child rasing and the media

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child rasing and the media - Feb 09, 2005 10:16
i have to do a presentation in calss about children and how they are affected by the it movies, television, video games, or whatever. basically, the project is the parents vs. the media and who is to blame when children act out. that doesn' t seem to be worded right, but that' s about the gist of it. any help would be awesome.

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RE: child rasing and the media - Feb 09, 2005 11:06
Hmm... well it is the fault of both when kids act out these days. It is the parents fault for not controlling what the child sees, but it' s not possible to keep an eye on children at all times. The media is so f*cked up these days. Kid shows seem to made by people on drugs and quite possibly pedophiles (have you heard of the Wiggles? Good Lord...).

It seems these days parents want to take less responsibility for their kids. Because of this you see kids turning to the media for information and almost hold it as a parental figure. In many families, kids seem to be learning more for tv than their own mom or dad. That' s not right. This is why it seems like " kids are growing up so fast" . With cable tv almost being standard in homes now, kids are exposed to far more than they used to.

Foul language has become normal to kids still in grade school. Kids are loosing their virginity in middle school and sometimes earlier. They start smoking and drinking while still incredibly young. Why? Because it' s cool according to tv. Kids are learning how to live from mtv. Sick. Seriously, it' s sick. It exposes kids to sex, drugs, drinking, cursing, doing stupid illegal crap and makes it as though these are all normal for people. It' s not the norm. Not everyone does that crap, but it seems that younger people are getting into it because it' s what they are raised on.

I' m probably going to get blasted for this but I' ll say it anyway- it' s also why so many younger people are turning liberal. The media, other than radio, is completely control by liberal democrats. Is this a bad thing, well it depends on your views. Notice however how democratic/liberal mistakes are always downplayed while conservative republicans are blasted for everything.

Watching tv during the elections was so one sided it was unbelievible. I honestly think only Fox news said anything good about the president. Everyone else was bashing him. Everyone. Then you flip to MTV, hmmm.... vote or die, btw all us celebs are voting for Kerry and so should you. They are rich and popular and control the media, and think it' s in thier interest to make all their veiwers to have the same ideas.

Anything coming off the tv and going into kids heads is interperated(sp?) like this- kids under 10= hmm... that' s real life. 10-14 or 15= hmm... they are rich and cool, I should be like them and do what they do to be rich and respected.

Rolemodels these days are rappers(no offense to them), that rap about sex, killing, drugs, and making tons of cash. And in most cases it' s all made out to be cool. Wtf is that? Not to say other forms of music aren' t different- metal, punk, and rock all talk about drugs hate and such.

Yeah, so I' ll post more later. I know I cutting off in the middle of this but I' m working on textures in class and I' m to tired to multitask after the workout I did this morning.
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" Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day "

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RE: child rasing and the media - Feb 10, 2005 06:13
Just a funny little clip you may add, if you' ve seen the documentary " Supersize Me" there' s that clip where he' s talking to preschoolers, and they all recognize Ronald Macdonald, but not Jesus! Scary, but may help your point a little. Then again that could have just been edited to suit the purpose.

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RE: child rasing and the media - Feb 10, 2005 07:28
does anyone have any news articles or anything?? video games or movies....

Adam Doree
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RE: child rasing and the media - Feb 10, 2005 07:35
Nevermind how kids are unfluenced by the media... look at whole the WHOLE OF AMERICA, especially adults, is influenced by FOX! So much so it can make the difference in an election.

Forget swearing and such trivialities, I would be more concerned about the view of the world my kids have growing up, because really, the stuff that Fox News churns out is SCARY.

Videogames, movies -- pah. Get real it' s just entertainment. News, propaganda - stuff that affets the world in massively important ways - now that' s a serious topic!!

Terry Bogard
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RE: child rasing and the media - Feb 10, 2005 08:06
If I had a kid who did something INCREDIBLY stupid, I would never blame it on movies or games, I' d blame it on my parenting and then I' d blame it on him/her being f' d up in the head, LOL..

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RE: child rasing and the media - Feb 10, 2005 10:50
Too many parents think that parenting is when the sperm hits the egg, nine months later - baby pops out, all they need to do is feed, clothe, and house this newly formed mooch until it' s 18. Then, it' s outta here!

Parents are ultimately responsible for what their kids are watching or the games they play or see. This also includes what their kids watch/playing at their friends' and other family members' houses, as the parents can set guidelines to those responsible for caring for their kids in such situations.

If the other host(s) violate the guidelines, restriction from that environment would be necessary.

It' s all about networking (usually family, close friends, and neighbors) to ensure that kids avoid the those negative life experiences that are so easily introduced to our children.
< Message edited by DaRoosh65 -- 10 Feb 05 21:18:32 >
Videogaming is the contemporary interactive pasttime.

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RE: child rasing and the media - Feb 19, 2005 17:41
I actually had to read an article for sociology about violence in video games. It was really scary what it was talking about. Like there was a quote about a school shooting in this elementary school. And when the teacher told the brothers and sisters of the victims that their siblings were dead, they laughed about it. According to the article it is not only media but society in the whole, it even talked about army training and how they get the people to kill the people they don' t even know. Another thing from the article was something about how society is teaching children that violence and murder is normal and an everyday thing. Good luck on the project, if you have not already done it already.

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RE: child rasing and the media - Feb 21, 2005 06:55
still working and still struggling. though i value all your opinions, i unfortunately can not credit them as sources as they aren' t in text books, movies, or even news papaer articles or news stories i taped.