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Things Workers Do To Appease Their Bosses...
Mar 21, 2005 05:47
Recently, I was asked (loosely put) to work for another department within the company for which I work. I reluctantly agreed (believing that I really had no choice). The manager I will be working for tells me that they have a dire need to have me come work for them, so I accept this and the assignment. I come to find out that the section I agreed to work for created the ' dire' need by sending those workers, usually responsible for the work I will be doing, to another portion of their work area to work other cases. You would think that, if they needed people, they would send them directly to the area that needs the help. See, they' re going to have to train those workers in every aspect of the new task, so why don' t they just get the replacements to that other section? Anyway...this is just me venting... I thought that maybe others here at Kikizo would have stories to tell concerning things they do for their employers that goes above and beyond...to appease THEIR bosses and/or to keep their jobs!
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RE: Things Workers Do To Appease Their Bosses...
Mar 21, 2005 06:09
Crappy to hear about stuff like that Da' Roosh. I' ve had a job (the WORST job ever) where my boss was so bad, that even now, 4 years later I cannot talk about it without getting angry. It led to me actually being a worse worker cause I had no respect for them, and they didn' t deserve any!!! Temperature rising!!!!!!!!!! breathe. Ok, calm now. My current job is the exact opposite. My boss couldn' t be better, he' s this 50 something British man who many think is kind of uppity, but he pretty much let' s me run the show in regards to my work. It' s like I' m the prodical son or something, I can do no wrong. Since this is a UK based forum I have to ask, is the word " brilliant" a word that is just used for everyday discussion, cause almost no matter what I do he' s like " Brilliant Mathew!" .
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RE: Things Workers Do To Appease Their Bosses...
Mar 21, 2005 12:36
lately i' ve had alot of british people come into my work to purchase things.....and everything is " cheers." like every greeting and salutation. is this common place or am i just noticing it cause we hardly ever use it?? ..as for going above and beyond to appease my boss, well i never. but i have also only worked dead end jobs with crappy pay and jerk-off bosses where even if you do something to appease them it isn' t aknowledged or rewarded in anyway.
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RE: Things Workers Do To Appease Their Bosses...
Mar 21, 2005 20:52
I just quit Walgreens because of management b*llsh*t. When I first joined the store here in Fort Lauderdale I asked for a 40 houtr week. They ended up forcing me to work a 50 hour week. On top of that because I knew what I was doing and did it well(I was trained at an awesome Walgreens in Jacksonville), they had me o management work myself. It sucked because I was being paid the regualr wage of $7.00 an hour but I was forced to do management work and stuff above and beyond what everyone else was told to do. Then when it came to me getting time off, they didn' t want to give it. Seriously. They got angry when I asked for time of. They didn' t want to give me time off for any holidays, or even my birthday. Just last week they blocked my username from the computers that allow workers to put in time off. Talk about bs. I' m a nice guy though and take this type of crap without any fight. I delt with it for 6 damn months. No raise, no pat on the back, no thanks. Sh*t I set up stands for managers that got them awards from Walgreens corprate office. they were getting awards for a couple hundred bucks from stuff that I did for them. did I see any of those bonuses? NO! When they blocked me from asking for time off that just pushed me over thedge. Luckily I have a relative that runs a Hyundai dealership down here( who happened to help me get a 2003 Tiburon for an unbelievible price). He' s opening a new massive Hyundai dealership and asked me If I wanted a job. Basically I' ll make my own hours, pick all the vacation I want, and hang out with my relative, while getting paid $8.50 an hour. All I have to do is drive cars around, gas them up, and put them through an automatic car wassh. Woot! f*ck you Fort Lauderdale Walgreens!
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
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RE: Things Workers Do To Appease Their Bosses...
Mar 22, 2005 04:15
..as for going above and beyond to appease my boss, well i never. but i have also only worked dead end jobs with crappy pay and jerk-off bosses where even if you do something to appease them it isn' t aknowledged or rewarded in anyway. Been there, done that! ...sometimes I think that it follows me...or maybe it' s everywhere! Rampage99, I am glad that you broke away from the big business BS! Good luck to you in your new job!
Videogaming is the contemporary interactive pasttime.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Things Workers Do To Appease Their Bosses...
Mar 23, 2005 15:21
I have to ask, is the word " brilliant" a word that is just used for everyday discussion, cause almost no matter what I do he' s like " Brilliant Mathew!" . yes oddly enough, we use it quite a bit [i' d say more so even in the u.k cos you know, i' m irish]
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