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Soul Caliber III
Mar 24, 2005 11:17
Soul Caliber III to be PS2 exclusive Well here' s the scoop on the new Soul Caliber game. I loved the first 2 and was looking forward to the 3rd, untill I saw the crappy exclusivity part of it. I own a PS2, and I understand that some games are franchise games, and only appear on some consoles, mario, halo and Gran Turisimo are great examples, but for Namco to go and make this game console exclusive, when the Game cube version outsold the PS2 version, and the x-box version sold just as well as the PS2 version is just stupid. They' re taking away 2/3rds of their sales for this game right off the start. I can only imagine how much money sony shoved towards them to make it so. I guess this is how people felt about RE4, and I have to agree with them. Oh well, at least PS2 is getting that eventually. Same will probably happen here. It' s all a conspiracy to try and make sure everybody buys every system!
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RE: Soul Caliber III
Mar 24, 2005 12:55
It' s some sucky news. I loved the other two games. Oh well, I' ve strayed from fighting games. I get too frustrated with them.
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Terry Bogard
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RE: Soul Caliber III
Mar 24, 2005 16:22
Thanks to the inclusion of Link, didn' t the GameCube version outsell both the PS2 and Xbox versions? I don' t know what Namco is thinking by making it exclusive to the PS2
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RE: Soul Caliber III
Mar 24, 2005 16:49
I know the Gamecube version sold the most in the UK, I don' t know about the rest of the world. From what I could tell the PS2 gave the weakest version of the game graphics-wise so I' m gutted. I got it for X-Box and was very happy. I can' t understand why it' s PS2 exclusive, surely the' ll re-consider and release other versions in the future?
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RE: Soul Caliber III
Mar 24, 2005 18:04
nobosy seems happy that they are makeing SC3! all you do is moan,moan,moan who cares if it is only ps2 exculize it probley will come to the other cponsoles as well. Now this should be the true sequal unlike that last one, which was merely an update of the last one! [or SC 1.5 as i like to call it]
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RE: Soul Caliber III
Mar 24, 2005 18:59
didn' t the GameCube version outsell both the PS2 and Xbox versions? Yes and by quite a bit too. I really think Namco shot themselves in the foot on this one.
Terry Bogard
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RE: Soul Caliber III
Mar 24, 2005 19:41
UNLESS, they plan of including a brand new character who' s dressed in all green like an elf and his name is Mink ;)
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RE: Soul Caliber III
Mar 24, 2005 21:39
Tyler " Frag Master" Bealmear
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RE: Soul Caliber III
Mar 25, 2005 15:34
it doesnt effect me so much cause i have a ps2
Adam Doree
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RE: Soul Caliber III
Mar 25, 2005 20:00
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RE: Soul Caliber III
Mar 25, 2005 22:37
Who cares. SC3 looks like they are adding a few characters and thats it. Would you really want to buy SC2 with 3 more characters and 5 new moves? They are making it for PS2 only, so the graphics aren' t going to be any better than it was before either. It looks to me like they are just quick wipping out a new game and selling it to playstation 2 fools to make some easy cash. What they should be doing is working on a new SC for XBOX 360, PS3, next gen nintendo. Bringing back the kind of l337 PWNAGE Soul Calibur had on the DreamCast. SC2 was good, I enjoyed SC1 a lot more, but it was till good, SC3 looks to be SC2 with a little more. SC1 pwnd because it had l337 graphics, gameplay, and everything. SC2 graphics aren' t good when you compare it to games like Dead or Alive, and the gameplay and everything else didn' t really improve either. WHERE IS THE ONLINE PLAY!!!? if namco wants to rip some PS2 fools off I don' t care, but they better be making a good game too!
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RE: Soul Caliber III
Mar 26, 2005 02:33
The Character Creation Feature seems nice but unfortunely there is still nothing more that could catch my interest. Maybe the Lost Chronicle Mode could be nice, too but the rest seems just 0815 boring. And cause I dont really like SC anyway (on my Beat em up Ranking its just a bit in front of Tekken) I dont care if its going to be PS2 exclusive or not.
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RE: Soul Caliber III
Mar 26, 2005 11:06
i have the ps2 as well as the xbox, but surely i think that sega would stick to ONE console, or just release it on ALL platforms once and for all time. becouse it sucks that i have to buy other consoles just to get all the fun games from sega. for instance, outrun 2 would be playstation 2 bound, and suddenly it went to xbox only. but i gues that the game would also sell a lot on playstation 2, or gamecube. usually i like multiplatform as the preferred option, and then the developper can choose if they will, or will not optimize the code for each platform seperately. if not, you will get games like sonic heroes. on ps2 its framerate goes up and down, and has a low frame rate as it is..... on xbox its a smooth journey. dont know about the (if there is) gamecube version tough. but luckilly i am not that mutch fan of fighting games.
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RE: Soul Caliber III
Mar 28, 2005 09:18
The create a character could be cool... I always thought Weapon Master mode would be ace if you could go through it as yourself, or a character of your creation. The new characters are looking very nice... the one with the spiky wheel thing could be very cool. I just hoped it' s be coming out for X-Box where it' d look it' s best.
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RE: Soul Caliber III
Mar 29, 2005 06:04
Hopefully, Namco will see the light and release on other consoles...maybe next-gen. To release on PS2 only just seems counter-productive to the company' s bottom line. Oh well...I' ll just have to enjoy SC2...
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RE: Soul Caliber III
Mar 29, 2005 07:07
if not, you will get games like sonic heroes. on ps2 its framerate goes up and down, and has a low frame rate as it is..... on xbox its a smooth journey. dont know about the (if there is) gamecube version tough. The only smooth version is the Gamecube version as there is slowdown on the XB version as well.
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RE: Soul Caliber III
Apr 02, 2005 16:41
 im so happy its an ps2 exclusive title
captain Qball
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RE: Soul Caliber III
Apr 02, 2005 16:46
why GodofWar? Assuming you' re a ps2 owner, how does it effect you in anyway if it' s exclusive or not? It just boggles my mind as to why someone would be happy that any game is exclusive.
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RE: Soul Caliber III
Apr 02, 2005 16:59
my gc got stollen  so i only got a ps2 ( and psp ) so for me being it doesnt matter if a game is exclusive or not exclusive . Minus some of them - cough*gow*cough