Xbox- Doom 3 March 1st? Special Edition?

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Xbox- Doom 3 March 1st? Special Edition? - Jan 03, 2005 07:33

Is this their big jump on things that will inevitably change soon?

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RE: Xbox- Doom 3 March 1st? Special Edition? - Jan 03, 2005 08:04
Another store has it listed as Feburary. Frankly I believe neither one of them.

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RE: Xbox- Doom 3 March 1st? Special Edition? - Jan 03, 2005 08:41
My stance is to wait until it' s released and reviewed to decide whether I really want to concern myself with it further.

I like what the developers offer, but I am concerned that it will be all hype and no delivery...
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RE: Xbox- Doom 3 March 1st? Special Edition? - Jan 03, 2005 14:08
I hope it' s a little later down the road myself. I won' t have the money for a game for awhile now, lol.
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RE: Xbox- Doom 3 March 1st? Special Edition? - Jan 03, 2005 14:53
yeah, way too many games to play at the mo. i think i' ll erupt if another great titles comes our way. [erupt what? i do not know....]
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