Europe Vs. America

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Europe Vs. America - Feb 27, 2005 15:07
I noticed alot of people here are from the good old U S of A [which is unussual..] and some people from europe [and beyond! ] now i know we [the europeans] in this board may be drawfed by you Americans but isnt their a huge culture differance between us? like my friend went to stay in america for a while and came back to tell it was the most wired place, you are all very scared somebody is going to blow all of up, we are way to laid back compared to you guys [come on getting up at 7 in the morining, when you dont have work!?] your food is quite *EXTREME!* and different. And the ads, now i wasnt their but is it true that ads come on every 10mins? how sicking is that?.

Being irish, my friend [i am also irish] was asked a lot of stupid questions like:
" Are Leprucans real?"
" do you know a Tom o' Reilly guy?"
the list goes on...

anyway no offensive if i caused any, but whats your view on Europe? i allways hear people talking about america, but what do you yanks think of us?
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RE: Europe Vs. America - Feb 27, 2005 15:19
They have the COOLEST Accents in the world!!

Joe Redifer
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RE: Europe Vs. America - Feb 27, 2005 17:03
The people who run around thinking we' re gonna be blown up all the time are just caving in to the government spin machine. I don' t run around thinking that. I' m not going to live my life in fear. As for America, we were the ones who decided to let England live during the Revolutionary war. They tried to opress us and it didn' t work. So now in retaliation, they get games and systems LAST! HAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!! Commercials do come on TV quite a bit here, but I really don' t watch much TV. We also have network identification on the bottom corners of the screen AT ALL TIMES just in case we forget what station we' re watching. TV sucks, though. That' s why we play videogames! As for the food, where did you eat that was extreme?
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 28 Feb 05 1:05:51 >

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RE: Europe Vs. America - Feb 27, 2005 17:35
Extreme food? That' s crazy, I thought that we had the boring and ordinary food. Plus we steal all the recipes from other people and " Americanize it." The commercials do get annoying, espically when it happens a lot, usually towards the end of the show, but how else are they going to pay for their time slots? I mean how else are you going to have crazy jingles stuck in your head all day mannananana doo doo doo manna na na doo doo.

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RE: Europe Vs. America - Feb 28, 2005 10:28

like my friend went to stay in america for a while and came back to tell it was the most wired place, you are all very scared somebody is going to blow all of up, we are way to laid back compared to you guys [come on getting up at 7 in the morining, when you dont have work!?] your food is quite *EXTREME!* and different. And the ads, now i wasnt their but is it true that ads come on every 10mins? how sicking is that?.

I don' t know anyone that is scared of being blown up all the time...and that includes men AND women. We are concerned that our government will do something stupid (too late! the already have) to anger those that dislike our ways, and in turn those same people will send a response that no one will like. But no one is staying inside, afraid of the proverbial ' boogeymen' .

As for our food...well, we have Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese, French, English, American (burger and fries, etc.), Indian (from India), Native American, etc. Maybe something he or she ate did not agree with them, and that is why they beieve it to be ' extreme' ? Maybe it' s just a culture thing...maybe they know the menu items by a different name.

Getting up early on a weekend/day off is not MY idea of a good start to my day, but I do have children who like to get up early on weekends. it' s mostly because they are so used to getting up early all week long that they continue the trend on the weekends/days off. If it were up to me, I' d sleep in until 11:00 a.m.!

Blame commercialism for all those ads your friend Chickapoo88 said, someone has to pay for those shows to air - and that would be those companies that air commercial advertisements every 10 (or so) minutes.

In closing, I will say that America is a bit too commercial (over all). However, maybe Europe is a little too the end, it takes all kinds to make the world go ' round. I' m just happy to be a part of it...
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RE: Europe Vs. America - Feb 28, 2005 10:32
This was a double-post, but is now an additional response.

If your friend was speaking as mxpx182 says below, then I can sorta see what he' s referring to. The portions are HUGE and they always try and give you some toy or trinket with your meals (usually kiddie meals).

That' s why so many Americans are much food all at one time!
< Message edited by DaRoosh65 -- 28 Feb 05 20:33:49 >
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RE: Europe Vs. America - Feb 28, 2005 12:26
That was the hugest double post ever Daroosh!!! I' m from Canada, and although our Countries are side by side there are some differences, and some similarities. I believe I may be able to ' translate' acouple of comments though. The Extreme food bit I think has a kind of valid point. There is so much competition for everyones dollars in the states, that everything is flashy and over comecialized. You get 2 toys when you order a big mac, do you want to Texas size your combo sir, would you like our special lightning sauce on that?? A lot of things like that I think make it look ' extreme' from an outside point of view. Plus you just get so much of the damn stuff! In Canada, we get portions that are big. Bigger than what' s certainly neccesary, and much bigger than what Europeans are used to, but the portions in the US certainly bigger than ours. Anytime I make a trip down south a little, i' m always amazed at how much food is on the plate. As for the getting up thing, I think that' s North America in general. We' ve tricked ourselves into becoming so busy that it seems we never relax. They freakin have afternoon naps in Italy. AT WORK!!!! Now that' s my idea of a good day!

Terry Bogard
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RE: Europe Vs. America - Feb 28, 2005 14:35
What a bunch of klowns, no one even mentioned how cool the European accents are :p

Joe Redifer
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RE: Europe Vs. America - Feb 28, 2005 16:46
Nobody mentioned how ridiculous Japanese accents are, either.

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RE: Europe Vs. America - Mar 01, 2005 05:20
The Japanese accent seems to work for William Hung...he' s had his 15 minutes, and then some!
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RE: Europe Vs. America - Mar 01, 2005 13:30
Americans seem to think that all us Brits either speak like Dick van Dyke in Mary Poppins (ie as a Cockney) or like Prince Harry (ie as a Toff). They couldn' t be further from the truth. However, if you ever want to get laid, fly over to America, go to a few bars and either speak like a Toff or Cockney to every bird you see and your in.

Mass X
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RE: Europe Vs. America - Mar 01, 2005 15:13
" Exteme" foods? What like a BIG Gulp at the local gas stations? I really don' t notice " extreme' foods. Bread is bread...water is water...cheeseburgers are SUPER SIZED EXTRA LARGE TRIPLE LAYERED ALL SAUCED TO PERFECTION SEXTACY BURGERS!!!....aside from that last one most the food around is basic unless yer going to a restruant with an ' extreme' theme.

As for commercials, it depends on the channels yer watching. Watch channels like FOX of NBC then yer gonna get brain raped with ads. Watch HBO or use On-Demand you rarly see an ad. Still tho we are a buncha consumer whores.

Scared of being blown up? The only one person I know who is actually a lil paranoid of that is my moms ' Old White Republican' boyfriend...I dont know if all old white republicans are like that but he is thats for sure.

I dunno I never been there. What part of Europe neways? I' m sure Things change from place to place.

I view Europe like I veiw every other place. Everyone' s just trying to get by. Working when they need money (Theft can be a job too you know :P). Eating when they need to eat sleeping when needed being with friends and family or alone. Maybe I' m still too young too see this huge cultural difference in ppl but what I do know is no 2 ppl are exactly alike. American to American, Irish to Irish, Japanese to Japanes. Mix and match shift and wont find it easy to find ppl exactly alike.

Ya Im just rambling...most likly I have no idea what Im talking about

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RE: Europe Vs. America - Mar 02, 2005 08:37
so who here is from europe and america? even other? not trying to cause a divsion in the forum...but if it has to come to it.....Adam is on our side! :P
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Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!

Terry Bogard
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RE: Europe Vs. America - Mar 02, 2005 11:30
I guess you didn' t hear about Adam defecting to the states ;)

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RE: Europe Vs. America - Mar 02, 2005 12:53
You kidding?! After he got to the states, he hi-tailed it to Canada to avoid the impending draft!

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RE: Europe Vs. America - Mar 02, 2005 13:07
This is all nonsence!

Why? Because he' s tied up in my attic conversing with the spiders and dust bunnies...

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RE: Europe Vs. America - Mar 04, 2005 05:05

This is all nonsence!

Why? Because he' s tied up in my attic conversing with the spiders and dust bunnies...

If you don' t return Adam within 24 hours, he' s given his people the order to start the carpet-bombing of your neighborhood.

Do the smart thing, Mass Adam!
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RE: Europe Vs. America - Mar 04, 2005 08:39
Nice, start war with the most powereful nation in the world. We have a trigger happy President you know, and I' m proud of it.
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" Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day "

Terry Bogard
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RE: Europe Vs. America - Mar 04, 2005 09:39
We also have a president who says stuff like: " We have an old saying back in Texas and it goes like this-- FOOL ME ONCE (loooooong pause) AND YA FOOL ME!!!"

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RE: Europe Vs. America - Mar 04, 2005 10:20
I will release said hostage somtime during the days of May 18 19 or 20th. Until that time I will be sure to treat my prisoner with the upmost respect and feed him well.*

Also I have a list of demands:
1. A lifetime supply of free games
2. Xbox 2(next,360,xenon), PS3, and Revolution
3. 5 Million US dollars deposited in a secure off shores account
All this by March 8th!

P.S: Several other Kikizo members here in the states are in on this as well...

*tied up in the attic with left over dog food and one of those things hamsters drink out of...

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RE: Europe Vs. America - Mar 04, 2005 12:53

FOOL ME ONCE (loooooong pause) AND YA FOOL ME!!!"

I think Dubb' ya has said that kind of thing alot!!

Joe Redifer
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RE: Europe Vs. America - Mar 04, 2005 15:41
The actual quote was:

" Fool me once, shame on.... (pause while brain loads more words into RAM via 12k per second bandwidth) Fool me twice.... (load, load, disc read error! Disc scratched from the years of marijuana and cocaine abuse! ERROR!) .. you can' t be fooled again!"
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 4 Mar 05 23:43:15 >

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RE: Europe Vs. America - Mar 04, 2005 17:39
I just want to say a few things on Americas relationship with the world. I am from Indiana, its a small midwestern state in the US, and its not like I hate it here, but I cant wait to go and see the REAL world. Here in America we are told that we are free to do and say what and will we want, but every American knows that isnt quite the total reality of it at all. That is just what the the United States of Hipocracy says to the world. We have cameras on us 24/7, if radio announcers say sh@t on the radio they will be fined 500,000 us dollars.(note fines on a nuclear disaster less than half of it) I believe the world can see through our more and more hitler esq leaders ruling(or trying) to rule with an iron fist. And the worst thing about it everyone knows and feels close if not deep down the exact thing. We are oppressed. We cant fight our way out of it either. Our government has become too powerful and we (the little guy) cant do crap about it. Bussiness' s, Actors, Atheletes, and Politicians are all they seem to care about. Not about the poor hungry people of the world, or even here. Our civilization is tore up from the floor up, and I am outty as soon as I get my degree in Radioation Therapy. To where you ask. Not here maybe where people respect one another maybe Japan, or Ireland, or even England. Who knows , but I try to see everything from everyone perspective, and we all need changes. Lets become a planet instead of 100 some odd countries. Lets become humanity. Not Americans, Africans, Europeans. Lets agree to disagree with government. Lets get back to basics.

As far as how I feel about Europeans, love em' . Great attitude, great sense of heritage, great people(except the french) hahaha I had to lighten it up there a bit.


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RE: Europe Vs. America - Mar 07, 2005 11:34


Aren' t they one and the same?

Big business runs the military...Bush is a business man, not a military man. The Coast Guard is under the Dept. of Transportation, not the Dept. of Defense!

I agree...we should return to the basics.
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