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RE: Games you never finished
Mar 11, 2005 08:14
Got two more to add... Project Gotham Racing 2 - Most everything is OK with this game, but the fact the car physics just seem to be too unrealistic both bothers and frustrates me to no end. Battlestar Galactica - I really like the series, and this is somewhat based upon the TV series, but I do not have the time to continually re-play missions. To survive up to the last minute, only to be killed just before a mission' s end, doesn' t sit very well with me. Both of these are now designated as ' trade fodder' (eligible for trade).
Videogaming is the contemporary interactive pasttime.
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- Joined: Mar 05, 2005
RE: Games you never finished
Mar 11, 2005 17:49
Still havn' t beaten warhammer 40,000 dawn of war
Tyler " Frag Master" Bealmear
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RE: Games you never finished
Mar 12, 2005 21:53
ff-x2=cause i think its a baby game doom3=cause my dad gave i to me and i dont like shooters duke nukem=same but in 3d gta vice city= cause i got damn bored ff-1-2-3-4-5-6=cause i got interested in other games mgs2=cause that idiot GAYden.(im still a mgs fan) tomb raider1=was my first videogame in my life(age 4) star ocean 2=almost the very same as mxpx182 crash bandicoot1=my second game in my life... metal gear1 and 2 for nes=...(good times  )
hi ladies and gentlemen. im here lookin for some action and good goodies . im from santiago chile and i want some real action so i decided to join kikizo
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RE: Games you never finished
Mar 18, 2005 07:46
tomb raider1=was my first videogame in my life(age 4) WOW! Now I feel old... Tomb Raider 1 was one of the games that I got for the Sega Saturn... My first game ever bought came with the Atari 2600 was called Combat.
< Message edited by DaRoosh65 -- 18 Mar 05 15:46:58 >
Videogaming is the contemporary interactive pasttime.
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RE: Games you never finished
Mar 18, 2005 08:13
Many games I never beat were mostly from my younger years when I lacked the ability to do so. A few from every console, however the more recent console games I dont seem to be havign troubles getting thru except maybe Mercenaries.