White Noise Trailer and clips from the movie

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SaMsTeR 7.0
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White Noise Trailer and clips from the movie - Jan 07, 2005 10:40

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RE: White Noise Trailer and clips from the movie - Jan 12, 2005 06:28
This movie intrigues me, as I knew a guy who was unfortunately skitzo that swore that he could see demons in a TV screen full of snow (the fuzz produced when TV programming is done for the day).

This movie looks kinda cool, to me...

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RE: White Noise Trailer and clips from the movie - Jan 12, 2005 16:10
It' s not that good of a movie. It' s not horrible. Let' s just say that I won' t be rushing to buy it on DVD. It starts out really good, and just begins to slowly get less and less interesting.

As for the whole ghost in the tv thing...I don' t know. I checked out that website...something like www.aaevp.com, and they had a bunch of little sound bites. I' ve done some research over this kind of stuff and basically a lot of people believe that some of these ghosts are demons. That in itself is enough for me to NOT try any of it. I' ll play along with it until I see otherwise.
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RE: White Noise Trailer and clips from the movie - Jan 13, 2005 12:21
thats kinda how i felt....it just didnt appeal to me. don' t really have anything against it...just didnt excite me at all. oh well.

SaMsTeR 7.0
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RE: White Noise Trailer and clips from the movie - Jan 19, 2005 19:02
my friend said he was scared of it LOL!

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RE: White Noise Trailer and clips from the movie - Jan 25, 2005 22:37
i' m a real baby when it comes to scary/creepy movies, so i usually end up hating them based soley on the fact that they creped me out......but this wasn' t bad. nothing fantastic, but not bad.

the one thing i noticed that i liked though, was that a bunch of the scenes where shot through the rain into a window, or under falling water or something like that....thus gisving the appearance of white noise in alot of scenes even if there is now t.v. or radios involved....or else this is me over analayzing.

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RE: White Noise Trailer and clips from the movie - Jan 26, 2005 08:23
I had a roomate the first two quarters of college that believed in this stuff. His family actually lives near the house where the woman' s voice says " get out of my house" . He' s really into that stuff. He started making my roomates and me listen to all those recordings and look at research on it and stuff. It creeped the hell outta me. Then he made us go to a graveyard at f*ckin 2 in the morning. We found half buried caskets and sh*t. Freaky as hell. So just because of him I' m scarred for life and that movie freaked me the hell out.
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