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Shadow the Hedgehog -- Plus: FORUM RULES UPDATE/RANT!
Mar 09, 2005 11:01
Actually it' s a Shadow game. This time it seems they went back to the style of the original Sonic Adveture, with the small addition of a GUN. Yeah, you read right. Shadow gonna be totin' his own gat. Kinda unexpected but the trailer over at IGN looked pretty sweet. Note from admin: Please read page 1 and make your way to page 2 for mild ranting fun and a warning regarding bannable forum use.
< Message edited by Adam Doree -- 4 Apr 05 1:54:02 >
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
Joe Redifer
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RE: New Sonic Game!!! (Kinda!)
Mar 09, 2005 13:23
Oh yeah shadow in da hizzouse bustin caps with his mila 9! Accord' n ta riznap, gats is coo` so now we need ta have gats in everyth' n from Sonic ta Mario so tha kids will think tha game is pizzle yo. This Shadow tha Hedgehog game might be cool, though. I hizzy it has good music. But in all honesty I really dizzle kniznow what Sega is mobbin' ta accomplish here. It seems tizzle tizzle want ta go wit tha gangsta style and we out.
Terry Bogard
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RE: New Sonic Game!!! (Kinda!)
Mar 09, 2005 14:30
Screw Shadow I want an Amy The Hedgehog game NOW! Based of course on Sonic' s main squeeze, the lovely Amy Rose!
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RE: New Sonic Game!!! (Kinda!)
Mar 09, 2005 15:30
Bout **** time shadow got a game
Tyler " Frag Master" Bealmear
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RE: New Sonic Game!!! (Kinda!)
Mar 09, 2005 16:48
I nearly wet myself when I read about this game. Shadow gets his own game and gets a gun. I' m just praying for a game with a story more like Sonic Adventure 2 and less like the ' cute' Sonic Heroes. Judging by the pics and trailer so far it' s definatly gotten a darker edge to it. I just wonder who' s the bad guy this time. The things Shadow is attacking don' t look to be robots so Eggman can' t be the main bad guy. In fact there are a few boxes sporting the ' G' logo of GUN from SA2... the military orginisation who hounded Sonic and co in SA2. And whats this about morality. " Hero, or is he?" . In SA2 you could play as the good and the bad but in the end they all joined forces. Don' t tell me in this Shadow is going to go all evil on us if we want him to?
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RE: New Sonic Game!!! (Kinda!)
Mar 09, 2005 19:45
Tyler " Frag Master" Bealmear
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RE: New Sonic Game!!! (Kinda!)
Mar 10, 2005 05:24
Nice to see ANY other Sonic-related character getting their own game, since Sonic is kinda worn out. Wonder what the rating for this game would be? ...gun toting, and all...
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RE: New Sonic Game!!! (Kinda!)
Mar 10, 2005 06:06
Hopefully M for mature for when Shadow pulls out his glock at the end and double taps tails to the back of the head.
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RE: New Sonic Game!!! (Kinda!)
Mar 10, 2005 06:25
ORIGINAL: DaRoosh65 Nice to see ANY other Sonic-related character getting their own game, since Sonic is kinda worn out. Blastphamy! How dare you say Sonic is getting worn out!
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
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RE: New Sonic Game!!! (Kinda!)
Mar 10, 2005 10:10
Shadow is my son' s fav character and he is absolutely thrilled that a game based around Shadow is in the works.
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RE: New Sonic Game!!! (Kinda!)
Mar 10, 2005 10:16
quote: ORIGINAL: DaRoosh65 Nice to see ANY other Sonic-related character getting their own game, since Sonic is kinda worn out. Blastphamy! How dare you say Sonic is getting worn out! Don' t get me wrong...I love the little blue guy as much as anyone! But lately, Sega just hasn' t been putting out very good games starring Sonic the Hedgehog. The games are beautiful...YES! But enjoyable...NO! Maybe Sega can work some new magic with the Shadow character...
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RE: New Sonic Game!!! (Kinda!)
Mar 10, 2005 15:10
The Sonic games have been suffering because of all the extra weight the games have brought recently. Sonic Heroes included 11 other playable characters. It' s just too much. The focus should be put firmly back on Sonic. Shadow is the next best thing though. If they concentrate on making the game ace with him and if the gun dynamic can be used well we could be on for a winner. There' s apparently another Gamecube exclusive Sonic game to be shown off at e£ anyway. We' ll see what happenes there. Actually, I want a Dr Eggman game. A tactical action game where you can build your own robots and send them off to take over the world!
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RE: New Sonic Game!!! (Kinda!)
Mar 10, 2005 18:16
I' d buy an eggman RTS/Rpg
Tyler " Frag Master" Bealmear
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RE: New Sonic Game!!! (Kinda!)
Mar 28, 2005 09:04
Just out of interest, what were the pictures that were pulled from this site? Did they contain plot spoilers or what? I totally missed them, like a fool.
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RE: New Sonic Game!!! (Kinda!)
Apr 02, 2005 20:43
hope it doent flop as sonic heroes did
Adam Doree
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RE: New Sonic Game!!! (Kinda!)
Apr 02, 2005 20:50
ORIGINAL: GodOfWar hope it doent flop as sonic heroes did Sonic Heroes did not " flop" , it was commercially pretty successful, selling well over a million units in Europe alone. Please make an effort to get your facts right before you shout them out here.
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RE: New Sonic Game!!! (Kinda!)
Apr 02, 2005 20:58
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
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RE: New Sonic Game!!! (Kinda!)
Apr 02, 2005 21:41
yes i got my facts correct adam ... im not talking about sells . Have you ceen some reviewse ???
Terry Bogard
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RE: New Sonic Game!!! (Kinda!)
Apr 02, 2005 21:49
But a flop refers to how well an item performed in terms of sales & userbase ;)... Otogi & Otogi 2 for instance received Great ratings from various sites but those games were still commercial flops! Question is, what' s the correct term for games that get universally panned in reviews??
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 3 Apr 05 5:52:09 >
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RE: New Sonic Game!!! (Kinda!)
Apr 02, 2005 22:00
But a flop refers to how well an item performed in terms of sales & userbase ;)... Otogi & Otogi 2 for instance received Great ratings from various sites but those games were still commercial flops! Question is, what' s the correct term for games that get universally panned in reviews??
well theres 2 ways to look at it ( ps i have sonic heroes ) . The person who looks at sells for flops or looks at the reviewse for flops .
Adam Doree
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Apr 03, 2005 17:50
ORIGINAL: GodOfWar well theres 2 ways to look at it ( ps i have sonic heroes ) . The person who looks at sells for flops or looks at the reviewse for flops . Flop still means commercial flop, there' s only one way of looking at that. But IF you want to talk about the quality of the game you could look towards: a) critical opinion b) user opinion both of which are summarised pretty comprehensively on sites like GameRankings, where we see that the game scores a very good 76% ratio: http://www.gamerankings.com/htmlpages2/914713.asp?q=sonic%20heroes Meanwhile here at Kikizo we liked the game also, awarding the game 8/10, a tad higher than the industry average awarded: http://games.kikizo.com/reviews/xbox/sonicheroes.asp So in conclusion, whichever way you look at it, provided you do so in a balanced manner, Sonic Heroes was not a " flop" - neither commercially, nor critically, not to gamers in general. I would say that proves you wrong. Others please be warned, there will be no mercy shown to users who refuse to check facts and make false statements based on what they BELIEVE or IMAGINE to be the case. We would like to maintain a high standard of discussion at this forum and there will be bannings with no warning if it continues, I am sure most of you will agree with this rule. Sorry for the rant, it is only when necessary!
Mass X
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Apr 04, 2005 06:41
Hmm I sort of lost interest in Sonic a while back. I dunno if Shadow will pull me back in or not, seems odd to she a sonic character packing heat. Sort of like that thing with the new bugs bunny (now to be known as Buzz Bunny). However, it will be different and thats usually good.
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Apr 04, 2005 07:54
Yay! Adam ranted in my thread
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
Adam Doree
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Apr 04, 2005 17:44
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>_< bleh
Apr 05, 2005 20:15
Hm, maybe I' m one of the only ones...but I just don' t like the idea of this game. The first time I saw the trailer, it was like a slap in the face. I mean come on... THEY SHOOT HOLES THROUGH VIDEOS OF OLD SONIC GAMES. Really, Shadow..with a gun?! One of my favorite things about Sonic is that it was a game that I could play with my niece and nephew and know that it won' t have a negative influence on them. Sure, Rouge was a bit much (for reasons I don' t really feel like getting into) but this is gun violence we' re talking about. Sega is just taking Sonic into a direction that I don' t think is right. They most likely are going to get rid of their E Rating (hopefully) but I liked the fact that Sonic was a game that everyone could enjoy. I' m sorry if I upset anyone but this is just my opinion.
Adam Doree
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RE: >_< bleh
Apr 05, 2005 21:28
ORIGINAL: ThatOneGuy27 Hm, maybe I' m one of the only ones...but I just don' t like the idea of this game. The first time I saw the trailer, it was like a slap in the face. I mean come on... THEY SHOOT HOLES THROUGH VIDEOS OF OLD SONIC GAMES. Really, Shadow..with a gun?! One of my favorite things about Sonic is that it was a game that I could play with my niece and nephew and know that it won' t have a negative influence on them. Sure, Rouge was a bit much (for reasons I don' t really feel like getting into) but this is gun violence we' re talking about. Sega is just taking Sonic into a direction that I don' t think is right. They most likely are going to get rid of their E Rating (hopefully) but I liked the fact that Sonic was a game that everyone could enjoy. I' m sorry if I upset anyone but this is just my opinion. But this is not a " Sonic" game. It is Sega experimenting with its IP without the risk of damaging the core Sonic business. It is clever. Also E102 had a gun and nobody cared then. Shadow is f**g cool and I think he should definitely shoot shit up. I say this game will not be that bad.
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Apr 07, 2005 14:34
The new trailer is very exciting and further shows the departure from regular Sonic games. Shadow isn' t glued to the gun but can use a few weapons. His gun can actually fire in rapid succession; he' s got a rocket launcher and even uses an enemies sword at one bit. There are still the rollercoaster elements there that the Sonic games are known for but this is defiantly a different animal altogether. If you’re a huge Sonic fan like me you’ll be itching to see what part G.U.N, Dr. Eggman and maybe the some other characters will play. Oh, and the multiple endings thing sound ace. I bet there’ll be an ‘Final’ ending: ala Sonic Heroes.
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RE: Shadow the Hedgehog -- Plus: FORUM RULES UPDATE/RANT!
Apr 09, 2005 20:38
i cant wait for this game
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Apr 09, 2005 22:59
i cant wait for this game is this yet another " post count raiser" ??
Joe Redifer
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Apr 10, 2005 00:24
Post counts are retarded. They do not reflect the quality of the poster. Anyone can amass a ton of posts. That being said, here is my " post count raiser" item of the day: Sega' s track record of making good games has been pretty piss poor since Sammy took over. I am not looking forward to this game. But I' ll pass final judgment when it actually comes out.
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Apr 10, 2005 16:37
I have doubts about this game, The Sonic Games tansition into 3d hasnt been great and hasnt been able to compare it its brothers on the 2d format. Now thats not to say all calassic 2d games cant be converted into 3d goodness, look at the excellant Mario 64 and to a lesser extendt Sunshine, both of these games made the mario fanchise rise the bar on platfromers. But Sonic hasnt done this yet. Noticeing the trend of Sequals tending to have a darker feel and tone, one which pop:warrior Within pulled off brillantly, Sonic Team have given the Game a lick of Balck paint, but is this enough to renew the gameplay? No. Even under all this ' Shadow' stuff, this is still a Sonic game and the gameplay remains...only with a gun. I hope Sonic Team know what they are doing, and this would be a title to look forward too. But there is light, just hope it shines in Sonic Teams way.
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
Terry Bogard
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Apr 10, 2005 16:40
My favorite 3D Sonic title still remains the original Sonic Adventure by FAR!!!!