What was the last movie you' ve seen?

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What was the last movie you' ve seen? - Oct 20, 2003 12:53
Dreamcatcher. It was pretty good. Without spoiling too much, I think the antagonist wasn' t mysterious enough. I would of loved to see his true form come much later in the film.

Before Dreamcatcher was The Eye, a Chinese horror flick. I loved it. If you can stand subtitles I was suggest checking it out. This movie actually had creepy moments unlike Ringu.

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RE: What was the last movie you' ve seen? - Oct 21, 2003 04:12
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Pretty kool although not as wacky as the original.

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RE: What was the last movie you' ve seen? - Oct 22, 2003 13:50
Head of State with Chris Rock. It sucked pretty hardcore.

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RE: What was the last movie you' ve seen? - Oct 23, 2003 05:04
Just watched the Hulk on DVD.... and it still sucks.

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RE: What was the last movie you' ve seen? - Oct 25, 2003 13:41
I saw Scary Movie 3 last night and I thought it was pretty funny. There were plenty of hilarious memoriable moments.
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RE: What was the last movie you' ve seen? - Oct 25, 2003 16:30
Kill Bill, which kicked ass!

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RE: What was the last movie you' ve seen? - Oct 25, 2003 17:46
Just watched Finding Nemo ..

Its .. .. .. ok / good ..

Ok ok .. Its Shit ..

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RE: What was the last movie you' ve seen? - Nov 14, 2003 02:53
Just got down watching Showtime with Eddy Murphy and Robert Di' Nero(sp?). It wasn' t that bad to be honest (aside from that long stretch between 20-30 where the movie drags). Sure it wasn' t mind blowing, but I wouldn' t mind watching it again either.

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RE: What was the last movie you' ve seen? - Nov 19, 2003 03:32
I just saw Scary Movie 3 too and I thought it blew. It had a few chuckles but if you have not seen " Signs" then you wont find a large portion of it funny. The Eminem thing is stupid too. The " I like twins" thing was stupid. It was stupid. The first one is supreme, the 2nd wasnt too bad, this one blows.

I thought Timecop 2 was a better movie. Maybe Ill watch Northfork next!