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Boredom - Oct 28, 2003 01:15
I' m so bored...

I' ve completed all my videogames, more than once. I' ve watched my whole movie collection. I' ve finished my cross-country season. TV sucks... WHAT IS THERE TO DO?! Honestly, I need a girlfriend.

Really, what do you guys do when you' ve exhausted nearly all options of fun and are hanging by one nerve before you fall into complete dormancy. This is suposed to be my " awesome senior year" and so far it sucks. The only good news I' ve gotten recently is that I' m going to the Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale for college where I' ll be majoring in game art and design. That doesn' t help my current status of boredom now though since I won' t be there until July.

If this keeps up I' m really going to go nuts. Any suggestions? The last thing I need is to slip into a depression... again(not a derious one, just a month long thing last year).
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99

" Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day "

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RE: Boredom - Oct 28, 2003 04:08

Really, what do you guys do when you' ve exhausted nearly all options of fun

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RE: Boredom - Oct 28, 2003 20:27
Homework would make things even worse.

Come to think of it... I don' t do my homework yet I have an A average. How does that work?
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99

" Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day "

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RE: Boredom - Oct 28, 2003 20:40

I don' t do my homework yet I have an A average. How does that work?

^ Doing *cough cough* .. ' Special' favours for the teachers .. ..

I found that going to the gym is good .. Pushing weight (not with the intention to look like Arnie but just to tone up and get fitter), makes me feel like im doing something posotive with what little spare time i do have .. I actually realy enjoy it ..

Other than that Masturbation works well ..

' Im old enough to know better but young enough to not give a fuck!'

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RE: Boredom - Oct 29, 2003 00:55

Yeah, I' ve been working out lately. I' ve been lifting weights and I' ve gotten into a jumping program that should make me jump a foot higher in three months. It helps but not enough.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99

" Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day "

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RE: Boredom - Feb 07, 2004 02:54
The reason you have an A average and don' t do homework is beacuse you are in highschool :) Been there done that, it changes once you hit colege (currently working on a five hour presentation for my master' s project - not fun, I' ll tell you that).

I don' t suffer from boredom as much as a need for procrastination, that is why I love the internet. I am addicted to message boards and the game " the Sims" , So i usually find many ways to waste my time online.

Going to the gym is another good idea, it helps to turn restless energy into productivity. Or find yourself a new hobby, those can be fun.

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RE: Boredom - Feb 07, 2004 03:16
Links that get used rather frequently when I' m utterly bored (or, more often, trying to avoid the fact that I have a ton of homework due): - where I just came from. Awesome source of music and a great community, too. - more great music, similar community, albeit newer and less developed. - song parodies up the wazoo. Mostly mediocre ones but an occasional gem. I' m neminem there too, by the way... too bad for the no spamming your web site rule, or I' d' ve sneakily made that link a link to my own parody list ;-). - a web comic I found a few weeks ago. Nowhere near as good as the long-dead BBoCS, but in my opinion the best one out there at the moment. Assuming HSR doesn' t count as a web comic. Which brings me to - I don' t think I need to say anything more. - stupid, but insanely helpful if you' re looking to waste time.
Then of course, there are books. If you like sci-fi or fantasy, PM me and I' ll give you several dozen of my favorites.

On the other hand, if you' re looking for more semi-permanent ways to use up time... I don' t have any, because I don' t have any time. Seriously. I don' t know about your college, but the college I' m a frosh at, you' re insanely lucky if you only have two hours of homework in a day. Ah... memories of high school... I didn' t think I had a ton of free time, but I really did. Um, independent study? Like, learn to program or something? Or if all else fails, you could actually try to get a girlfriend. Not that that' s worked for me so far.

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RE: Boredom - Feb 07, 2004 03:26

Really, what do you guys do when you' ve exhausted nearly all options of fun and are hanging by one nerve before you fall into complete dormancy

Masturbate. Cowboy Bebop. Post. Masturbate. Sleep. Rinse. Repeat.
Haven' t been able to do that for about 3 months though. Damn competition.

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RE: Boredom - Feb 07, 2004 03:48

Haven' t been able to do that for about 3 months though. Damn competition.

Poor Gorveg.

Has it really been three months now? I think I lasted about three weeks.
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RE: Boredom - Feb 07, 2004 05:06
neminem, I love homestarrunner. That is one place where you can waste tons of time. I highly recommend it.
< Message edited by Rikka -- 2/7/2004 5:07:02 AM >