Just watched " 28 Days Later" DVD

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Just watched " 28 Days Later" DVD - Oct 27, 2003 21:44
Yes I have a promo. I get lots of promos because my fiance works in the music/video industry and shes on all the mailing lists. I used to work where she does but decided I wanted to work in the weather and cut myself alot (HVAC).

Anyway, on to the movie;

All in all it wasnt too bad. Takes place in Great Britain. Everyone gets infected. Lots of killing. Plot Twist. Funky ending.

Definitely something you want to rent.

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RE: Just watched " 28 Days Later" DVD - Oct 28, 2003 01:00
I had a friend that said it was okay but said not to bother buying it or renting it unless really interested.
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RE: Just watched " 28 Days Later" DVD - Oct 28, 2003 04:06
Your friend' s dumb

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RE: Just watched " 28 Days Later" DVD - Feb 07, 2004 04:44
That movie scared me, yes that is the best way to think of it. It played on a few fears that I have.

I loved the beginning (after the virus has struck and the guy come out of a coma and is wandering around through a deserted London). The beginning was very artistic. Actually, the whole film was very artistic I found. It wasn' t a traditional hollywood slasher or thriller. They used a lot with cameras andeffects, playing with the mind rather than giving gore.

Yes it was gory, but I loved the twists. I honestly hated the idea of the virus (as a scientist it really irked me), but it was good.

I heard there was an alternate ending on the DVD, i haven' t seen it yet though.

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RE: Just watched " 28 Days Later" DVD - Apr 07, 2004 04:48
I' ve seen the movie and thought that it was great.
It was somewhat artistic (non-traditional).
Interesting story and yes pretty creepy.
I thought it was excellent and definatly worth seeing.
Would like to know what the alternate ending is though.

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RE: Just watched " 28 Days Later" DVD - Apr 07, 2004 04:53
" He bounced!!!" That was my favorite part. I thought it was a good movie too and I' d also like to know the alternate endings...
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RE: Just watched " 28 Days Later" DVD - Apr 07, 2004 04:58
He bounced? I when did that happen?

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RE: Just watched " 28 Days Later" DVD - Apr 07, 2004 05:16
A zombie stepped on a bomb and flew up in the air and landed on another bomb and went up in the air again... he bounced.
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RE: Just watched " 28 Days Later" DVD - Apr 07, 2004 05:24
Oh that was when all the guys were laughing
" I got one! I GOT one!" haha

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RE: Just watched " 28 Days Later" DVD - Apr 07, 2004 21:50
Scary sa anything Must see

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RE: Just watched " 28 Days Later" DVD - Apr 07, 2004 21:52
It was a real good mix of creepy/scary and suspense

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RE: Just watched " 28 Days Later" DVD - Apr 07, 2004 22:19
I love that movie cause it was the firs one i seen with the " scarier" zombie, you know the ones thatll run yer ass down. Thats why I liked Dawn of the Dead(2004). The faster zombies add more sence of danger. I love the new breed of agile zombies.