" REVOLUTION" ...... I just want to say that Nintendo has let me down starting with the N64,

I have all the systems and a huge library of games. But for the first time in my life, I' m starting to have second thoughts for the next generation console, the Revolution.
Xbox 2 and PS3 are POWERFUL systems that seem like they are going to take over the world,

Nintendo is always behind in horsepower, but that doesn' t really bother me much, what bothers me is the lack of games, everytime I go to a store, any store, Microsoft and Sony have a massive library of games, and Nintendo is in a little corner with a miniature library! What the hell is going on?

Why does Nintendo have bad relationships with 3rd parties and other game developers? Whyyyyyy?

They have no more " exclusive" titles anymore. Very dissapointing, makes me sad and angry, all these feelings.....

[:' (]
I' m thinking of getting an Xbox2. I just hope that the so called " REVOLUTION" is really a revolution and doesn' t stay that far behind in horsepower. I hope that it won' t be the first time that I don' t buy a Nintendo console. I hope..........[:' (]