo hasn' t."
Terry Bogard
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RE: Nintendo Hardware Exit Rumor [or not]
Apr 05, 2005 01:39
" Gaming has changed. Nintendo hasn' t." hehe That' s pretty good.. Another good quote I read which is also a spoof on the tagline at the end of EA game commercials: " EA Games. Challenge Everything...... except us."
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RE: Nintendo Hardware Exit Rumor [or not]
Apr 05, 2005 04:17
" Gaming has changed. Nintendo hasn' t." How true that statement is... Maybe the Nintendo Revolution will be their BIG change into the competitive realm of videogaming. Maybe not...
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Joe Redifer
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RE: Nintendo Hardware Exit Rumor [or not]
Apr 05, 2005 17:29
We' ll see. I am excited to see what they;ve got (because innovation can be cool and fun) but I am also scared to death (because it might well be damned stupid and very niche).
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RE: Nintendo Hardware Exit Rumor [or not]
Apr 05, 2005 19:40
Well EAs buyin frikin everything
Tyler " Frag Master" Bealmear
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RE: Nintendo Hardware Exit Rumor [or not]
Apr 06, 2005 09:45
" Gaming has changed. Nintendo hasn' t." Yeah a true statement, but in many ways Nintendo sticking their roots is a good thing. With the next generation consoles like Xbox 2 with a full live integration subscription and stuff and Sony pimping its new Blue-Ray video discs. There’s going to be fair few people that will lap up a nice traditional Nintendo game like the next Zelda/Mario/Pikmin. All right so Nintendo has made a few mistakes this generation, but I' m going to remain optimistic about what they have in the future.
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RE: Nintendo Hardware Exit Rumor [or not]
Apr 07, 2005 21:14
now cmon guys nintendo wont just pick up and leave consoles just cos some low-lifes in EB said they might, i mean youd be better off talkin to a retard then an eb worker, my mum asked which consoles re4 would be on and funnily enough the guy said and i quote " well as it stands it will be coming out on xbox only" what retard says that? ps. my mum asked because she wanted to preorder and didnt know which console it was on
< Message edited by lordseafood -- 8 Apr 05 5:16:33 >
Starman Anthony
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RE: Nintendo Hardware Exit Rumor [or not]
Apr 13, 2005 22:31
Oh my please don' t say stuff like that.. that Nintendo will stop making consoles. I was about to cry because I love Nintendo soo much with all my heart. Nintendo will never do that and if they do I want to be dead before they do that. Nintendo is very strong. I don' t get what' s with the new generation of systems.. and why people are against Nintendo or something. I understand we are growing gamers. But let' s not forget Women are still having babies and the little tykes needs to play games too. We are not the only gamers who are now what 18-35 years of age? Why my sister plays Mario Party 6 all day with her little friends and she is 12 and I am happy because she is now staying out of trouble and is home. But you all know what I mean right?
Russian Mobster
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RE: Nintendo Hardware Exit Rumor [or not]
Apr 15, 2005 15:41
microsoft,sony, and nintendo loose money on the consoles themselves.The profit comes from the software. Nintendo needs to go third party or even 1st party for MS. Gamecube is good and all but they need to stick to the handheld becasue there are still the best there.And i Dont see anyone beating them there.PSP is good but costs $250 thats tooo much for a damn handheld. As for building a PC stronger then the xbox.... it will still cost you over $300.The xbox is $149. Then u have to worry about the games because some games may not support your chipset or your computer is not good enought to run it.As for a console every game that is made for a console will work on it. I have a 3200+ 2.19Ghz AMD athlon with 1 gig of ram and a GeForce 5900 Graphix card that cost me $1000 to build about 1 year ago.It runs Half Life 2 but still its alwready too weak to handle the full power of Half Life 2.
< Message edited by russian mobster -- 15 Apr 05 23:43:59 >
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