Once Upon A Time In Mexico

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Once Upon A Time In Mexico - Sep 17, 2003 04:43
I went to go see Once Upon A Time In Mexico as well. . . yeah.

Not to say it was a bad movie, I did “like” the movie, but it had so many flaws. Namely the plot felt a bit convoluted and was a bit hard to follow. Also, it can be argued that there’s technically no “main” character in Once Upon A Time, Johnny Depp took up a huge portion of that movie in my opinion. I would have imagined that Antonio would have played a bigger part, but he seemed to take back set to Depp.

And just for the record, Johnny Depp was AWESOME in the movie. Much like Pirates, you can see Once Upon A Time merely to see Johnny and still be happy.

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RE: Once Upon A Time In Mexico - Oct 25, 2003 17:49
I was sorely disappointed by this film !

Depp as you said was brilliant though .. The only reason to watch this IMO ..

2Up ..

' Im old enough to know better but young enough to not give a fuck!'