Lotusson' s Never Ending Poem

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Lotusson' s Never Ending Poem - Oct 30, 2003 00:52
something different

Here' s the deal, I' ll write five lines of poetry and leave it hanging. Your job is to write another five lines of poetry. Then after you somebody else writes another five lines. And so on and so on. Your five lines can be in any style you choose and can take any direction you wish as long as you find a way to connect it to the previous poem. Okay, so here goes the first five lines. I' m making up my lines as I go along, so I' m not worried about quality.


In the darkness sits a candle. Alone it flickers
through the changing wind. Open window,
outside brings the breeze. Doom.
The coming storm approaches.
No one is awake to close the window.

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RE: Lotusson' s Never Ending Poem - Oct 30, 2003 01:03
Im not a poetry writer but what the heck. I' ll give it a shot. Don' t laugh


Lightning flashes and thunder cracks
as the rain poors. As the rain pounds
only one drop will ever hit the same spot.
Thus is the way of the world. Uncertainty,
the only certain thing in life.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99

" Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day "

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RE: Lotusson' s Never Ending Poem - Nov 05, 2003 00:05
a tiskit a tasket a buttermilk basket.

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RE: Lotusson' s Never Ending Poem - Nov 14, 2003 02:33
Oh way to go Spacepiss
A basket has nothing to do with candles, you ditz
Get back on track and restart my poem
Before I cut off your dic
Do you hear me you prick?

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RE: Lotusson' s Never Ending Poem - Nov 19, 2003 03:00
I thought I had a comment,
I thought I had a care.
I thought about the candle...
The poem you want to share.
I need a change of underwear!

When thunder booms my cat is scared.
He jumps up quick to run downstairs.
Perhaps the fear of death is near?
Like when I kick him in the rear?
Or maybe he has to take a crap.