Kikizo Trader Section? Please Read & Respond.

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Kikizo Trader Section? Please Read & Respond. - Mar 22, 2005 07:44
I recently brought an idea to Adam' s attention, and after our discussion, Adam consented to having the Kikizo members give their opinions.

The idea is to add a trader section to the Kikizo website - a place where Kikizo members could freely trade their games.

Recently, I traded in Winning Eleven 8 for the XBOX. Another member stated that their $$ was a little tight and that they were only able to acquire 2, of the several, games they really wanted. One of the games they did acquire was Winning Eleven 8...the game I just traded in at my local gaming store. If I had known that Kikizo member was still looking to purchase that game, I might have been able to make a trade with them - saving them $$ for a third title they really wanted. This would have cost only shipping and handling, rather than the cost of a full-priced game.

Anyway...Adam has stated that he likes the idea, but is concerned about the immediate (and future) level of interest.

With all this information in mind, how do you feel about a members-only trader section at Kikizo?

Regardless of how you feel, please provide as much (or little) response as you feel is necessary to make your feelings known and/or voice heard.

For Adam and myself, thank you for your time.

< Message edited by Adam Doree -- 3 Apr 05 2:35:27 >
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RE: ATTENTION ALL KIKIZO MEMBERS: Please Read & Respond. - Mar 22, 2005 08:31
I' d personally say just make a thread rather than a section. Just post in the thread what you are looking for and what you are interested in. If someone wants what you have and is willing to trade it can then be handled through PMs. Personally I wouldn' t see much of a use for a whole new section. I' ve seen many forums with just a single thread getting the job done. this isn' t to say I' m against your idea, I just don' t think we need an entire section devoted to game trades. I just don' t think it will be used all that much.
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RE: ATTENTION ALL KIKIZO MEMBERS: Please Read & Respond. - Mar 22, 2005 09:00
Fine with me, I' m not a big trader, but who knows, if somebody had a copy of ikuragua you never know.....

Mass X
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RE: ATTENTION ALL KIKIZO MEMBERS: Please Read & Respond. - Mar 22, 2005 09:34
Sounds like a nice addition. A trading section might bring in a new crowd of members. Could be helpful, I dunno. Ive never traded nething online so I dont know the whole process.

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RE: ATTENTION ALL KIKIZO MEMBERS: Please Read & Respond. - Mar 22, 2005 12:21
e-bay anyone?? or would it be called k-bay?? seems alot like that whole idea, or could be set up that way just without monetary value. i' m talking crazy talk cause i' m hungry....i' ll get back to this later.

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RE: ATTENTION ALL KIKIZO MEMBERS: Please Read & Respond. - Mar 22, 2005 13:48
Sounds like it might be a good idea, but wouldn' t it cost a lot to forward games through the mail to each other (especially to another country)?
< Message edited by Sharon -- 22 Mar 05 21:49:12 >

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RE: ATTENTION ALL KIKIZO MEMBERS: Please Read & Respond. - Mar 22, 2005 15:20
It would be very conveniant to have another section. I also think that it should be for members only, for reliety issues. But i think its a great idea. When people want to trade, give eachother their E-mail addresses and then trade personal information (like address and crap needed to mail) sum it up ITS A GREAT IDEA!!!
Tyler " Frag Master" Bealmear

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RE: ATTENTION ALL KIKIZO MEMBERS: Please Read & Respond. - Mar 23, 2005 06:27
If we' re doing this for reliety issues than I better start getting all of my recent game purchasitions in line, and figure out what games I want to extrade them for.

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RE: ATTENTION ALL KIKIZO MEMBERS: Please Read & Respond. - Mar 23, 2005 07:12
I have done this kind of stuff before and it sounds like a great idea. I even got free money from members to help me buy Resident Evil 4 heh it was sooo nice of them. Hmmm... I think this idea is good.
< Message edited by Starman Anthony -- 23 Mar 05 15:14:02 >

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RE: ATTENTION ALL KIKIZO MEMBERS: Please Read & Respond. - Mar 23, 2005 10:34

e-bay anyone?? or would it be called k-bay?? seems alot like that whole idea, or could be set up that way just without monetary value. i' m talking crazy talk cause i' m hungry....i' ll get back to this later.

You' re actually on the right track...the vision would be to have a members-only trade system with feedback, so other traders could evaluate the risk postential/honesty of the prospective trade partner.

This thread was introduced to determine the level of interest, as well as to help refine the over all concept to something more acceptable to those who would take the opportunity to use the service.

I understand that this section would not be fully untilized ' as-is' , based upon the few (but much appreciated) responses from Kikizo members thus far. Maybe with time, some refinement, and membership increases, this could become a worthwhile endeavor.

Please continue to post your thoughts, as any input may spawn ideas that could bring new possibilities with regards to this particular idea or to the Kikizo website in general.
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RE: ATTENTION ALL KIKIZO MEMBERS: Please Read & Respond. - Mar 23, 2005 14:25
yes good idea, but a point, some of us live in europe and some in america [etc.] the region codeing would affect us greatly with games and limit us to only a few members to trade with each.

But apart from that i am Full For the idea!
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine.

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RE: ATTENTION ALL KIKIZO MEMBERS: Please Read & Respond. - Mar 23, 2005 16:52
It' s a very good idea. However for it to be a success I think this forum needs more members.

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RE: ATTENTION ALL KIKIZO MEMBERS: Please Read & Respond. - Mar 25, 2005 15:38
yeah thats a great idea i have been trading at and i will trade here

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RE: ATTENTION ALL KIKIZO MEMBERS: Please Read & Respond. - Mar 25, 2005 15:54
Yeah, games in the US won' t work on consoles in the UK so I can' t see a lot of cross-country game trading going on... but it' s somethign I' ll be interested in doing with my fellow UK-ites.

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RE: ATTENTION ALL KIKIZO MEMBERS: Please Read & Respond. - Mar 27, 2005 00:49
I' d be interested...
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RE: ATTENTION ALL KIKIZO MEMBERS: Please Read & Respond. - Mar 27, 2005 05:01
I' d love to have a trading section on here, i' d use it for sure.

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RE: ATTENTION ALL KIKIZO MEMBERS: Please Read & Respond. - Mar 27, 2005 11:58
i am very intersted in trading my copy games i have the latest jp us uk game only for trader that have a mod-chip i hope thats ok !?


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RE: ATTENTION ALL KIKIZO MEMBERS: Please Read & Respond. - Apr 01, 2005 19:48


I recently brought an idea to Adam' s attention, and after our discussion, Adam consented to having the Kikizo members give their opinions.

The idea is to add a trader section to the Kikizo website - a place where Kikizo members could freely trade their games.

Recently, I traded in Winning Eleven 8 for the XBOX. Another member stated that their $$ was a little tight and that they were only able to acquire 2, of the several, games they really wanted. One of the games they did acquire was Winning Eleven 8...the game I just traded in at my local gaming store. If I had known that Kikizo member was still looking to purchase that game, I might have been able to make a trade with them - saving them $$ for a third title they really wanted. This would have cost only shipping and handling, rather than the cost of a full-priced game.

Anyway...Adam has stated that he likes the idea, but is concerned about the immediate (and future) level of interest.

With all this information in mind, how do you feel about a members-only trader section at Kikizo?

Regardless of how you feel, please provide as much (or little) response as you feel is necessary to make your feelings known and/or voice heard.

For Adam and myself, thank you for your time.


Well DaRoosh and Adam,
To tell you the truth I think it is a very bad idea. I am a member in many
forums and to tell you the truth this is the least impressive. (No disrespect)
Before you go and make any new sections here is a list of must have sections.

1. The forums right now are to unorganized. Kikizo Forums need Sections
for individual consoles.
Consoles Section:
Nintendo Game Cube
Microsoft XBOX
Portable Section:
Nintendo GBA
Nintendo DS
Nokia N-Gage
Then miscellaneous Section:
Other game consoles (classic systems)

We don' t need a section for trading games, plus how safe would it be and
who will contract the transaction. I don' t know just something to really
think about. ADAM now what do you think about these realistic recommendations?
< Message edited by Sixteen_Bit -- 2 Apr 05 3:52:15 >

Terry Bogard
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RE: ATTENTION ALL KIKIZO MEMBERS: Please Read & Respond. - Apr 02, 2005 04:11
No disrespect but ARE YOU INSANE???? Messageboards with individual forums/sections dedicated to each console are SOOOOOOOOOO unappealing to me! There' s nothing worst than having to navigate in and out of one console forum into another..

Plus, the ones I' ve seen in the past were usually REALLY slow and most folks hung out in the general forum anyways. Console City was like that and the setup, while it may have seemed organized just didn' t work and most seemed to crave for a more consolidate general gaming forum.

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RE: ATTENTION ALL KIKIZO MEMBERS: Please Read & Respond. - Apr 02, 2005 10:22
I think that it is a good idea to have a trading section, why not be friendly and help out the people who can' t afford to buy every game, like me. Hee hee. No it is a totally great idea and it should happen, if people don' t like it they can just not participate in that section of the site. It' s just that simple.

Adam Doree
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RE: ATTENTION ALL KIKIZO MEMBERS: Please Read & Respond. - Apr 02, 2005 15:22

ORIGINAL: Sixteen_Bit
1. The forums right now are to unorganized. Kikizo Forums need Sections
for individual consoles.


ORIGINAL: Terry Bogard
No disrespect but ARE YOU INSANE???? Messageboards with individual forums/sections dedicated to each console are SOOOOOOOOOO unappealing to me! There' s nothing worst than having to navigate in and out of one console forum into another..

^ What he said.

ORIGINAL: Sixteen_Bit
We don' t need a section for trading games, plus how safe would it be and
who will contract the transaction.

This is also a very important point.

ORIGINAL: Rampage99
I' d personally say just make a thread rather than a section.

Interesting idea...

My main concern with this idea is that there simply would not be enough participation to make it worthwhile at this stage. Trading services like this thrive on massive communities that offer the users choice and flexibility for trading. Right now Kikizo Forums are still relatively very small and certainly (and still somewhat mysteriously) do not reflect the size of audience of the main Kikizo site... and the level of interest in the trading section or a trading thread would inevitably be less than the forum population.

The currently modest level of activity on these forums, while growing, is also the reason why it absolutely does not make sense to have multiple console sections. We used to have this a few years ago when usage was even lower and it means that everyting is more of a chore. The point is that the forums are supposed to be easy to use and seamless to make it better for everyone and attract new users.

I bet if somebody started a thread to offer up the first item they propose to trade, there will be limited success, and even then, it would be surprising if the trend continued... but then, I would love to be proven wrong. So feel free to test the concept by making a post about a specific item for trade, in this existing forum category (only ONE new thread for all trading, NOT a new thread for every item!) and we will see how it goes. OK?

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RE: ATTENTION ALL KIKIZO MEMBERS: Please Read & Respond. - Apr 02, 2005 15:41
it sound' s aight

captain Qball
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RE: ATTENTION ALL KIKIZO MEMBERS: Please Read & Respond. - Apr 02, 2005 17:05
I fully support this idea, I know a few people who will buy a game, beat it, then sell it back right away. Personally I enjoy keeping my games, but for others it could be a great way to save a buck. And as mxpx hinted, it could be a great way to get hands on games that are hard to find in your region.

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RE: ATTENTION ALL KIKIZO MEMBERS: Please Read & Respond. - Apr 02, 2005 17:18
Ok you have your opinion and I have mine. You must still connect via
56K modem...LMAO...!

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RE: ATTENTION ALL KIKIZO MEMBERS: Please Read & Respond. - Apr 03, 2005 13:35

You must still connect via
56K modem

That would be hell on Internet....NO
Tyler " Frag Master" Bealmear

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RE: ATTENTION ALL KIKIZO MEMBERS: Please Read & Respond. - Apr 03, 2005 14:55
I hear that. My home page is and the amount of video
that I view would never look good in 56K. I also love the forums over there
they are the way forums should follow..Take a peek if you havent been yet..

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RE: ATTENTION ALL KIKIZO MEMBERS: Please Read & Respond. - Apr 03, 2005 15:29
we are still waiting for that first thread...
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine.

Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!

Adam Doree
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RE: ATTENTION ALL KIKIZO MEMBERS: Please Read & Respond. - Apr 03, 2005 17:59

ORIGINAL: Silentbomber

we are still waiting for that first thread...

Precisely... ;-)

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RE: ATTENTION ALL KIKIZO MEMBERS: Please Read & Respond. - Apr 04, 2005 04:58
Looks like Joe has placed the first add...quite interesting, since he offers a good selection of mostly XBOX games and an offering for both PS2 and GC owners as well.

And yet, none of which I have any interest in...

I see your point, Adam. The conditions have to be right for a trader section, and it appears that we' re trying to start an engine on fumes only...just not enough here yet to make a trader section work for any length of time.

Maybe in time...
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RE: ATTENTION ALL KIKIZO MEMBERS: Please Read & Respond. - Apr 04, 2005 07:09
As I stated earlier I feel this forum is too small, however in the future if the forum does grow I don' t see why there shouldn' t be a dedicated trading forum. Anyhow I beleive if such a section will be set up in the future you' d be wise to copy the template used by a forum with a successful trading section such as
< Message edited by gossi_the_dog -- 4 Apr 05 15:10:18 >

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RE: ATTENTION ALL KIKIZO MEMBERS: Please Read & Respond. - Apr 05, 2005 09:45
yeah, I think a game trading section would work. Take a look over at they have only 87 members (only 43 with profiles) and have had at least 33 trades (worked out from feedbacks).

Well they are there specifically for trading, but you see my point.

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RE: ATTENTION ALL KIKIZO MEMBERS: Please Read & Respond. - Apr 07, 2005 07:45
Exactly! Thanks, Owain...and welcome to the Kikizo forums.
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