Who has WoW?

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Evil Man
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Who has WoW? - Jan 03, 2005 15:49
What server do you play in?

I' m in stormrage and I am a lonely level 9 noob :(

FOr those that have it and are on PvP servers, how are they? I' m scared to join a PvP server because I dont want people to randomly kill me you know but it' d probably be more fresh as I always play on normal servers.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 1/3/2005 3:52:41 PM >

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RE: Who has WoW? - Jan 03, 2005 16:55
I have it installed on my new computer but I haven' t set up an account yet. I think there' s something wrong with my network card so I' m going to have to replace that first.

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RE: Who has WoW? - Jan 03, 2005 17:37
Man, you don' t know how bad I want to play this game. The main thing that is holding me back is that I' m in college right now and I know that I' ll be thinking about that game all the time. I' m probably going to buy it near the end of this coming semester and play it over the summer. It just looks like a lot of fun.
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Evil Man
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RE: Who has WoW? - Jan 03, 2005 18:02
Well I made a dwarf priest in PVP server called Deathwing, I already fought a couple of people in P vs. P, it' s hilarious.

Here is some pics I took, I dunno how to resize them so theyre big.

Level 5 guy challenged me even though Im only level 3:

I accepted the challenge

Of Course, he kicked my ass, look at my health bar, but oh well.

Having not learned my lessson, I went ahead and tried to fight a level 6 pig, twice my level, this is what happened:

I released my spirit and went to the spirit world

I found my dead pathetic body at last:

I live again! But for some reason your skeleton stays on the floor even if you come back to life.

Pretty good stuff.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 1/3/2005 6:45:05 PM >

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RE: Who has WoW? - Jan 03, 2005 22:03
I played the open beta for a couple days before the release.
It was awesome, I was so dissappointed when the free servers shut down.
I would love to play again but can' t bring myself to pay a monthly fee to play a game I already spent however much on
Too expensive over time

Evil Man
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RE: Who has WoW? - Jan 04, 2005 02:12
What class did you play in beta? I tried out Shaman, and it is way more fun than priest, so I trhink I' m gonna stick to that.

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RE: Who has WoW? - Jan 05, 2005 19:56
I played as a NightElf Druid
It was pretty cool
I never levelled up high enough to get any of the real cool stuff though

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RE: Who has WoW? - Jan 10, 2005 04:52
Level 13 Night Elf Hunter
Name: Heo

Level 13 Pet Owl
Name: Chang

Server: Sargeras

Evil Man
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RE: Who has WoW? - Jan 10, 2005 14:38
Highest is 15 Shaman so far, I' ve been switching classes like every day, I dunno what to stick with :(