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Underated games
Mar 05, 2005 20:06
There are many great games out there that many people havn' t even heard of my picks is Giants Citizen Kabuto. This game was created by the same guys who recently made the funny and fun game Armed And Dangerous. Giants is HILARIOUS, and is great fun, kinda old though...but go ahead and post w/e games u think are underated.
Tyler " Frag Master" Bealmear
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RE: Underated games
Mar 07, 2005 11:12
First, let me welcome Fragus_Maximus to Kikizo...good to have you here. Now, on to the subject matter... Serious Sam is WAY under-rated, but is easily as fun as either Halo I or II. Also, Bard' s Tale - in my opinion - should be both rated much higher and given more respect for succeeding at being a different kind of RPG. My third choice goes to Crimson Seas - a game that few even have heard of with all the action and suspense of many of the awesome action titles out there today! Thats' about it for me...
Videogaming is the contemporary interactive pasttime.
Terry Bogard
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RE: Underated games
Mar 07, 2005 11:42
VIRTUA QUEST  I know everyone, well MOST people seem to hate that game but I rather enjoyed it a great deal! The dumbest reason by far that I' ve heard for people hating on the game was because the main character, Sei, looks too Anime inspired. That' s just the dumbest reason I' ve ever heard for hating a game, lol. If you' re gonna hate a game, at least hate it for gameplay related reasons like frustrating camera work, tedious gameplay, repetitiveness, etc. ;) It' s nowhere near being a perfect game, it DOES have a few problems such as the aforementioned sometimes frustrating camera and weak basic punch and kick combo moves. But the music kicks a whole lot of a$$, the graphics are decent, not fabulous but pretty decent, and the inclusion of the Virtua Fighter characters and moves learned from them throughout the game makes it a keeper in my book ;)
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RE: Underated games
Mar 07, 2005 12:36
Shadows of Destiny for the PS2. It was one of the earlier PS2 games, but is still one of my favorites. I really hope a sequel comes out for it one day.
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RE: Underated games
Mar 07, 2005 16:31
I agree w/ everything above
Tyler " Frag Master" Bealmear
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RE: Underated games
Mar 08, 2005 14:49
Initial D: Special Stage (PS2) - ridiculously good drift racer from Sega. Ape Escape 2 (PS2) - A wonderful platformer, but what really makes this game is the humour. SCE Europe did a brilliant job with the translation, filling the game with lots of subtle British humour. I think the American version has a different ' Americanized' translation though :( Space Channel 5: Special Edition (PS2) - Space Channel 5 and it' s sequel Space Channel 5 Part 2 together in one budget priced release. SC5 is good, but Part 2 is something else. Great! Interesting fact: The game was released the day child abuse charges were made against Michael Jackson, forcing Agetec the game' s publisher to slash the price of the game in half to US$15 due to the fact that ' The King of Pop' makes an appearance as a guest character in both games.
< Message edited by gossi_the_dog -- 8 Mar 05 22:50:15 >
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RE: Underated games
Mar 08, 2005 15:46
hmmmmm....never heard of initial d....i' ll check it out though
Tyler " Frag Master" Bealmear
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RE: Underated games
Mar 08, 2005 15:57
Beyond God and Evil brillant game, which sadly under performed at sales.
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
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RE: Underated games
Mar 08, 2005 17:02
I love that game!
Tyler " Frag Master" Bealmear