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Anybody here read fantasy?
Jan 19, 2005 07:28
Looking for anybody else here who reads fantasy. I just finished off the farseer trilogy by Robin Hobb and it was excellent, highly reccomended. I' m working on her second trilogy now, and so far love it. Also, has anybody read Chainfire, Terry Goodkinds latest enty into is multi thousand page gospel? The last 2 haven' t been so hot, but I' ve been hearing good things about this one.
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RE: Anybody here read fantasy?
Jan 19, 2005 15:17
to be honest, i never heard of those books or writers, altough i did enjoy HitchHiker' s Guide to the Galaxy. Is the second ' the restaurent at the end of the universe' any good?
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RE: Anybody here read fantasy?
Jan 19, 2005 15:32
Chainfire screams at me to buy it everytime I' m at the bookstore. I' ll probably pick it up soon now, since I finally finished The Dark Tower series. I have to say though, the cover art (if it can be called that) is some of the worst I' ve ever seen. BTW, I want to shamelessy plug Jim Butcher' s Dresden Files again. This series about a wizard detective is great. All of them are paperbacks, so they are relatively inexpensive.
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RE: Anybody here read fantasy?
Jan 19, 2005 20:52
I looked longingly at Chainfire the other night as well, but like mxpx182 said, i wasn' t overly impressed by the latest installments by Goodkind. I just started the Farseer trilogy by Hobb, that is some good stuff. I am waiting to get my hands on the second book. Fantasy novels are like my drug of choice.
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RE: Anybody here read fantasy?
Jan 20, 2005 10:08
Yoshimitsu, I have to agree with you that The chainfire cover art is hoffible! yikes, ugggggly. but man finally somebody to talk about the dark tower with! What did you think about the final ending to the book?! I loved it. Some people hated it, but to me it was absolutely what I wanted without even knowing it. Rikka, glad to hear that you are liking the Robin Hobb stuff. It gets pretty difficult to read, not in that it' s not any good, just in that things really don' t go the way you want them too. At least that' s how it was for me. Reading all night, and hating whats happening. And then Barely being able to put it down. As a second note, quit looking longingly at chainfire, just go ahead and buy it!! You know you want to, so just do it!!
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RE: Anybody here read fantasy?
Jan 21, 2005 11:13
It is not a matter or wants, it is a matter of money, and me having none of it.
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RE: Anybody here read fantasy?
Jan 21, 2005 12:27
Money Schmoney!!!! Sell some blood!!! buy it buy it buy it!!
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RE: Anybody here read fantasy?
Jan 21, 2005 14:43
I saw the ending coming. I almost quit reading where Stephen King suggested, but as they say, " Curiousity killed the cat" . I think it was a bit sad, but then I thought all that happened in that last book was pretty sad. The ending fit, and I also liked the nice little touch about the horn. Probably the best thing about that book was that I finally finished that series. Now I have to wait for Robert Jordan to spit out the last 5-6 Wheel of Time books and George R. R. Martin to finish his A Song of Ice and Fire series. Not to mention Harry Potter and the Dresden files, both of which are top notch modern-fantasy series. I know I sound like a broken record, but Butcher is writing one of the best fantasy series I' ve ever read. I' m just surprised I had never heard of him before...
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RE: Anybody here read fantasy?
Jan 22, 2005 07:09
Love Fantasy! I' m currently re-reading Tad Williams' Otherland series. Just a few of my fav authors are Robert Jordan, Sara Douglas and Terry Goodkind.
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RE: Anybody here read fantasy?
Jan 22, 2005 15:12
It seems like none of you have heard of George R. R. Martin. His series, A Song of Ice and Fire, is one of the best out there...if not THE best. He doesn' t really focus on stuff like magic. He mainly focuses on the conflicts between all the major houses in his books. The great thing about his series is that summer and winter sometime last for years. The main story line focuses on a family that are the first defense against an ancient race that were banished years ago across the Ice Wall. A good description would be like the Ring Wraiths in LOTR, except they have bodies and love the cold. So, the main parts of the books are focused on all of the families trying to become the new royal family, but in the background you have this great feeling of approaching danger. As the Stark family motto states....Winter is Coming. BTW, I haven' t told you anything that you wouldn' t read in the beginning of the first book. I' m not sure I could even put any spoilers here because all of the books are so huge that it' s kind of hard to remember all the little things. When I say huge, I mean it...somewhere around 1,000 pages on one of the books I believe.
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RE: Anybody here read fantasy?
Jan 22, 2005 16:28
LOL I was just thinking about Martin. I love his books, i think they are the best i have every read. I even own the board game based off of " Game of Thrones" . What a brilliant writer and a delicious series.
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RE: Anybody here read fantasy?
Jan 22, 2005 17:44 That' s a good place to find the latest info on The Wheel of Time books. I just checked back today and was reminded that The Knife of Dreams is coming out in October...only 9 more months. I just hope it' s a little better than the last book...the last was good, but not as good as the first 5. I' m not going to go into why you should read this series anymore...I swear... For all of you Potter fans...I regularly check here because there is a door which opens sometimes with nice little riddles that tell you information about the upcoming books...very handy. The official website for A Song of Ice and Fire. He recently updated saying that the latest book, A Feast for Crows, is still not finished. He said that it is already at 1,300 pages, several hundred that are still in rough draft, and still more chapters that have not been written. This book is going to take months to read.
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RE: Anybody here read fantasy?
Jan 23, 2005 17:52
Martin' s books are amazing, but I have to say I' m getting really frustrated with the long wait here! I' ve played the game of thrones board game as well Rikka, what do you think of it?? Do you like the strateg involved?? Yoshimitus, I give you credit for sticking with Jordan. I read up to bo 9, but I just can' t do it anymore. I' ve never read books by an author who just seems to enjoy seeing how many words he can put in type. It' s just getting rediculuos how little happens per book. I really enjoyed them up till book 4 though. You guys and gals should check out Greg Keys' Kingdom of Bone and Thorn series. Book 1: the Briar King, and Book 2: the Charnel Prince are already out, and they are awsome.
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RE: Anybody here read fantasy?
Jan 23, 2005 19:18
I have a special way with dealing with Jordan' s series. I know there is a great story underneath, so when I' m reading and I see about three paragraphs explaining how a forest looks I usually just skim those and move on. So basically I know a lot about the actual story in the Wheel of Time, but I couldn' t tell you how beautiful the city of Camelyn is.
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RE: Anybody here read fantasy?
Jan 24, 2005 06:20
That' s not a bad strategy. My way of dealing with it is to no longer read his books. Trouble is I am still mildly interested in the story that got me hookd inthe first 4 books, so I simply read one of the numerous chapter summaries that are available for his new books that other people wrtie for the frustrated masses. That way I' m assured of never having to read about Nyneave tugging her braid again!! Joy!
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RE: Anybody here read fantasy?
Jan 24, 2005 09:36
Mxpx182.... I said i OWN the game, i have yet to play it. I have to find the time and patience to sit down and learn it, but from what i hear it is a good game (if not a little aggressive) I too have read the Briar King and Charnal Prince. They were pretty good. The problem is, now i have started all these series, but there are no more installments ready for me to read, so i go on to the next series, and now they are all jumbled in my head. I have to sit for a minute and think about what happened in which series and which characters were involved in what.
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RE: Anybody here read fantasy?
Jan 24, 2005 09:50
Well I reccoemnd playing it with someone who wants to, sure to be a good time. And hey, I' m established now!!!!! sweet. Hey, I' m thinking of going out and buying chainfire today. Anybody think this is a good idea? Anybody else buying it?
< Message edited by mxpx182 -- 1/24/2005 10:02:24 AM >
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RE: Anybody here read fantasy?
Jan 24, 2005 13:43
I' m probably going to swing by the local bookstore sometime this week and make a purchase. I don' t really have anything else better to read...
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RE: Anybody here read fantasy?
Jan 24, 2005 20:48
I am thinking about picking it up as well, just have to wait for the paycheck... then it will likely be mine.
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RE: Anybody here read fantasy?
Jan 25, 2005 06:26
wow, looking back at this thread, it looks like Gollum and Brad Pitt must love eachother! Yoshimitsu, if you haven' t read the briar king by Greg Keyes yet, pick that up when you go to the book store this weekend. It' s paper back 7 bucks or something like that, and you will not be dissapointed, you' ll only be slightly frustrated that book 3 and 4 aren' t out yet, and that you' ll have to spring for the hardcover of the Charnel Prince, book 2.
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RE: Anybody here read fantasy?
Jan 25, 2005 22:30
i started reading George R. R. Martin in about july and was done all three books my the end of august....and now everything i open up to read, i just want it to be George R. R. Marting. nothing else seems to quench my thirst.....though i did finish reading some greog keyes books and they were pretty good, but better if i wasn' t to busy thinking about the new Martin book. speaking of the new marting book, i was in chapter' s a bit ago and they told me it should be out in july because they can already pre-order it....but who knows how true that is. i' m keeping my fingers crossed though. i' m really excited to finish reading the dark tower series, i' m gonna pick up wolves of the calla soon, and hopefully rip through all 3 of those in due time. for other fantasy books, i can' t really think of anything else other than the book ender' s game by orson scott card, but that is more sci-fi.......but fucking awesome. as well, the book by matthew good entitled at last there is nothing left to say i found really good. not fantasy per-say, but just sort of twisted and good.
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RE: Anybody here read fantasy?
Jan 26, 2005 06:32
Chapters are a bunch of ass-clowns if they told you it' s coming out this summer cause you can per-order it. Go down there, ask to put money down on book FIVE of the series and I bet you they' ll let you. I' ve resigned myslef that this book is never coming out. It' s just easier that way.
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RE: Anybody here read fantasy?
Jan 26, 2005 12:28
maybe i will.....and get them to put it in writing that i can get it in july and sue when it doesn' t come......or not.... ....but i do have the audiobook of a game of thrones, so i may give that a listen in my spare time to ease myself.
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RE: Anybody here read fantasy?
Jan 31, 2005 06:30
Readint the second book to the tawny man trilogy right now by Hobb. it' s the trilogy directly related to the farseer trilogy. Set 15 years later, but lost none of it' s charm. Definetly another reccomendation.
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RE: Anybody here read fantasy?
Feb 07, 2005 06:42
Hey the.ben, how' s the wolves of the Calla coming? I' m anxious to see what you think of how that one ends.
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RE: Anybody here read fantasy?
Feb 07, 2005 11:37
The Wolves of Calla is a pretty good book. Very Seven Samarai-ish, if that makes any sense.
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RE: Anybody here read fantasy?
Feb 20, 2005 16:56
I picked up Pawn of Prophecy last week and devoured it. A really good read. I' m going through Queen of Sorcery (not sure that is the title) right now and it' s pretty good as well. There are a lot in the series it appears, so it seems that I am going to be busy reading for awhile yet. At least into the summer...which of course is when the new Potter book comes out.
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RE: Anybody here read fantasy?
Feb 20, 2005 22:09
i' m about half done wolves of the calla.....i' m always so interested in what' s going to happen though, that i can' t seem to concentrate on what IS happening. it' s painful for me to read cause i just want things to move on at a faster pace so i can get to the end and know what happens.......but so far it is a very good book.
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RE: Anybody here read fantasy?
Feb 22, 2005 15:33
Yeah, i never really read Fantasy books. but hey i did read that hitchhickrs guide to the galaxy. or was that the one?.........well any way i dont read fantasy. I' m kinda into dirty books myself.
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RE: Anybody here read fantasy?
Jul 15, 2005 10:38
Hey the.ben, how far are you into the whole dark tower series now?? I' m anxious to see what you think of the last one.
Kess DuKe
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RE: Anybody here read fantasy?
Jul 15, 2005 23:27
 I' m writing an RPG about Atlantis. U could help.